38. Repairing what was broken

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Tom's POV:

I saw Tord collapse on the floor. We all ran up to him, calling his name. He passed out. Thankfully, he was still breathing. I shook him gently, telling him to wake up. He just groaned, as if he was in pain... That worried me.

I carefully picked him up and carried him into the living room. I placed him on the couch. "Hey, we'll...leave you two alone.." Edd said, grabbing Matt's hand and leaving the apartment. I sighed and waved at them.

They closed the door and I was with the passed out Tord left alone. I felt a bit weird. What even happened to him? He turned and groaned while holding his chest in pain. Maybe he was having a nightmare?

I shook him. "Tord, wake up." I said. That didn't do anything. I sighed and petted his hair. It was soft and fluffy. He stopped making those pained noices for a while and smiled softly. That made me smile too.

I thought about the kiss... It did feel nice, but...I felt uncomfortable. And now I felt guilty for ever wanting to pull away. Why was I being so stupid? He started acting strange after the kiss. Really weird. What happened to him?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that I accidentally moved my hand from his hair and pressed his chest. He cried out in pain which made me snap out. He still didn't wake up, but was in pain. I could tell he didn't like it. His chest was hurting.

I wanted to pet his soft hair, but he turned and wrapped his arms around his head. As if he wanted me to stop. But he liked it before... I gently rubbed his back and he let out a soft groan. Again, something hurt him.

I sighed. I hated seeing him in pain. I just wanted to wake him up. "Tord! Wake up!" I said, raising my voice. He uncovered his head and turned towards me. He opened his eyes and looked at me with a tired expression.

His face was red, his eyes were closing and he was staring at me as if he was blaming me for something. "Finally. Are you alright? You scared us there.." I said. He didn't answer, just sat up on the couch.

He stared down at his feet, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tiredness. I sat next to him and felt like he needed some support. I petted his hair again. Tord didn't expect that and slapped my hand away.

He was looking scared. Scared of me. I didn't know, why though. "Tord, calm down. I just want to help yo-" "S-stay away... Please... It hurts..." He whispered. I tilted my head. He looked away from me. "What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Tom... Tell me..." He looked back at me again. "Do you love me..?" He finished. I blushed and stared at him with wide 'eyes'. I didn't know, what to answer. 'I do love him... Yes... I do... A lot.' I said. "I'm...sorry, Tord, but...I don't love you." I said.

'...What? I didn't mean to say that...' I thought. Tears formed in his eyes. "I should have known... You never loved me in the first place..." He said. He held his chest in pain again, just like when he was asleep.

"I can't love you, Tord. You tried to kill us!" I yelled at him. I was harsher then needed... He stared at me, now crying and sniffing. "I hate you! Why would I even like you!?" I shouted. I felt horns growing out of my head.. 'No, please! Not again!'

"T-Tom, I know... Calm do-" "Shut your mouth!" I stood up as tail started showing as well. I couldn't control this anymore... I didn't say anything bad... It was this monster... Not me! Tord, please! Don't believe it!

"You know what!? You already led us all back home! But you don't need to be here anymore. So how about you just leave!? HUH!?" I shouted at him. He cried harder and got up. I felt myself getting back control. Maybe I could stop him before he left!

"I-if you really want me to go..." He whispered. "T-Tord, no... I didn't mean it! P-please, that was not me!" I said, finally being able to control it. "I'll leave now, Tom... I understand that you don't love me back... But no matter, what, I will always love you, Tom... Farewell." He said.

I was still half a monster so I was a bit faster than him. I quickly caught up to him and hugged him from behind. "Let me go, Tom.." He said. I shook my head. "Stay... Please." I begged. He didn't answer, but hugged me back.

"I love you, Tom.." He whispered. "...I love you too..." I answered. He froze for a few seconds before gasping and hugging me as tightly as he could. I could tell he was still crying, but this time, it was from happiness.

I smiled and also hugged him tighter. We went back into my apartment. He kept hugging me and purring like a kitten. He was really cute.. "So, are we like...dating now?" He asked. My face heated up. "Well, if you want to...I won't mind." I said.

He grinned. "It's a yes then!" He said. I looked at him and then, something I didn't expect happened. He kissed me again. I melted into the kiss after a while. It felt nice... But then, my head started hurting...

Tord's POV:

I felt happy... He said he loved me... I was enjoying this moment and just like the last time, I wanted to stay like this forever. But then, I heard a pained noise Tom made. We seperated from the kiss and I looked at him worriedly.

He held his head in pain. "What's wrong?" I asked him and petted his hair. He wanted to say something when he screamed in agony. He fell on his knees, earning a scared yelp from me. I thought quickly and kneeled down beside him.

He was holding his arm and crying. I rolled up his sleeve, knowing that it was the same arm where he had that weird robotic device. I touched it carefully, since I saw it was glowing strangely.

I flinched. It was hot, my head burned. "Ouch." Tom continued crying in pain. I rubbed his back to calm him down while looking at the thing on his arm. He had his arm wrapped around my neck and his face burried into my shoulder.

I didn't know, what to do! I started panicking a little. I helped Tom to stand up and he hugged me tightly and cried even harder and louder. "T-Tord... It hurts... Why does it h-hurt..?" He asked. "Shh... It's going to be okay... I promise you..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now