1. What can you do..?

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Tord's POV:

I stared at the note... I could feel tears in my eyes... They were gone. 'Where are my friends? Who took them? What do they want from them?' I thought, panicking. I was regretting everything I did...

Why did I have to leave the place? Even if it was just for a while, I should've known something bad was going to happen! I knew that happiness couldn't last long! And now, my friends were in danger!

And it was probably my fault... I fell on my knees and started crying. "Gone... Where are they? What happened to them..?" I asked myself. I really had no idea what happened here... I wanted them to come back to me, telling me it was just a prank...

'Wait...' I looked up. 'Maybe... Maybe it's just a prank! Of course! They could just be pranking me!' I thought. I got up and laughed. "Hahahah! Yeah, funny, guys! You got me there! I was actually pretty terrified and scared! Okay, great, you can come out now!" I said.

I stayed silent, hoping for an answer... But nothing... I felt an awful pain in my stomach. "G-guys! Please, this isn't funny!" I shouted. Nobody answered me. And at that moment, I understood... This wasn't a prank... Somebody really took them...

I looked down. I felt my blood boil. "You will pay..." I whispered. "You will pay for what you've done!" I yelled. Whoever took my friends, I knew one thing. 'When I find him, he will be dead just like my father...'

I didn't waste any more time. I grabbed the note I found, the only thing that stayed after they dissapeared, I then ran out of the apartment and left the building. I knew I was going to find the person who took them away from me... But I also knew I couldn't do it alone. And I knew where I was heading...

The Red Army base...

*time skip*

I was already tired from running this long, but I didn't care. I finally reached the base. It wasn't that long from when I was here for the last time. And I thought I would never have to come back here... Unless I wanted to visit Paul and Patryck of course.

I knocked on the door. I knew I could be in danger, but I was sure that they would recognise me. And since Paul and Patryck were leading the army, I believed they wouldn't hurt me. The door slightly opened and I saw...Patryck!

I smiled at him as he opened the door completly. "Tord!" He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. "Came to visit us?" He asked. I sighed and looked down. "I am glad to see you too, but...I actually need some help... It's important..." I said.

His smile faded. "Is...everything okay?" He asked. "I'll explain everything, can I come in?" I asked. He nodded and we both walked inside. Soldiers who noticed us looked suprised. I figured they didn't expect to see me here.

"Where's Paul?" I asked. "In his office, let's go there." He answered. I nodded and both went to the office that was once mine. Ah, so many memories. Patryck knocked on the door. "Come in." We heard from inside.

We opened the door and walked in. Paul looked at us. He gasped when he saw me. "Tord! You're here!" He said and hugged me. I smiled softly and hugged him back. "How are you?" He asked. I looked down. "Something happened...and I need your help to fix it..." I answered.

His smile faded. "What happened?" He asked. I sighed. I started explaining everything that happened. Their expressions soon turned from worried into terrified. I sighed. "I need your help to find them! And to find the person who took them!" I said.

They looked at each other and back at me. "Of course we will help you!" Patryck said. I smiled. "Thank you!" I said and hugged them both. "Heh, you're welcome, Tord. Anyway, did you find anything on that place where your friends...dissapeared?" Paul asked.

I nodded. "Actually, I did. I found a note." I answered. "Really? What does it say? Can we see?" Paul asked me. I nodded and reached in my pocket. I took out the note and handed it to them. They took it and looked at it.

I sighed. I started thinking about them... Edd and Matt... And Tommie... MY Tommie... I really hoped they were alright... I didn't want them to get hurt...

I felt tears fall down down my face. I wiped them away, but they didn't stop. I just couldn't believe I let someone just take them away from me... I took a breath and tried to calm down.

I knew just crying and hoping that they would return one day was not going to do anything... I needed to help them... And I WAS going to help them... Even if it would be the last thing I would ever do...

Tom's POV:

I woke up... At least I thought so... My vision was blurred and everything was kinda...dark... I shivered. It was also pretty cold. I tried to move, but my body felt numb. My 'eyes' were closing. I tried to stay awake.

I knew it wasn't a good idea to go to sleep. I had no idea where I was. I couldn't remember what happened... And where were Edd and Matt? Were they here with me? And...where here? What was this place? And Tord! Where was Tord!?

Even when I tried my best not to close my 'eyes' again, they still closed. I started imagining weird things I never thought I could even think of. It was all mixed up. I saw Edd and Matt. Tord was not there with us though...

We were all sitting on the couch in my apartment, watching tv. They suddenly, the tv turned off. It felt really weird... I stood up form the couch and went into the bathroom. On the mirror was 'Help' written on it... It looked like blood... Whose blood? I didn't know.

I thought it was weird, but let it be. Suddenly, I heard a crash coming from the kitchen. Or was it from the kitchen? Wasn't it my bedroom? Or the living room? And...was it even a crash..? No, that wasn't a crash... That was..a bang? Or...was that a...uhhh...

It was confusing... Nothing made sence. "Tom..." I heard someone whisper my name... Or was it loud? No, whispering, right?.. "Tom.." I heard it again. At that moment, I finally opened my 'eyes', but wanted to close them again. "Tom, it's me! Edd!" I heard.

I looked over to my right. Edd was really there! We were all sitting on the cold hard floor... Where were we? Matt was next to Edd and he was still passed out... "E-Edd..? Where are we?" I asked him. My voice was quiet.

I felt really tired. "I-I don't know... Where is Tord..?" He asked. I wanted to answer, but I realized I passed out again... And I had weird dreams... There were lots of things that were not making sence and everything felt so weird...

'What happened to us..?'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now