17. Together again

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Tord's POV:

I still had no idea what was going on. I stopped laughing when I saw he grab the suit and drag him towards me. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Oh, you'll find out soon." She said, smirking. That kinda freaked me out.

'Should I start taking this seriously..?' I asked myself. She grabbed my left arm and pulled me closer to the suit. "What do you think you're doing!?" I asked her. "What? I thought you like robots!" She said.

I groaned. "I don't! I was forced to try and rule the world, remember!?" I yelled. She laughed. "Oh come on, you're already half a machine. You won't mind putting this on for a while." She said. '...What?'

"Uhh, this suit kinda seems unstable and broken. Who knows what would have happened if I put this on." I said. She grinned. "Well, why don't we find out then?" She asked. She took the head from the suit and tried to put it on me.

"No way! Stop that!" I yelled at her. I tried to get away, but she pulled me even closer. After a few minutes of me trying to get away since I finally realized that I was being an idiot and not trying to escape and her trying to stuff the head from the strange suit on my head, she put it on.

I started feeling pain. But it was a strange pain. It felt like the thing was getting tighter. Like someone was choking me... I tried to get it off, but it wouldn't. It the meantime, I forgot about her. And I regretted it later on.

She put an arm from the suit on my left arm. And it was just like the head. It was getting tighter. My arm felt like it was about to explode as I started screaming in pain, still trying to get the robotic things off.

'Why did I just let her do this to me!? I was the stupid one here!' I thought. My skull felt like it was breaking. I thought it was over. Tears were leaving my eyes, not stopping for a single second.  was going to die. And I knew it...

Suddenly, the door opened. I looked at it the door and saw...Tom, Edd and Matt! I smiled weakly and coughed in pain. "You, soldiers! What are you doing here!? You were suppose to stay with the other two!" She yelled at the trio.

Edd looked down at me, his eyes wide open as he stared at me. I could see tears in his eyes. "S-sir, what are you doing..?" He asked carefully. I started coughing even more. I saw drops of blood fall down on the floor...

"None of your bussiness, soldier.." She answered harshly. Tom was staring at me as if he wanted to run up to me and do something. What I didn't expect though was that he really did that. I lied on the floor, trying to gasp for air and coughing when he really went up to me and kneeled down beside me.

"S-sir, can you stop th-" I interrupted him by my scream... Scream of pain... It got much worse... And it was terrible... Why so much pain? Why did I have to be so stupid!? Why do I keep making mistakes!?

I felt something sharp and metal poke my skin. I shivered. It wasn't as bad at first, but then suddenly, it stabbed me into my skin... I screamed again, louder as more blood came out of my mouth.

"Sir, stop it! Please!" Matt said. 'H-huh..? Why are they protecting me..?' I thought. She sighed and grabbed the head. "This isn't going to he-" She pulled it off by force as I screamed loudly in pain.

I carefully touched my face. What I felt freaked me out even more. The area around my mouth was filled with scars, scratches and I even felt some kind of metal sharp objects stuck there. I seriously felt like fainting.

Tears fell down my face as I was enjoying being able to breathe again. But I wasn't relaxed for long. I completly forgot about my left arm. Something stabbed me into my skin, just like with my face.

"Argg!" I yelled and tried to pull it off. I really tried my best, but it didn't work. She tried and pulled it off. How!? I tried and nothing! But when she tried, it really did work! But I didn't have time to be angry at that moment. I just kept trying to breathe and calm down.

She stood up and kicked me in my stomach. "Get up." She said. I didn't complain and did as I was told to. I almost fell when somebody caught me. Tom... "Get him to his friends." She said. As she was leaving the room, I heard her whisper. "We're not done yet..."

I was a bit suprised that she actually did what Matt said. She helped me get that suit off... I wondered, why... Soldiers were suppose to listen to their leader, not the other way around, right?

Tom helped me walk as they led me somewhere. "Why?" I asked. "Huh?" Tom looked at me, confused. "Why did you protect me..? I thought you don't trust me." I said. "I..." He paused for a few seconds. "I don't know..."

I sighed and didn't say anything. I just went with the three. I was enjoying that I was with them again, but this wasn't like I wanted it to be... I wanted things to go back to normal... But that wasn't even possible anymore, was it..?

Tom's POV:

I felt bad. I didn't know the leader hated him THIS much... What was that strange suit? And why was she even doing this? I was pretty sure this wasn't because she wanted to 'protect' us from him...

"Hey, uhh...Todd?" Matt asked. Tord looked at him. "It's Tord..." I heard him mumble. "Oh, okay. Do you...really want to hurt us?" Matt asked. Tord sighed and looked down. "Even if I would say no, you wouldn't believe me... Though, I'll still say it... I don't. I never wanted to and I never will want to..." He answered.

We got to the cell where the other two were. I didn't know, who they were too. "Get in.." I said as I opened the cell door. He didn't try to stop me and just walked in. When I closed the door again, I saw one of the men run up to him.

"Tord! Are you alright!? Why are you bleeding!?" Tord didn't answer and just hugged him. I smiled. 'At least they're glad to see each other...'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now