48. Worse and better

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Tord's POV:

It was already dark outside and Tom still didn't come back... I was really concerned and worried. I wanted to go look for him outside, but I knew that if he would come back here and I wouldn't be here, he would feak out. 'And besides, I promised I won't go anywhere and that I will stay here until he returns...' I thought, sighing softly.

I stood up and limped outside. A cold breeze hit the scarred side of my face, sending shivers down my spine. I looked around for any sign of Tom, but found nothing. I was getting really hungry, I haven't eaten anything in a while.

But what worried me more than my health was Tom... I wanted him to come back so badly, but I knew I couldn't just go out there... And besides, it WAS pretty cold out there. The cave wasn't warm either, but I was at least protected from the wind.

"T-Tom!" I called for him, hoping to get an answer. I didn't hear anything... The wind brushed through my hair and I coughed. I went back into that small cave I was now calling 'home'. Well, at least for a while, I didn't know when we'll be able to go back. That depended on when we should be able to change Tom back into his human form... I felt bad for him, he didn't deserve this...

I layed down, deciding to go to sleep. It could be dangerous, but I just wanted to rest... I curled up in a ball, closing my eyes and hoping for Tom to come back. I fell asleep quite quickly, but I felt like I was still awake. I was just half asleep. I was resting, couldn't really move, my breathing slowed down, but I wasn't really sleeping. I wanted to be ready when Tom came back... If he ever came back to me...

Tom's POV:

'Finally!' I thought when I saw the cave Tord was in. I was so tired from the trip. My legs hurt and I was out of energy. I didn't find any food, but something great happened! I finally changed back! Well, not entirely, but at least a little bit!

I was still half a monster, but I could talk again! I still had a tail, horns, purple arms and razor sharp claws, but it was way better than before! And I had two 'eyes' again! I was sure Tord would be happy to see me as well! I just hoped he was okay...

I went into the cave and was relieved to see Tord sleeping. At least I thought he was sleeping, but as soon as I came in, he opened his left eye and looked at me.

He smiled when he recognised me. "Tommie..! Y-you changed back! I was so-" He cut himself off by coughing. It was pretty cold outside, thank god he was in here... Well, it was cold here too... And his face was red...

"Hey, Tord.." I said. I came closer to him and patted his back to support him when he coughed. He smiled at me, he looked really tired. "Y-you can... You can talk again... I m-missed your beautiful voice.." He whispered to me.

I blushed and returned the smile. His smile faded and his eyes kept closing. I placed my hand on his forehead, but was careful not to accidentally hurt him with my claws. It was warmer than it should have... Fever..?

"Tordie..? How are you feeling?" I asked him. "Tired, cold and hungry... But since you're here with me, I don't care." He said, trying to smile at me again, but failing. I frowned and hugged him. I hated to see him like this.

"I-I'm so sorry... I couldn't find any food..." I apologized. He didn't answer. I hugged him tighter and kept apologizing. It was all my fault anyway... He never responded or said anything, he fell asleep.

His breathing was a bit slower. I carefully placed him down and decided to take a look on his wound. It only looked worse than before though... It was definitevely infected... I knew I needed to get Tord to a hospital, but I was still a monster!

I layed down right next to Tord and wrapped my arms around him. I pulled him close and he hugged me back. I burried my face into his messy, yet still fluffy, hair and fell asleep with him.

Matt's POV:

The 'monster' completely dissapeared. After it came here, it never returned... What was worse, Edd and I knew it was just Tom... Tord never came back when he went to search for Tom. That worried us both even more.

The police said that we were allowed to stop hiding in our houses, but police officers were everywhere around the town. We kept asking a lot of them if they saw our friend Tord. Most of them didn't, but two of them said that they saw him.

He ran into the forest and that was where Tom dissapeared to. They also said that he never came back. When we wanted to go there to find them, they wouldn't let us! People were not allowed to get far away from the town until it was completly safe.

I also got an idea of making a 'missing poster' and Edd thought it was a good idea. So we made some. But it didn't help much. Since Tord didn't really have a phone, we couldn't ask if he was okay... We were both really worried about him and I was really worried about Edd...

Ever since the two dissapeared, he started sleeping less, he was forgetting to eat and he was locking himself in his room... I always tried to be there to comfort him, but he always told me that he was fine and that I didn't need to worry about him. But I was not fooled this easily.

At this moment, I was hugging him while he cried on my shoulder. "M-Matt, what if they find Tom? What if they'll shoot him!? And what if Tord is dead!!?" He spat out as I wiped away his tears. "They're both okay. I'm sure of it." I reasured him.

I believed that what he was saying was not true. Tord was a strong person and Tom was well...half a monster. The bullets policemen were shooting at him were not really hurting him. He just ran away, but he didn't attack any of us.

Maybe he was just searching for us. Maybe he just wanted someone to help him, to save him... But people were stupid, they attacked before they even got to know the 'monster'... I didn't understand this type of people, it was dumb. (I agree with you, Matt.)

I hugged Edd tighter as he tried to calm himself down. I didn't want him to feel bad... I believed in Tom and Tord. And they could protect themselves... But deep inside, I knew that this was not good... If Tom ever returned, he would get attacked...

But I couldn't lose hope... I still believed that one day, they will both come back... Completely okay. And life will be great again. Once again... We will all get better... Not worse, just better.

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now