4. Everything's gonna be okay

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Tord's POV:

It was around one am and I could not fall asleep, no matter how much I tried. How could I even sleep? My friends were in danger, kidnapped by some person from other army... So why was I just lying here?

I sighed and sat up, knowing I will not fall asleep. I got up from the bed and went to get a drink or something. But not just some water. I needed some alcohol... I wanted to forget about the pain and guilt I was feeling for some reason.

But I then remembered my parents were never drinking. Paul was only smoking. Though he tried to stop. But they didn't drink. I sighed and went back to bed. I closed my eyes, wanting to go back to sleep and hoped for some nice and calm dreams to come. But when they came...they weren't calm at all...

I was in my room... But it was not in the army base. It was my old room... My old room...in my friends' house... It was three am when suddenly, I heard screaming... That...kinda freaked me out... Who could be screaming in the middle of the night?

I got up, slightly concerned and curious at what was happening. I peeked through my door... The door to the living room...was opened... And blood was stained on the carpet... My eyes widened. 'Blood..?' I thought.

I quietly left my room and tip toed closer to the opened door. I heard some noices in there... I peeked in and saw...something... But I couldn't really see, what... It looked like a person, but something was telling me it was not a normal human being...

I also saw...bodies... Dead bodies... And I could tell, whose... Edd... Matt... Tom..... I covered my mouth in shock and panic when the weird person grabbed Edd by his arm and started dragging him out of the living room, and that was towards me.

I quickly got back into my room and closed the door as quietly and as quickly as I could... It was dark and I couldn't see much. I crawled in my bed, cuddled into my blankets and stayed silent like a total coward...

My friends were gone and some creepy person was in our house... I closed my eyes when I heard the door creak open... I didn't even move, I was scared to breathe... I carefully opened one of my eyes though. The thing dragged Edd's body into my room and sat him on a chair that was there.

He made him face towards me and make him look at me. His eyes were wide open and his jaw was dropped. That terrified me. 'Edd... I'm sorry for being a coward...' I thought, close to crying.

The thing then dragged Matt's body into my room and made him lean on the chair Edd was sitting on. Just like with Edd, he forced him to face towards me... I was now really quietly crying.

'I am so sorry, Matt... I'm sorry I couldn't help you...' And then...the thing dragged Tom's body into the room... It was worse with him... He made him sit on the edge of my bed and just like with the other two, he made him look at me.

'T-Tom..... I am so sorry I wasn't there! I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you!' I kept crying while thinking about that and looking at Tom's dead body. I could see the creepy thing again... It had bloody hands.

It started rubbing it's bloody hands upon the walls, drawing a circle and a pentagram in it... To make things even worse than before, he wrote something into the pentagram... I couldn't see what though since my eyes weren't adjusted to the dark.

That something then crawled under my bed, waiting... I couldn't move... I knew that if I did something that would make the creature aware I was awake, I would be dead in tracks... So I kept staring at my dead friends as they were staring back at me.

It was like that for ten minutes... Then half an hour... Then two hours... And three hours... What was the terrible thing on this, my eyes adjusted to the dark... So I could see what was written on the wall... But I was too scared to look at it... After a while, I took the courage...and looked at it.....

'I know you're awake...'

Tom's POV:

It felt like forever ever and we were still trying to find a way out. I was so tired... But I wanted to see Tord! I kept searching, my 'eyes' burning. Hot tears were falling down my face. My head hurt. We were still closed in the cell...and it was cold...

I shivered. "Guys, do you know what time is it?" I asked. "No, but it feels like we've been here for whole eternity!" Matt said. Edd nodded and yawned. "Maybe we should go to sleep... We'll try to find a way out later..." Edd said.

"But I'm hungry!" Matt said. Edd sighed and hugged him. "Matt, I'm sorry... But now, there's no frying pan or something that I could make breakfeast on... So no bacon or eggs. Or pancakes... Nothing... Not even my delicious coke!" He said.

Matt sighed and kissed his cheek. "But...when we'll find a way out of here and save Tord, we will return home and everything will be alright! It can't be that hard to get out, right?" He said, smiling softly. I smiled too.

I was glad to see Matt was still trying to think positively. I chuckled when Edd purred like a kitten and Matt blushed. That reminded me of Tord... When I started thinking about him, my smile quickly turned into a frown and I looked down, close to crying again.

But this time, I also felt...angry... Seriously, a random woman that I had never seen before just kidnapped us, telling us to join some kind of stupid army!? What was this?

"Tom, is everything alright?" Edd asked. "I just want to know who that woman is. Why did she kidnap us? Why did she lie about keeping Tord in that room? Why did she choose us to join her army?" I asked.

"Like I said before, we're gonna get out of here, find Tord and go back home! And Edd will make us some popcorn and we will start watching 'The Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates 1' just like old times!" Matt said, smiling excitedly like a kid.

Wow. I was really suprised. Ever since the incident and ever since Tord came back, he started remembering things! He didn't only care about how he looked, but cared about us too! I was kinda proud of that ginger!

I smiled. 'Maybe he is right! We will get out of here along with Tord, go home and watch the tv together! Then maybe go on some more adventures and have a great and happy life! What can possibly go wrong, right? Everything's gonna be alright! Everything's...gonna be okay..'

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