25. Meow your sorrows away

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The picture's old, but whatever. So here!

Tom's POV:

It had been around two months ever since we let Tord and the other two go. I was trying not to think about him and whenever I heard his name, I felt my blood boil. I was already used to be in this army. I was training every day and so were Edd and Matt.

We didn't have much free time to sleep, but we all quickly got used to it. It took a little longer to Edd and Matt, but they got over it as well. Other than that, they didn't change a bit. Edd was still the cheerful cinnamon roll he always was and Matt was still the ginger narcissist. He wasn't only looking at himself in the mirror, but also tried more time with us. I was glad for both of them.

But me on the other hand, I did change. I tried to avoid talking to people. Even Edd and Matt.. I knew they were worried about me, but I just couldn't help but feel sad for what happened before...

I couldn't stop thinking about Tord, no matter how hard I tried. I tried to forget him. I tried to get him out of my head. But no, I just couldn't stop thinking about his sweet smile. About his beautiful and soothing voice when he tried to calm me down when we were in the cell locked together.

But I had to. I also knew he will come come back here... And try to save us...and then just use us... "Tom, you okay..?" I heard Edd's concerned voice. I looked up at him and sighed. "I'm fine, Edd." I answered.

"Do you need something? We'll always be here if you need us." Matt asked. "No, thank you." I said. "You always say that, Tom!" Edd said. I shook my head. I knew that was true, but I wanted them to leave me alone. Of course I cared about them, but I just wanted to be left alone for a while.

"Is it about Tord?" Edd asked carefully. I glared at him. "No way!" I yelled. "I thought Tord is on our side and is trying to help us, Tom. Why are you so mean?" Matt asked. "He's just a traitor! He never loved me and he never will! He just used us, guys! And I am trying to deal with that fact so leave me be!" I yelled.

They both stared at me in shock with scared expressions on their faces. I sighed softly. "Sorry... I got a little carried away." I apologized and rubbed my arm. "It's okay, Tom... But what do you mean..?" Edd asked.

"I've told you a milion times before, Edd... Tord doesn't care about us... He doesn't think we're his friends... A-and he doesn't love me..." My voice cracked. I blushed and looked away, wiping my tears that were now falling down my face.

'Hah. I should deal with it. I had enough time to take that fact in and it still hurts...' I thought. Edd came closer to me and hugged me. I carefully hugged back. "E-Edd... Why does it hurt so much..?" I asked as I started sobbing.

He patted my back. "Maybe... Tom, do you love him..?" He asked. I froze and my 'eyes' widened. My face went red as I pulled Edd away from me. "N-no! Of course not! Why would you thing t-that?" I said, my voice cracking again. 'I screwed up..'

Matt crossed his arms. "Do you have a better explanation? We know you miss him, Tom. And we know you love him. It hurts you and we can see that." He said. I opened my mouth to say something, but realized I didn't really have anything to say. I couldn't say that he was lying, because he wasn't... I did miss him... I did want him to be here...

I looked down. "Yeah... Maybe I do, but what I wish for will never come true..."

Tord's POV:

I woke up. I haven't heard my alarm clock so I assumed that I woke up earlier than I should have. Tears fell down my face and I begun to sob. I felt so much pain. I wanted to be with Tom... I knew the attack was going to be soon so I will get them back, but still... There were so many ways to screw the plan up...

I sat up on my bed and hid my face. I cried quietly when I suddenly the door creak and open slowly. I looked up and uncovered my face. I expected to see Paul and Patryck, but it was someone I didn't expect...

"R-Ringo!" I smiled softly at that cat as it meowed. Ringo ran up to me and jumped on the bed right next to me. "I completly forgot that you're here too! Where were you?" I asked. Of course, I didn't get an answer, only a happy meow.

Ringo sat on my lap and purred. I started petting it's soft grey fur, feeling better. I still wondered where was Ringo... I haven't seen it ever since I came here. I sobbed and continued petting it. Ringo looked at me.

Tears fell down my face as I remembered Edd... If only Edd knew Ringo was still alive... 'Well, I will take Ringo with us when we get them all back.' I thought to myself. Ringo meowed quietly and tilted his head as if he was asking what was wrong.

"Oh, Ringo... How much I miss them... Edd, Matt and Tom... I hope they're okay..." I said and hugged Ringo close to me. It licked my nose and purred. I chuckled. "It's going to be okay." I heard an unfamiliar voice.

I looked around in confusion. "They're fine, Tord. And I'm here with you." The voice said. I looked down at Ringo who just meowed. "Uhh... What?" I asked in confusion. "Let me help you, Tord!" Ringo said. My eyes widened as I froze completly.

"Am I hallucinating..?" I asked. "Probably. I mean, you are talking to a cat right now." Ringo said. I stared at it in disbelief. "Here, I'll help you!" I shook my head to snap out of it when I heard more purring coming from Ringo.

It nuzzled into my chest and meowed again. I continued petting Ringo as it was talking to me. "Here's what I do when I'm sad. Like when I miss Edd too much. I just say 'Meow your sorrows away, meow for a happy day!' And then I start meowing to make myself feel better!" Ringo said. 'This is so weird...' I thought and got off my bed. I sat down on the floor instead.

"Try it!" Ringo said. I shook my head. "No, thank you." "Come on! It will make you feel better!" I sighed and layed down. Ringo sat in front of me. "Come on, say it!" I rolled my eyes. "Fine..." I mumbled and took a breath. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.'

"N-nya..?" I tried. Ringo meowed and I just blushed. I seriously felt like a cat right now. "Uhh, Tord? What are you doing..?" I heard Patryck's confused voice. I looked at him and blushed even more in embarrassment.

"You. Saw. Nothing."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now