43. Happiness doesn't last long

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Tord's POV:

We were finally back home. I finally felt peace inside. It was all over now! She was gone, The Red Army was no more and we all finally got to relax! Though, I still felt like I was missing something, something I knew was a problem, but couldn't really point at it.

I brushed it off and let it be. It was probably nothing or something small and not important. Something that I didn't have any reason to be afraid of. I was kinda tired and so was Tom. Edd and Matt went to sleep already, even though it wasn't really late. It was only eight pm.

I sat on a couch in Tom's apartment and relaxed, smiling softly. Tom sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. My smile grew wider as I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close to me.

He purred like a cat and closed his 'eyes'. I loved to see him happy. He was okay and so were the other two. And if my friends were okay, I was okay too! I gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek and he blushed, opening his 'eyes' again.

"I love you so much, Tom." I whispered to him. He giggled and hugged me tightly. "I love you too, Tord." He answered, yawning right after. I chuckled. "Do you want me to take you to your room?" He just nodded, closing his 'eyes' once again.

I picked him up and he nuzzled his face into my chest. I went into his room and put him on his bed. He groaned, probably upset that I let go of him. I rolled my eyes playfully and crawled in bed with him.

I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back. And again, he nuzzled his head into my chest. I thought it was pretty cute. I just watched him for a few minutes until I heard soft snoring coming from him. I kissed his forehead and decided to go to sleep too.

After a long time, I was falling asleep while being in a great mood. I had nothing to worry about anymore! Well, except for that 'problem', but I didn't even know if that problem was real. So I just let it be and let myself fall into the sweet world of dreams with a sleeping Tom in my arms.

Tom's POV:

I groaned in pain. My head hurt, my throat was sore and I couldn't breathe very well. I opened my 'eyes' to see Tord sleeping peacefully while holding me. It did make me smile a bit at him, but the pain came back.

I sighed, telling myself it was probably nothing serious or anything that I should worry about and tried to fall asleep again. The pain didn't stop so I hugged Tord tighter, enjoying the warmth. The pain still didn't leave and it was getting even more painful.

I gave up and decided to grab myself a glass of water. I stood up, not wanting to let go of Tord. It looked like he didn't either, because he groaned and his expression turned from happy and relaxed to an upset and dissapointed now.

I petted his hair to calm him down a little and tip toed to the kitchen. I didn't want to wake Tord up. I grabbed a glass and poured some cold water in it. I drank it slowly, feeling the cold feeling in my throat. When I finished, I went back.

But just when I thought the pain went away, it came back. And bathroom and looked in the mirror. My now purple 'eyes' widened.

Horns were growing out of my head again. My 'eyes' were glowing. I almost screamed in pain, but covered my mouth to stop myself from doing so. 'Okay, calm down, Tom. This already happened to you and you know just freaking out won't help you.' I thought to myself.

I calmed down a little, but not enough to stop it. I sat on the floor in the corner and held my head in pain as tears started escaping from my 'eyes'. I didn't understand, why was this happening. I was not angry or stressed, quite the opposite actually! I was happy and finally relaxed! And Tord was here with me!

I gasped when tail started forming as well. I had my mouth covered so I muffled the quiet whimpering. I didn't want to wake Tord up... The pain wasn't going away though. I tried to calm down, but I needed someone to comfort me...

I then heard a groan coming from my room. Tord... "Tom?" I heard him call my name. I wanted to answer, but stopped myself because I knew I was just going to make weird noices again. I heard footsteps approaching the bathroom I was in and Tord was still calling my name.

I stood up and panicked a little. I didn't want Tord to see me like this! He's been through a lot already and I didn't want to get him more worried! Even though he knew about this monster problem I had! I looked around and saw a window that was there. The footsteps got louder.

I gulped and opened the window. I didn't know, what was I thinking, I jumped off. As I hit the ground, I got up quickly and started running away. I couldn't believe this was happening. I kept running and running. I thought that I would be turning back to normal now, but no... It actually kept getting worse...

My skin got purple, my hands had sharp claws and I got taller. I hated being like this... I hated running away from Tord... I was regretting it and wanted to go back, but I couldn't... Someone was not letting me... Something was not letting me to come back...

I panicked even more when I felt myself losing control. I ran away from the small city we all lived in, hoping that I could hide before someone could see me. I ran into a forest and stopped running once I knew I was far away.

I layed down on the grass and cried. 'What's gotten into me? Tord's probably worried about me so much right now!' I told myself, it made me cry harder. I covered my face with my hands, almost accidentally scratching myself.

Control of my own body was slowly dissapearing. I didn't really know, what was happening, but I knew I was in danger... And I also knew...that a lot of people could be in danger because of me too...

I closed my 'eyes', still crying a sobbing as I just let it all happen. 'Why can't everything go well in life..? Happiness never lasts long enough... This isn't fair... I just want to live a normal life with my friends and my boyfriend... Is it so much to ask!?'

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