30. The 'rescue'

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Tord's POV:

I couldn't believe what was happening... We were in front of The Blue Army base. I was sweating and shaking from feeling so nervous and anxious. I had no idea what was going to happen in the next few hours... And I was scared...

Paul and Patryck were trying to calm me down by reasurring me that everything will work out in the end. I didn't believe them... But I tried to calm down and focus on what we were doing. If I stopped focusing, it could lead to horrible things... Like death...

I didn't want anyone to die, really. But she and her army was putting everyone in danger. Milions of innocent people... This whole world could lead to destruction... I never wanted to do this the hard way, but she was giving me no other choice.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Paul asked. I could hear soliders saying that they were ready. I could tell some of them were really nervous, some scared, some were kinda dissapointed that this had to happen and some were determined to win this. I was a mixture of all of these emotions.

"Okay then, let's go." Everything after that was blurry... And quick... It all happened so fast I wasn't really able to understand what was happening. But I still tried to focus, even though it was hard. I tried to get the three of my mind, but they stayed there. I was there to save them, of course, but that was making it harder to concertrate.

I saw blood everywhere, hearing gunshots, screaming and even crying for help. It hurt me. I kept shooting, still trying to focus. Focus...focus...focus... I couldn't help it. I wanted to stop, to take it all back and to be here by myself, but this needed to be done...

I didn't even realize I was crying. Tears kept escaping my eyes making it harder for me to see, but I kept blinking to stop them. I was determined to help the three and people that were scared... People that couldn't do anything... And little kids...

I wondered where Tom and the other two could be. I was scared that someone accidentally shot them and they needed help or something... I couldn't let myself lose... I had to save them... Save them all...

Tom's POV:

"M-Matt, watch out!" I heard Edd yell. Matt moved out of the way just in time to dodge a bullet. Wow. He was really lucky. I was glad we were okay... At least for now. There was only one thing on my mind. 'Where is Tord?'

I didn't see him here. Nowhere. We kept searching for him, not even attacking and they weren't attacking us as well... They whether ignored us or look at us and immediately looking away, not attacking. Maybe Tord was right...

"Paul, what happened to Patryck!?" I heard a voice yell... A familiar voice. And that accent... My 'eyes' widened. Tord! "I lost him! I don't where he is, but I hope he's okay!" I heard the other one say.

And there we saw him. I saw Tord and another guy. I've seen him here before, it was Paul, one of the two that were here with Tord. "I'll go search for him! You go search for Edd, Matt and Tom! Good luck, Tord!"

Tord nodded and the one with bushy eyebrows, probably Paul, ran off to search for Patryck. Or the other way around, whatever. Tord looked around and then....he spotted us... He smiled and waved. "Guys, come on!" He yelled.

Edd and Matt went closer to him... But I couldn't... I just...couldn't... "Come on, Tom!" Edd shouted at me. I shook my head. Tord ran up to me. "Tom, we have to go. Now!" He said, tears leaving his eyes.

He grabbed my hand and we both ran out of the base. I tried so hard to make Tord let go of me. I just couldn't leave... There was no way...Tord finally stopped running and slowed down. He hugged all of us.

"I am so glad you're okay!" He said. I pushed him away and glared at him. "Don't. Touch me." I said. "Tom..?" I didn't listen and ran back into the base, not caring caring about the three that were shouting my name...

Tord's POV:

'No... No... No, no, no! This can't be happening!' I thought, panicking slightly. I saw Paul and Patryck run up to me. "Tord, there you are! You got them! But...where's Tom?" Patryck asked.

I clutched my fists. "Guys... Try to keep Edd and Matt save... I have to get Tom... Please..." I said and ran after him.

I ran and ran, catching a glimpse of Tom's spiky hair. I immediately ran faster, trying to catch up with him. I ran as fast as I could, close to crying once again. He went into some kind of room and I followed.

I was suprised when the door closed behind me... I thought only Tom was in the room with me, but it turned out I was wrong...when I saw a familiar woman... She grinned at me, Tom standing right next to her, his arms crossed while glaring at me.

I knew what was going on... She completly brainwashed him into thinking I just wanted to hurt them... But that wasn't true... Tom knew that, but he just...couldn't let himself trust me, since his leader told him that was a bad thing... He had to listen to her... But I wasn't giving up on Tom yet. I was going to stop her... Even if it meant to lose my life...

Hello, guys. I am so sorry for the shorter chapter, but I am still a bit dizzy from when I left the hospital. If you're asking what happened, don't worry about me. I'm fine, it just hurts. But I hope I will be able to make the next chapter at least a little bit longer. Sorry again, bye!

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now