2. Join me...

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Edd's POV:

"Tom? Tom!" I said and started shaking Tom who passed out again. We could've been in danger! We still had no idea where we were, Matt still didn't wake up, Tom just passed out again and Tord was not here with us!

I sighed. Tom groaned, but still hasn't woken up... I gave up and decided to try and wake Matt up. I shook him. "Matt? Please, wake up!" I said. He, of course, didn't even move. I sighed. 'Okay, plan B.' I thought to myself and took a breath.

"Matt! Someone is just trying to hurt your pretty pretty face!" I shouted. His eyes opened and he stood up immediately. "What!? Who is trying to hurt my beautiful face!?" He asked. I got up. "Don't worry, Matt. I just wanted to wake you up, because we're probably in danger!" I said.

He gasped. "So my face IS in danger!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "It might. Will you help me wake Tom up?" I asked. He nodded. Tom was still passed out, but it also looked like he was in...pain! Matt shook him gently.

"Tom?" I called his name. Tom didn't move an inch. I sighed. "I have an idea, Matt." I said. He looked at me. I whispered it in his ear and he nodded. "Tom! Tord's dying!" We both yelled at the same time.

His 'eyes' opened and he quickly got up. "H-huh? But I thought Tord's not her-oh... I get it now." He said and sighed. "Yeah, we needed you to wake up." I said and smiled softly. He sighed. "Guys... Do you have any idea where we are?" Matt asked worriedly.

We looked around. It was kinda dark, but we could still see that...we were in a cell. We weren't tied to a chair like when Tord had to kidnap us because of his father... 'Wait...' Something hit me as my eyes widened.

"Guys... What if Tord's dad isn't actually dead..?" I asked. They both looked at me. "Do you...think he's still alive? I actually think they took care of his body and burried him. Or burned it. But I don't really think it's him..." Tom said.

"Well, do you remember what happened before we got here?" I asked. They both shook their heads as I looked down with a sigh. "Well, we need to get out of here... I really don't like this place..." I said.

Tom looked down. "And...what about Tord..? Is he here with us? Or was he even kidnapped too? Because I still don't know where he is..." He said. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'm pretty sure he's alright..." I said, trying to calm him down.

He hugged me. "Edd... I don't want to lose him..." He whispered. I hugged him back and Matt joined us. "Don't worry, you won't. We'll find a way out of here and find him." I said. Matt nodded and smiled at him.

"Wait, do you guys have your phones?" Tom asked. I searched through my hoodie pockets, but found nothing. Matt didn't seem to find anything except one of his mirrors. "Yay! At least something is positive here!" He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't have anything that could help us..." Tom said. "Same here. And Matt found one of his mirrors." I said. Matt grinned. 'Matt will never change.'

Tord's POV:

"Tord, can you please tell us when it happened?" Paul asked. "About...an hour ago..." I answered, looking down. "Who do you think took them?" I asked. "I'm sorry, Tord, but we don't know...yet." Patryck said.

Suddenly, I heard something... It sounded like...a cat purring? I looked down and saw... "Ringo!?" The little kitty meowed. I carefully picked it up and started petting it's fur. "You...know this cat?" Paul asked. I nodded.

"That's Edd's cat, Ringo.... I haven't saw Ringo ever since the incident... I thought Ringo died in the explosion I caused..." I said. Ringo meowed when I said Edd's name. I kept petting Ringo's fur. "I'm sorry, Ringo, but Edd's gone and I don't know, where he is..." I said.

Patryck placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, we're going to find them. Don't worry." He said. I sighed. "I hope we will. So, where should we start?" I asked. "Well, do you know if there's someone who would actually hurt you or your friends? Someone who hates them?" Paul asked.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, no." We stayed silent for a while. All we could hear was Ringo's quiet purring and sad meowing... I stared blankly at the wall, still petting Ringo's fur... 'This...is...all...MY fault...'

Tom's POV:

I sighed. "Do you think that maybe if we call for help, someone will hear us and save us?" Matt asked. "Matt, I...don't think that's a good idea." I said. "Why not? Come on, let's try it!" He said, grinning at us.

"M-Matt, no! Don-" He cut me off. "Hello!? Somebody, please! Help us!!! We're trapped here and we don't know, where we are!!!" He shouted. I looked at him. 'Matt... You're dead to me...' I thought to myself.

It was quiet at first when suddenly...we heard a door open... And footsteps. "Ah... I see you're awake..." We heard a strange voice... We never heard this voice before... This was someone we didn't know...

We couldn't really see the person though. But I could tell it was a woman by the tone of the person's voice. She came closer to the cell we were closed in. I glared at her.

"What do you want from us? And who are you!?" I shouted. "Who am I!? And what do I want from you? Heh... I want you to join me..." She said. I raised an eyebrow. "And why should we?" Edd asked, his voice shaking.

"Or else your little precious Tord will be...no more." She answered. "What!? Where is he? What are you doing to him?" I asked. She started laughing. "Join me...and I'll tell you..." She said. I stayed silent.

"W-what do you mean...by joining you?" Matt asked. "Joining my...army!" She said. "WHAT!?" We all yelled in unison. "So, join me or you will NEVER see your Norwegian friend again!" She said.

We all looked at each other. "And how do we know you're really keeping him? How do we know you're not just tricking us?" I asked. She grinned. "Follow me...and I'll show you..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now