39. Classic stupid Tom

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Tom's POV:

It hurt so much, the pain was unbearable. Tord was there with me, trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working much. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand him. Different voices screamed in my head.

They were so loud! I couldn't even hear myself screaming and crying, though I knew I was. My vision was blurred as tears fell down my cheeks. But the pain started to fade away. Slowly, but it was.

I was trying my best to concentrate on Tord's voice and to calm down. But as the pain was fading away, something new came. It burned. "I...m.......s...oo...y......T...ooo..m.." I heard Tord's voice, but it was all chaotic, I couldn't understand him very well.

My vision was still blurry, but the tears stopped. I blinked a few times to clear it up, but it was like a cloud. I focused and tried, but it didn't work. I looked over at my arm when my vision cleared a little bit.

I couldn't really tell what was Tord doing, I saw a red cloud of blur that was holding my arm by the robotic device. It burned a lot. Smoke was coming out of the robotic part. 'What is happening..?' I asked myself.

I tried asking Tord, but it only came out a pained growl. That was when I realized I was half transformed into a monster. I just couldn't feel the pain, because I was focuing on a different type of pain. And it was coming out of my arm.

It felt like eternity as my arm burned more and my vision was clearing up. The cloud was slowly dissapearing. I was trying my best not to scream in the pain I was in, but it was pretty hard. I kept bitting my fist to muffle the noices.

Tord was focusing closely on whatever he was doing. He seemed to ignore the whole world. I had no idea what was he doing with my arm, but it burned. It wasn't that terrible once I got used to it, but then it suddenly felt like it was set on fire.

I yelled in pain as tears started to come back. I shut my 'eyes' to prevent that and bit my fist even more. I tried to tell Tord that it hurt, but couldn't. I just heard him say something I couldn't understand very well, but still could figure out what he meant.

"To......m.... T..h.......i....ssss...iss.....go..i.......n....tto..hu..t.." I heard. 'This...is going to hurt..? What is going to-' I was cut off my thoughts when the pain got worse. And I meant REALLY worse. I screamed, the scream was still muffled, because of me biting my fist. I saw blood come out of it, but I didn't care.

"T-Toord... Wwhaat arrre youu-" I cut myself off by another scream. I didn't know what was going on. Then, I felt the pain again, but it felt worse then before. If that was even possible... I thought I was dying...

But then, everything went silent. I stopped screaming, the pain was completly going away and I felt Tord let go of my arm. He then hugged me and rubbed my back. I weakly hugged him back, still crying. The pain was going away. And it was not coming back.

I relaxed a little as I felt Tord kiss my cheek and pet my hair. I smiled softly at him when sudden dizzyness took over me and I passed out cold in Tord's arms.

Tord's POV:

'Okay, we'll see if this works.' I thought to myself. I carefully picked Tom up and placed him on the couch. I then ran into the bathroom and got the first aid kit. It was nothing serious, but I finally managed to get that device off of his arm.

Thankfully it wasn't a big one. I was glad that it didn't cover like the whole arm or something like that. Or even replaced! Tom's arm was bleeding, but the device was off. He didn't need to bother about this little thing anymore.

I took the first aid kit into the living room and sat on the edge of the couch. I looked inside the small box and took out some bandages. I placed them aside and ran into the kitchen to get a glass filled with water.

I then carefully cleaned the wound on his arm and it stopped bleeding. I wrapped the bandages around it and put them back into the box. I put it back in the bathroom and decided to take Tom into his room. He needed to rest.

I picked him up again, being really careful on his arm and went into his room. I placed him on the bed and covered him with a blanket. He nuzzled his face in a pillow and smiled. I smiled too, knowing he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

I left the room, being as quiet as possible. I didn't want to wake him up. I then went back into the living room and picked up the small device. I looked at it befire deciding to take it with me and show it to Paul and Patryck.

I hid it in my pocket and since I had nothing better to do, I went back to Tom's room. 'I'm just walking around the apartment for this whole time. Urg... Well, at least Tom is alright.' I thought and chuckled.

I sat on the edge of Tom's bed and watched him closely. Yes, it sounded creepy, I was aware, but I just wanted to make sure he was safe and okay. And I didn't want him to have a nightmare or something. I wanted to be there for him! Always!

It felt like five minutes, but turned out it was actually an hour when Tom started waking up slowly. I smiled. "Tommie?" He opened his 'eyes' and looked at me. He looked really confused. "Tord? Is that you?" He asked.

"Of course it's me, you dummy! How are you feeling?" I asked. He sat up. "Good, I guess... What happened?" I started explaining everything to him, but with each word, he looked more and more confused.

That made me feel quite weird. Was he okay..? Something came into my mind. "Tom... What's the last thing you can remember?" I asked. "I...I don't even know... I remember calling you and calling for help. I heard Edd and Matt screaming and crying... Then I passed out and the last thing I saw was that I was being dragged out of Edd's apartment..." He answered.

My eyes widened. "T-T-Tom!?" He tilted his head. "Yes?" "Do you not remember the army? The Blue Army?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not really..." I stared at im. "The Blue Leader... She kidnapped you... Can't you remember..?" I asked again.

"No..." He then smiled and hugged me tightly. "But I'm glad you're okay!" He said, grinning and holding onto me. I smiled as well and hugged him back. I knew it wasn't going to take a long time and he will remember The Blue Army and The Blue Leader. Just like I remembered my amnesia.

"...I missed you..." He whispered. I chuckled. "Classic stupid Tom..."

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