40. Get ready

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Tord's POV:

I stood up and so did he. We both decided to go to Edd's apartment. We left Tom's apartment, closing the door behind us and went to Edd's. I knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately. But I didn't expect who I saw.

Patryck! He smiled and hugged me. "Tord!" "Uhh, Patryck? What are you doing here? And is Paul here too?" My question was answered soon enough when Edd appeared behind him and invited us in. Paul was there, sitting on a couch in the living room and talking to Matt.

"Oh, there you are, Tord!" Paul said when he saw me. I smiled. "Hello, Paul." Tom looked at Edd and saw him rubbing his arm in pain. "Are you alright?" He asked. Edd sighed. "The robotic device still hurts me... Doesn't it hurt you too?" Tom tilted his head and rolled up his sleeve.

Bandages were wrapped around his arm. "It does hurt a little, but it's not bad." "Why is it covered in bandages?" I then remembered that I had the device with me and that Edd and Matt still...didn't really remember me...

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the robotic part. "You mean this device? I got it off." I said. Edd and Matt stared at me with wide eyes. "W-what?" Matt was confused. I nodded. "Hey Tord..? How did we even get these devices on our arms?" Tom asked me, clearly concerned about the other two.

"Can't you remember, Tom? The Blue Leader took us into some kind of room and when we woke up, we all had these...things." Edd said. I sighed. "Tom remembered, guys. You didn't." I said. "Huh? Remembered?"

Tom hugged me, looking at Edd and Matt. "What's...wrong with them, Tord? It's like they lost their mind.." He asked me. I petted his hair. "It's not their fault. It's these little things on their arms that are doing something that makes them act like this." I answered.

"Can we look at the device..?" Paul asked. "Sure, I wanted to show them to you anyway." And with that, I gave it to them. "What's wrong with us? What's wrong with you! You're acting weird, Tom!" Matt snapped. I hugged Tom tightly.

"Stop it, Matt." Edd said. Matt apologized and looked down in shame. "It's okay... But I still don't understand anything." Tom said. "Me neither, Tom." Edd agreed while Matt nodded in agreement.

"You will understand soon enough. I promise." I said, smiling softly. Tom hugged me tighter, still looking at the two. "Anyway, Paul, Patryck, why are you here?" I asked. "Oh, right! We wanted to say that we need to do something... The Blue Leader is already planning on attacking. Her soldiers told her that you all escaped."

I clutched my fists together. "Urg... Well, I need to deal with her as soon as posible. But we need to keep the three safe!" I said. "We can help you!" Matt said. I shook my head. "No, guys. It's too dangerous and I don't want anything bad to happen to you... You guys are my everything!" I said.

"But if you die, what will WE do!?" Tom asked, close to crying. I hugged him even tighter and didn't say anything. "I can't lose you, Tord... I-I just can't!" Tom was now crying while burrying his head into my chest and holding onto me as if he let go, I would dissapear or something.

"I will be okay, Tom. I swear on the hentai about I forgot when I had amnesia." I joked. He chuckled. "You're a dummy." He said, smiling sadly. Edd and Matt didn't understand what I meant by saying that, but they still looked happy that we got along.

"Well, when should we go? We need to end this as soon as possible." Patryck said. I said. "Maybe we should go right now..." I said. Tom squeezed me tightly and cried. "What!? N-no! Don't go, don't leave us!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, Tom.. I have to. It's for your safety, guys." "NO!!!" He shouted and cried even harder. he didn't even take breaths between his sobs and hiccups so he started coughing and catching his breath.

"Come with us then." Paul said. "What!? No, it' dangerous!" I said. "But it's dangerous to keep them here as well. Who knows what will happen next time." Patryck said. I didn't say anything, I didn't have anything to say.

"Let's just take them to The Red Army base, okay? One of us will look after them while the other one and you will take care of...her." Paul said, smiling. I was about to complain, but I figured this was the best thing we could do for them for now. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine... Come on." I said. "Yes!" Tom shouted in happiness. Edd and Matt giggled and we all left the apartment. Patryck was still looking at the robotic thing, he looked deeply lost in his thoughts.

Tom held my hand and Edd and Matt were holding hands as well. Tom was walking really close to me, he didn't want to leave me be. Of course, I didn't mind. I was glad to see him happy. Really happy.

I kissed his forehead which made him blush and chuckle. It felt like a few minutes when we finally reached the army base. We went inside and memories immediately started flowing in my head.

I felt like I wanted to cry when I looked at Tom. He looked...so happy. He was smiling sweetly at me and chuckling. He was so cute... And it made me happy to see HIM happy... But at the same time, it hurt me...

Again, nobody knew what was going to happen in the next few hours... I could get killed by her... And then she was going to hurt Paul and Patryck... My best friends... My...my lover... I took a deep breath... I hoped I wasn't going to die... I wanted to stay here... For Tom...

Tom's POV:

I held onto Tord, not wanting to let go of him. I wanted to stay with him... Even though I had apsolutely no idea what was going on and who this 'Blue Leader' was...I didn't want Tord to get hurt.

"Tord, take the uniform that's in your room. Get changed and we're good to go." Paul said. I shook my head. "Please, don't go!" I said. He sighed and hugged me. "I'm sorry, Tom..." He said. "I don't want an apology, I want you to stay!" I said.

He didn't say anything. "W-what if you die, T-Tord..?" I asked. "I won't die, Tom.. I hope so." He mumbled the last part. I sighed. "Please, don't leave..." "I just want to protect you, Tom... I will come back, I swear."

"...What if you won't?" "...I will... I hope I will..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now