37; "i know that you love me"

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I can write a whole book with 10,000 or more words and feel excited and motivated to do it but feel dreadful and complain about having to write a 1200-1500 word essay 💀


Taehyung had avoided Jungkook for the rest of the day and he was planning on doing it today it as well. He figured that if he was able to avoid Jungkook back when they were in school, then he'd have no problem avoiding the younger for the next three days they have left on their trip.

Taehyung decided that he was going to spend his day with Jin to help him cook. He happily skipped towards the kitchen. "Jin hyung, I'm here to help you make some delicious food-" Taehyung stopped and his mouth opened in shock upon what he saw happening in the kitchen.

Jin wasn't expecting for Taehyung to wake up so early and neither did Namjoon, so the two didn't mind having a little make out session in the kitchen as Jin prepared to make breakfast.

"Taehyung," Jin breathed out after he broke away from his kiss with Namjoon. "I didn't know you were awake."

"And I didn't know we were having Namjoon hyung for breakfast." Then Taehyung smirked as he turned to look at a flushed Namjoon. "So are you two dating now? Have you two done it? How does it feel to be a top?"

Namjoon's cheeks flushed even more. "Tae, I-"

"Yeah, we're dating and yes we've done it. It feels great, Taehyung, thanks for asking." Jin spoke for Namjoon.

Taehyung's mouth opened in shock once again. "Wait, Jin hyung is a top?"


"We only have three days left before this trip is over. What do you guys suggest we do?" Hoseok asked as everyone sat around the table eating the delicious breakfast that Taehyung helped Jin make.

"Sleep sounds nice." Yoongi said while holding Jimin's hand underneath the table.

Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand to get the older's attention. "Hyung, even when we're at home, you still sleep a lot."

Yoongi chuckled. He wanted to reach out and kiss Jimin right there at the breakfast table where everyone was sitting, but he didn't. He wanted to wait until him and Jimin were official before they did anything intimate in front of their friends.

"Okay, does anyone else have any other suggestions that do not include sleeping?" Hoseok asked.

"We can go sightseeing or something. The view is pretty here." Yugyeom suggested.
"Oh and we can have a picnic!" Bambam exclaimed.

"I will cook the food!" Jin immediately said.

"Any more suggestions?" Hoseok asked.

"We can have a campfire the day before we leave." Taehyung spoke up after eating all the food off his plate that he helped make. "It doesn't have to be much. We can just roast marshmallows and eat s'mores, talk about random things, play games, and enjoy our last day before we have to go."

"We can also jump in the lake down the hill before the campfire." Jimin suggested. "We'll have fun swimming around and I know I'm not the only who wanted to jump in it the moment we arrived."

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