36. Is it really love?

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Tord's POV:

It was late and Tom and I were watching the tv. I was tired and I could see he was too. His 'eyes' kept closing, but he kept opening them and tried to stay awake for some reason. He didn't need to. Why was he stopping himself from falling asleep?

He rested his head on his palm and sighed. He looked relaxed, but still. "Tom? Don't you want to go to sleep? You look really tired." I asked him. "What? I-I'm not tired, what do you mean..?" He asked. He was lying, probably could've gotten a better lie out of a rock.

I yawned and crossed my arms. "You ARE tired, Tom. Why won't you go to sleep?" I asked him again. "I-I'm just not tired!" He lied again. I raised an eyebrow as he sighed in defeat. "Fine, fine. I just don't want to go to sleep, because I can see you're tired too and I don't really want to share a bed with you." He mumbled. I could still hear him clearly though.

"Uhh, seriously? You could have just told me. I can sleep on the couch.." I said. I was slightly dissapointed, yes, because I wanted to be with him... But I understood he felt really uncomfortable. Sharing a bed with a person that you can't really remember can of course make you feel a bit weird. And he still didn't trust me fully.

He didn't say anything. I just sighed, turned off the tv and picked Tom up bridal style. He yelped in suprise. "H-hey! What are you doing!?" He asked. He tried to make me let go of him, but I didn't.

I carried him into his room and placed him gently on his bed. I pulled the covers over him and smiled when I saw his completly red face. "U-umm, thanks..?" He said. I chuckled at his reaction. "You're welcome. Now sleep, you need rest. Goodnight and sweet dreams, min kjære!" I said.

He stared at me in confusion, but nodded slowly. I smiled before closing the door and going back to the living room. I sighed and turned off the lights. I layed down on the couch and closed my eyes.

I wished I would be with Tom. I felt so cold. Come on, it wasn't winter yet! I tried to fall asleep, but no matter how much I tried to relax and just sleep, I kept shaking from the cold. It felt as if some kind of freezing breeze was coming into the room, but all the window were closed.

After like half an hour, I groaned in annoyance and gave up on trying. I got up and looked around. It was dark, but my eyes were adjusted to the dark. I quietly made my way towards Tom's room.

I couldn't resist. I gently opened the door and peeked in. I saw Tom snoring quietly as he was cuddling to the blanket. I smiled, it was adorable to see. I was about to do something risky, but even though I knew it probably was not a good idea, I tried it.

I crawled in bed with Tom and tried to stay as far away from his as possible so I wouldn't accidentally wake him up and let him know that I was here with him. He didn't wake up, but just when I thought I was in the clear, he turned and wrapped his arms around me.

He pulled me close to him and smiled from his sleep. I blushed. I did like it, but I knew I was going to be in trouble when he'll wake up. And that was what was terrifying me the most. Maybe he'll kick me out!

I gently grabbed his arms and tried to make him let go of me, but he just tightened his grasp on me and nuzzled into my chest. When it didn't work for a few miutes, I sighed, losing this fight. I petted his hair and he purred. That made me smile softly.

I closed my eyes and decided to sleep. Suddenly, I heard quiet noices and felt Tom let go of me. I opened my eyes to see what was happening to see Tom crawling on top of me and yawning. My face went red. 'Okay, I'm in trouble.' I thought.

He hugged me even tighter than before, if it was even possible. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. I wanted to keep the cuddles! I rubbed his back as he nuzzled his face into my chest. I rolled my eyes and closed them right after. I fell asleep, feeling warm once again.

Tom's POV:

I opened my 'eyes' when I felt sun shine in my face. I growled, not liking being woken up like this. I was hugging something. I didn't really know, what it was, but it was warm and fuzzy. So I didn't care, I just hugged it tighter.

It smelled like cinnamon... And I could smell...vanilla..? 'What is this..?' I asked myself. I looked once again and saw that it was Tord. "Oh, it's just Tord." I said and smiled. 'Wait, what..?' My whole body completly froze.

My cheeks flushed bright red and I felt slight pain in my stomach. Once I woke up from the trance, I got off of him and stood up. Tord groaned, not satisfied with the source of warm leaving him. "T-Tord! What are you doing here!?" I yelled. He yelped in suprise from being woken up and fell off the bed.

"Ouch! T-Tom?" He got up, looking slightly nervous. "What are you doing in my room?" I asked him. "U-uhh... I.." He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't understand. "What was that?" "Nothing... I'm sorry.." He apologized, looking away from me. I didn't know how to respond, so I just answered with a simple "It's okay."

Awkward silence filled the room. "I-I'll go take a shower... You go change, I'm sure you don't want to wear that uniform." He said. I nodded. He left the room as I sighed. I took off The Blue Army uniform and threw it into the closet. I changed into a new hoodie and pants.

After I was done, I decided to make us some breakfast. I felt really uncomfortable here, especially with Tord around. I left my room and was about to go into the kitchen when I heard the bathroom door open and saw Tord, a towel wrapped around his waist.

I froze and stared at him. I was sure my face was a tomato, but wow. I couldn't help it! He noticed me staring and blushed a little. "U-uh, Tom? You okay?" He asked. I snapped out of it. "Y-yeah, sure.." I answered.

"Hey, can I...maybe borrow some of your clothes? My are dirty." He asked. I quicky looked away from him. "W-whatever!"

I heard a faith. "Thank you" coming from him as he walked into my room. I sighed softly and hid my face. I hated being like this. Was it really love? Did I really love him..? 'But what if our leader was right and he's just lying to all of us? We were never friends and the two of us were never dating?' I thought.

I hated thinking like that. I was going to say it. I needed to face the truth. I couldn't run away from it. I took a deep breath.

"Let's face it, he's hot."

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