37. I ship it

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Tom's POV:

I completly forgot about making breakfast. I just stared into nothing while sitting at the kitchen table. I could tell my face was red since I kept thinking about Tord when I saw him a while ago. Urg... "Tom? Everything okay?" I suddenly heard a voice with a familiar accent say. I jumped from being suprised ad turned around.

It was just Tord. "You scared me!" I said. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry.." He apologized. I just rolled my 'eyes' in responce. "Anyway, what's wrong? You seemed pretty spaced out, like you were in a completly different dimension." He said, still chuckling lightly.

I blushed. "N-nothing important, Commie." I said. He stared at me which made me feel slightly uncomfortable. "What?" "Did... Did you just call me Commie?" He asked. I thought about it for a while. He was right. "Yes... Yes, I did." I answered.

"Uhh, okay then..." I  blushed even more when I realized he was wearing a blue hoodie. I quickly looked away, hiding my blush and hoping he didn't notice. He was about to say something when we heard a knock.

'This is my chance.' I thought and got up. "I'll get it!" I said and ran to the door, trying my best to somehow stop the blush. It was all completly useless, of course. I opened the door and saw Edd and Matt. I smiled at them. "Hey, you two! Come in!" I invited them and closed the door behind them.

Edd looked at my face suspiciously. I felt I was still heating up. I started sweating. "Tom, are you okay? Your face is red as a TOMato!" He said, grinning. I sighed. "That joke is old, Edd." I said. "Nope, it never gets old! Anyway, are you two blushing?" Edd asked, looking at Tord and then back at me.

I shook my head instantly. "No, no and no, we're not." I answered, trying to make it sound as believable as possible. It looked like it worked on him, but I knew I needed to be more careful. Matt didn't believe me though.

"I can tell your blushing! And it's not make-up!" He said. Edd crossed his arms as Tord and I blushed even more. Matt came closer to me, smirking. "You like him!" He said in a teasing tone. "N-no!" I yelled.

"Oh really, Thomas?" Tord asked, a smirk showing on his face. "Don't call me that!" I yelled at him. "You totally like him!" Edd said, joining the other two. Edd and Matt kept teasing me while Tord just stared at us with a small smile.

I didn't care that much until Matt said someting that made me a blushing mess. "You two should kiss!" I hid my face in my hoodie. "NO WAY!" I said. "Aww, come on! You're practically together already! Just look, Tord's wearing one of your hoodies!" Edd mentioned.

"That's actually because my clothes are dirt-" "Kiss!" Matt cut Tord off. I groaned in annoyance, just trying to hide that I was flustered. "Oh, come on, you two!" Edd begged. "No!" I said. "Please?" Matt joined. "No, Matt!"

"Tord, please! Do something!" Edd turned over to Tord. Tord just shook his head. "Okay, I don't care!" Matt said and grabbed my arm harshly. "Hey, what do you think you're doing!?" I asked him. Edd got the idea of what Matt meant and grabbed Tord's robotic arm.

They dragged us into my room and threw us inside. Then they took the key and locked us in there together. "We won't let you out until you say you love each other!" Edd said. Matt giggled. "Yeah, just like he said!"

Edd's POV:

Tom and Tord were both banging onthe door for good two minutes and kept telling us to let them out. We didn't do it, of course. After a while, they got tired and it was quiet. I smiled softly. "Matt?" I whispered over at Matt. "Yeah?" "I ship it."

He grinned. "Same here." He answered. I giggled and grabbed his hand. We stared into each other's eyes before he leaned closer to me and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. I kissed him back, melting into the kiss.

It has been a while since we kissed. Lots of stuff that messed everything up happened lately and we didn't have much free time. I didn't miss The Blue Army one bit. I was happy here and wished for this to stay like that forever. I wanted to have a normal life!

"Guys, can you now let us out, please?" I heard Tom's voice from inside the room. We seperated from the kiss. "Hmm, no. Like I said, say you love each other!" I said. "Isn't there any other way, Edd!?" I heard Tord. "Nope!" Matt and I said in unison.

It went quiet again as I pulled Matt into another kiss. I heard an annoyed groan from inside the room. "Fine, Edd.." Tom said. We pulled away from the kiss and hugged each other. "Well? Say it then!" Matt said.

I heard some mumbling, but nothing more. "Sorry, couldn't quite catch that!" I said. "I...love.." What Tom said after that was just mumbling again. "Come on! It's not that hard! And we both know you love each other. So just say it!"

"Well, if you know it, then why are you forcing us to do this?" Tord asked. "Because It's fun!" Matt answered. I giggled and hugged him tighter. "I-I... I love... T-T-T...." Tom had a real trouble saying it. I knew his whole face was probably red from having to do this. But I was enjoying this and so was Matt.

"Urg, I want to get out of here. I love Tom, okay!?" I heard Tord say. I chuckled. "Okay, Tom! Your turn!" I teased. "S-shut it! Urg... I l-love...T-Tord..." He managed to say. "Good job!" I praised the two and opened the door.

Tord ran out. "Finally!" Tom followed after him, hiding his face in embarrassment. "Okay, now kiss!" "WHAT!?"

Tord's POV:

"Yup, kiss! Come on!" Matt clapped his hands. "Are you guys serious right now?" I asked. Tom just stared at his feet. He looked pretty mad and embarrassed about this. I did love Tom. I did want to kiss him, but not when he was not comfortable with it.

 "Guys! Kiss! Kiss!" They both staretd saying it over and over again. "NO!!!" Tom yelled. Everything went silent until they staretd repeating it again. I face palmed while Tom looked dead inside. 'Seriously, what is even going on?' I asked myself.

"Screw this, I'm out of here." Tom said and was about to walk away, but Matt stopped him. "Don't even think about it. Now...kiss!" He threw him at me, making us both fall on the ground. I blushed bright red as we stared into each other's eyes, our noses touching.

Edd and Matt started repeating 'Kiss' again and I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry, Tom.." I said. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into a kiss. His face heated up. Edd and Matt started wheezing and screeching in excitment.

I didn't listen to them. Everything felt weird...different... I knew deep inside, Tom loved me... I thought it would be a good idea to kiss him on the lips like now, but...he was not kissing back... Quite the opposite... He tried to pull away.

I didn't let him, just pulled him closer to me. I wanted to keep this moment forever. I wanted it to be like old times... I wanted Tom...to love me again... But here he was now, wanting me to stop kissing him while I felt my heart shattering.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I shut my eyes. My arm started to hurt so I let him go and he immediately pulled away from the kiss. He stood up and backed away from me. I just layed on the floor, sniffing and crying quietly.

Edd and Matt went silent when they noticed my pained look. Edd looked at me with worry. "Are you okay..?" He asked. I stood up and wiped away my tears. I didn't care they came back. I walked away from the trio, leaving the apartment once again. But I realized that wasn't a good idea. 'You know what happened last time...' I said to myself.

I stopped walking and completly gave up on doing anything. I completly broke into tears. It hurt so much... I collapsed on the ground and cried. I heard footsteps, but soon it was replaced by some weird ringing. 'Am I dying..?'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now