12. Death is better

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(The first time I animated something on FlipaClip and it was made on my phone. It's bad, I know... Sorry... I'll try my best to get better, I promise...)

Tord's POV:

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was in The Red Army uniform... So many memories. My stomach hurt when I thought about the day 'it' happened. I shook my head. 'Not now, Tord. You have better things to do.' I thought, trying to prevent myself from crying.

"Red Leader, is everything alright?" Paul asked. I froze. "H-how did you just call me?" I asked. "Oh! Sorry, Tord." He said. I sighed and smiled at him. "It's okay, I forgive you, just...try not to call me like that again." I said. "I'll try. Anyway, are you alright? You have tears in your eyes." He asked.

I kept smiling. "I'm fine!" I said. Liar... I heard a voice in my head. 'I know...' "Are you sure? You can tell me-" I cut him off. "No, it's okay. Where's Patryck?" I asked. "Training. Want to join? We need to be ready when we attack." He said. I sighed and nodded slowly.

I followed him on the training field. I saw some of the soldiers giving me suprised looks. I tried my best to ignore them though. Paul handed me a gun. I stared at it for a while. "Tord, you coming or what?" I heard Paul. "Coming."

Tom's POV:

I panicked and stood up. The pain was even more unbearable then before. I pulled my hair when I felt something sharp... Horns? I thought Tord was suppose to be the once with horns here! I realized that they weren't some kind of hair horns... They were normal horns, not hair...

I started panicking even more when they got bigger. I started running around the room and kept trying to break the walls. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" I screamed my lungs out. Everything hurt.

I ran to the door and tried to break them down too...but it didn't work... I tried to normally open it, but it was locked. I noticed my hands... They were...purple!? And I had sharp claws. I screamed in pain and fell down.

I quickly got up again and kept running around for some reason. Oh, how much I wanted it to stop... My tail got bigger and so did my horns. I shut my 'eyes' and screamed as loud as I could. It sounded more like...a roar.

'What is happening to me?' I asked myself. I opened my 'eyes' when I started to feel really weird. I looked down. Was I...taller? I looked at the door. They did seem smaller than they used to be... I panicked even more.

I tried to say something, to beg for help and to scream my friends' names, hoping they would hear me, save me and stop this pain... No words came out... I couldn't talk anymore! I just growled in pain, giving up on trying to escape my fate.

Maybe this was suppose to happen... And even if I tried my best, it would still happen... Maybe I couldn't even prevent this... Maybe if we said no to her... Well, we still actually didn't answer her question...

I gave up complelty as the pain got even worse...if that was even possible. I fell down again and cried. My 'eyes' burned so I shut them. The pain didn't stop. I hid my face in my purple arms and counted every single second of this pain...

When I got to count two minutes, the pain was leaving. I really hoped it was over. But I was so wrong. The pain was maybe leaving, but I stood up... I didn't want to stand up... Was I losing control of my body!?

I opened my 'eyes', suprised at what I saw. I was even taller! My hair was already touching the ceiling! My hoodie was all ripped up and so were my pants. I kept crying in fear. Suddenly, it felt like someone stabbed me in my 'eyes'. I roared in pain.

I fell down once again. 'Seriously, this is the third time!' I felt like someone...no, someTHING was trying to take my body.. I knew I said I was giving up, but I felt like I needed to win this fight. For some reason, I dugged my sharp claws in my neck... It caused even more pain, but I knew I didn't want to do this to myself... It was something else that was hurting me.

I tried to stand up, but my vision blurred. It wasn't tears though. I didn't know what happened, but I didn't like it at all. I was getting angry. Angry at myself... 'Why can't I stop it!? I need to try harder! Harder! HARDER!' I thought.

I stood up when I saw some kind of...black hands grab me and try to pull me back down. I roared at them as a warning, but they tried harder. 'Am I seeing things?' I knew this wasn't normal.

I knew it was all because of that woman... She kidnapped us. She hurt us. She took us away from our home. She did who knows what to Tord and now this! That woman was nothing but trouble!

I was mad. At that point, I knew I would rather DIE then come with her! And I didn't care that she would really kill me! I made up my mind. And I was not joining that army of hers and try to help her rule the world!

The arms didn't stop trying. I've had enough. I tried as hard as I could and when that didn't help, I remembered my sharp claws. I dug them into one of the arms. They let go of me. I grinned and did the same with another one. I just swung my tail and hit it.

They all let go of me and dissapeared. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all! Maybe I could hurt the woman and make her let us go! I smiled at that thought. My vision blurred and my smile faded. I started feeling really weird and dizzy.

I tried not to fall down again. I just sat down and tried to calm down. Suddenly, the door opened and the woman was standing there. "I see the experiment was a success!" I heard her say as she grinned. 'Now's my chance!' I thought.

I ran up to her, still feeling the dizzyness, but I didn't care. I tried to hit her, but she moved out of the way. She took something out of her pocket. I wasn't really scared since I thought it was probably the gun she had before, but she took out some kind of button instead.

I was a bit confused, but I didn't care. Whatever it was, I couldn't get scared again. No. I tried to attack her once again, but she moved out of the way and pushed the button. An extreme pain went through my body.

I couldn't move anymore. She walked closer to me. "There, there. Good boy." She said, smiling at me. I tried to attack, but my body didn't do as I told it to. She petted me. I felt really uncomfortable. I let out a soft growl.

She chuckled. "Don't worry. It's going to be over soon..." She said and pulled out another syringe. She stabbed it in me as I felt tears in my 'eyes'. Everything went blury again and before I could somehow react to this, I passed out, still feeling pain...

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now