8. You...don't remember me..?

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Tord's POV:

It was..kinda strange... No soldiers? It was all just empty and quiet... I've been here before, but when was I here for that last time, soldiers were all around this place... Did they know I was planning to come here? I pulled my hood up.

Something was off. I could tell.. And I didn't like it. But I was prepared if someone just attacked me out of nowhere. And one of the things I brought with myself was a gun and a knife. I quietly walked around. There was a problem..

I literally had no idea where should I search for them... What if they were already dead!? 'Well, I won't find out if I will just think that they might be already dead.' I thought to myself. I peeked around the corner.

I saw a light coming from one of the rooms. At first, I thought it was the leader's office, but I realized it would have some kind of label with the leader's name or something. I then heard talking... One of the voice was familiar and as soon as I heard it, I felt my blood boil... The Blue Leader...

"Sir, do you really think it will work?" I heard the unfamiliar voice. It was probably one of the soldiers. It was still really strange that I didn't see anyone else around here... "Heh, of course. Tord would do anything to find and save his friends!" She said.

I listened to their conversation. "But...isn't it still a bit risky to let all the guards go...? What if someone else attacks us?" The person asked. 'Wow, she did that all just because of me? She really is stupid, isn't she?" I thought.

"Are you telling me what to do, soldier?" She asked the soldier in a harsh tone. "N-no, of course not, sir! I-I'm just trying to give you some advise and-" She cut him off. "Are you telling me that I can't take of my army!?" She yelled.

'It sure doesn't look like you can.' I thought. "No, no, no! O-of course, you can, sir! I am so sorry!" I could hear her groan in anoyance. "Don't ever dare to say that again, I know what to do. You're free to go for now." She said. "T-thank you, sir!"

I seriously felt like shooting her and stabbing the knife in her chest. But I had to keep that thing to myself if I really didn't want to be seen. I saw the soldier leave. She chuckled. "I'll go check the security cameras. Maybe Tord will actually come tonight!" She said. I glared at her. Oh, how much I wanted to shoot her... Not that I couldn't, but I was just here to save my friends. 'Wait...security cameras?' I thought.

I actually noticed one of them... How could I be so stupid!? I completly forgot! Maybe dad was right! I've grown weak...

She walked away, but it was not into the room where was the light turned on... Everything was kinda dark except for the light. I knew I didn't have much time before she would spot me on the cameras. Maybe I could try hiding in that room for a while! If that was even a safe thing to do...

I sighed quietly and took out my gun just in case. I couldn't just go there and not being prepared to attack. I looked around to see if nobody was really there and got close to the room as quietly as I could.

Locked. Oh wow. But I was prepared for this too. I took out a lockpick I was carrying with me.  I took a breath. 'Let's do this, I guess...'

Tom's POV:

"Guys, I want to go home..." Edd said, crying quietly. "Me too, Edd." I said, upset. I was scared. I didn't want to die... But why the army..? I didn't want to be trapped here forever! But I also didn't want to  die! But was it even worth it? Or-urg!

My head hurt. Edd was about to say something when suddenly...we heard a really odd noice... "Guys, do you hear that?" Matt asked. Edd and I nodded and listened. I didn't even know how to describe the sound...

Then suddenly...we heard a click. The door unlocked... I sighed, thinking it was probably the woman. But I was wrong... Someone opened the door and immediately closed it behind him. The person had a red hoodie and his hood was covering his hair. He was breathing heavily.

"U-umm, hello..?" I said, kinda scared and confused about what was going on. The person looked at me and my 'eyes' widened... Half of his face... It looked like it was...burned or something! It was covered with scars!

He wore an eyepatch that was covering his right eye. His left eye was grey. We stared at eachother for a while. I was unsure of what to do... I had no idea who this person was and if I should be screaming for help or just start a normal conversation...

I didn't really know this person and didn't want to say that he was bad when I had no idea who he was. So I just decided to try and carefully get to...know him? He smiled at me. "Tom! Edd, Matt! I found you! Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be! I missed you all, guys and I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner!" He said and hugged me tightly.

It was...too tight to be honest. I was confused as hell. I didn't dare to move. "Who are you? And....how do you know our names?" I asked carefully. The person completly froze and he pulled away from the hug.

I could see tears in his eye. "You...you don't remember me..?" He asked, sounding really hurt. I felt bad for him. I stood up. "No, I'm sorry." I said. Tears fell down his face. "What....what did she do to you..?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Huh..?" I was eve more confused. Who was this person? And was he dangerous? He pulled his hood down, revealing his caramel hair. He had two devil shaped...hair horns..? Wow, that sounded weird, but I didn't know how else should I describe this.

"Still nothing...? It's me... Tord!" He said, sounding like he was begging us to remember. But even though I tried hard, I didn't recognise him. Edd and Matt stood up too and went up to us. "Sorry, sir... Or, Tord? Was it Tord?" Matt asked.

This Tord person slowly nodded in responce. Tears kept falling down his scarred face. "What happened to you..? I mean like...your face..." I asked...Tord. He stayed silent. He only looked down at his feet, sobbing quietly. "What did she do to you that you don't remember me..?" He whispered.

I looked at Edd and Matt. They were as confused as I was. I grabbed his right hand when I felt something... I looked at his arm and my 'eyes' widened. A robotic arm!?

He cried harder. "T-Tord..? What happened to you to make you look like this, sir?" I asked carefully. He looked up at me, his whole face red as tears fell down his cheeks. He pulled us all into another hug and kept crying.

He didn't say anything else... He just cried, hugging us and pulling us close to him. Even though I didn't remember him at all, I felt bad for the red hoodie male. We all hugged him back as he cried and cried. 'How does this person know us? And why is he here?'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now