26. The lantern's light

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Tord's POV:

"So Tord, are you going to train now?" Patryck asked. I tilted my head in confusion. "Isn't it bit too early?" I asked. "No, it's fine. I think it's better if we train more since the war is going to be here soon." He answered. 'War... I never really liked that word..' I thought, but didn't say anything.

I sighed. "Well, okay then. Is Paul going to be there too?" I asked. He just nodded and motioned me to follow him. I stood up and looked at Ringo. I smiled and winked. Ringo just meowed in responce and jumped on the bed.

I rolled my eyes and left the room, closing the door behind me. "So, I know you're pretty good at this kind of thing, but you still don't look that good. You still look a bit tired and sick. So we're going to start easy and boost your focus." He said.

I knew that I could be pretty good at focusing if I just tried, but I understood. I still wasn't feeling very good, I could admit that, so I understood. I needed to wake up a little before really going to start doing anything with guns or any kind of weapons so nobody would get hurt by accident.

"There you are, guys!" I heard Paul. I saw him waving at us as he came closer. "Hey, Paul. What's up?" I asked. "Nothing much. Are you feeling better?" He asked. I was about to answer, but Patryck was faster. "Yeah, kinda."

Paul tilted is head and raised his bushy eyebrow. "What do you mean? Kinda?" "Well, he WAS talking to a cat after all." Patryck explained. I slowly turned my head and looked at him. "You are to never speak of this again." I said.

They both started laughing as I just stood there, staring into space and completly dead inside. "What's the matter Tord? CAT got your tongue?" Paul asked. I looked down, my face red from embarrassment.

"S-shut up!" I said, raising my voice. They both calmed down a little. "Okay, okay." I took a breath and rolled my eyes. "Sometimes I don't really understand you, guys..."

Tom's POV:

"Hey, Tom! Tom!" I heard a voice. I carefully opened my 'eyes' and looked around. I was...outside... At least I thought I was. I kinda forgot how did it even look like. The sky was light blue with some fluffy clouds passing by.

I sat up to realize I was laying on the grass. I looked around. It was beautiful. 'But how did I get here?' I asked myself. I heard birds singing and I also heard...a violin? It sounded nice, but I couldn't see anybody who was playing it.

"Tom! You're finally awake, sleepyhead!" I heard that voice again. I raised an eyebrow and looked around once more. "Uhh, hello?" I asked and stood up. "Right here, Tommie!" My 'eyes' widened.

That voice... That accent... And that nickname he gave me... I turned around to meet exactly who I thought. Tord. He was smiling at me. He had no scars and was wearing no eyepatch. I also couldn't see any robotic arm.

"T-Tord! What are you doing here? What happened to you? And where are we!?" I asked him. "Woah, calm down there. It's all okay now!" He said and came closer to me. I immediately backed away and reached into my pocket to find my gun, but found nothing. And then I realized I wasn't even in the army uniform.

He chuckled. "Is something wrong, Tommie?" He asked innocently. I glared at him. "What did you do!?" I yelled, hoping to maybe scare him a little or make him back away and get out of here. But no, he just kept smiling.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "You know what the hell I'm talking about! What did you do to the army, to my leader and where are Edd and Matt!?" I kept shouting at him. I didn't regret shouting. But deep inside, I knew I didn't want to do any of this.

"Tommie, are you alright? Did you fall off a tree or something? Did you fall on your head!?" He asked, now actually looking concerned. "Huh!? What the actual-" I groaned and looked away. "Stop playing this game, Tord. I know you're lying to me. Now explain!" I yelled.

He came closer to me. "Shh... Please, calm down... It's going to be okay, Tommie. I'm here now..." He said. His voice was soothing, but I couldn't let him manipulate with me like this! "TORD!" I yelled.

He froze and looked at me with tears appearing in his eyes. "T-Tom... Why would you s-shout at me..?" He asked, shaking. "Shut up! Stop this! Make this easier for us and explain where and why are we here!"

He didn't answer and just stared at me. I groaned in annoyance and looked away when I heard some sobbing and then quiet crying. I looked back at Tord to see him crying. He fell down and cried harder. "T-Tom, why are you so mean..? What did I ever do to you..?" He asked.

I just stared at him, not saying a thing. "H-hey, I..." He kept wiping away his tears, but they kept coming back so it wasn't really doing anything. I looked around to see nobody else except us and then back at Tord.

I hesitated at first, but eventually came closer to him. I kneeled down beside him. He looked up at me, sniffing and sobbing quietly. I sighed and hugged him carefully. What suprised me what was he hugged back. And wow, it was a strong hug.

He cried into my chest as I rubbed his back. "Still, Tord. Explain." I said, trying to remind myself that I just wanted answers. Nothing else. "What's wrong with you, Tom..? Explain what?" He asked. "Explain why are we here and why am I not in the army base!" I said.

"...Tom..?" "Yes?" "What are you talking about..?" He didn't understand what I was talking about. Or was he just playing it? Probably. Even though I did feel a little bit bad for him, that didn't mean that I could trust him.

"Stop. Lying. To. Me." I answered in a cold voice. He didn't move for a while until he pushed me away from him. "You know what? Fine! If you don't understand that I have no idea what's going on, you're just stupid! I don't know what happened to you to make you like this, but I don't like it at all! So I'm asking again. What happened to you!?" He shouted.

I stayed silent. Was that all just a dream or what? No, no it wasn't. Please, no... I closed my 'eyes'. "I don't know, Tord. I don't know.." I answered. I waited for him to answer, but all that happened is that everything went deadly silent. I opened my 'eyes' again.

Tord was not there anymore... The sky was grey and empty. I couldn't hear any birds singing or the violin. I stood up from the white grass. Why was it white? And what happened? The trees were no longer beautiful and green. They were just dead... And no flowers.

"Hello? Tord?" I called. I heard nothing, but it got darker. I then heard two pairs of footsteps behind me. I carefully turned around to see...

Tord... And The Blue Leader. Everything else dissapeared and we were just alone in the darkness. Tord had scars again, his robotic arm was back too... He was also holding a lantern so I could see both of them.

"You need to choose, Tom..." He said. "H-huh?" "Between the two of us. It's your choice, who to believe." The Blue Leader answered. I gulped. Tord looked away, as if he was already losing hopes.

"I..." I didn't know what to answer. "Choose me, soldier. You know that I am just trying to protect you and your other friends from this monster that tried to kill you." She said. Tord didn't say anything.

"Well... Sorry, Tord, but...I believe her..." I said. She smirked while Tord just nodded. "I-I understand..." He said. I felt kind bad for him.

She dissapeared and I was dissapearing too. Tord wasn't though. He was just standing in the void, looking down. The lantern's light was slowly dying. I then suddenly saw roots growing out of nowhere. They were wrapping themselves around him as Tord just let go of the lantern.

"T-Tord!" I called for him. He didn't answer though. That was when the lantern's light died and everything was gone...

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now