46. Infection

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Tom's POV:

I carried Tord somewhere deeper into the forest. And I found a cave! 'Great, just what I need!' I thought to myself, smiling. I got us both in there and gently placed him on the ground. He was sleeping peacefully.

I watched him for a few seconds before looking at his thigh again. It wasn't bleeding so that was good, but it did not look nice... I licked it a few times, I didn't even know, why was I doing that in the first place.

It just felt right. I just felt it was a right thing to do. And I wanted to help Tord. He groaned in pain from his sleep, I felt bad for scaring him back then... I didn't want him to get hurt! He calmed down a little when I layed down beside him and wrapped my long tail around him.

I carefully placed my left arm around his small body and purred. He smiled softly and that made me feel a bit better. But I still felt like I should get him somewhere safer and somewhere where we could really take care of his wound. But I couldn't transform back, it was like I was stuck in this...weird monster body. And I hated it.

'And what about Edd and Matt? They're probably really worried about us both!' I thought. I felt a terrible feeling in my stomach. Yeah... They were probably worrying about us... But I couldn't just go back like this, it would be too dangerous for me AND Tord!

Tord groaned, it sounded like he was in pain once again. I knew that feeling. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my chest. Well, I was glad that at least he didn't hate me... Even when I was like this.

It was getting dark. This day felt extremely long. I sighed and cosed my 'eye', still keeping Tord close to me. He was glad for my company, I could tell. He was smiling and stayed as close to me as possible. I found that pretty cute.

I started falling asleep. I wished that when I would wake up again, everything would be back to normal. I would be a human again, we would be back into  our apartment, Tord would be okay and we would live happily ever after! But life isn't that nice to anybody... And with that thought, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Tord's POV:

Pain. Pain was the first thing I felt when I woke up. I felt warm, but I could tell I wasn't home. I tried desperately to remember what happened. And that was when I remembered. Tom. The monster. Me falling and hurting myself accidentally...

I opened my eyes and looked around. The first thing I saw was Tom. He was still fully a monster and he was sleeping. He had his tail wrapped around me and kept me close to him. That was really sweet of him...

When I remembered the injury, I looked at the wound. I was terrified at what I saw. Ants were freaking all around my leg! And they were especially in the wound! I jumped and screamed in pain and terror. That caused Tom to wake up.

I sat up, pushing Tom's long purple tail off me and looked closer on the wound. It looked disgustic and awful. I cried in pain, the ants were even feeding on my flesh! Eww! Tom looked at my wound as well, worried about me as I was just there, not knowing what to do.

Tom let out a strange noice that I couldn't even describe. He started licking the wound again and I cried even more. I felt like throwing up. I covered my face, I had no idea what was he trying to do.

He growled and looked at me. I could see concern filling his 'eye'. I kept crying, I was dizzy. I hated what was going on at that moment. I looked at him in his face. He looked really worried. I smiled softly at him to reasure him that I was going to be okay.

He didn't seem to believe me and he could tell I was not going to be 'okay'. He licked my face as I started laughing instead of crying. "T-Tom, stop that! That tickles!" I said. He didn't stop, he looked happier. Maybe he just wanted to cheer me up! Aww!!

When he stopped, I looked back at the wound on my thigh. Some of the ants were dead and most of them were gone. However, I could still see some. I sighed, my smile dissapearing and I layed back down. I was exausted.

Tom whimpered as he watched me. "Oh, Tom... When will you turn back..?" I asked him. He looked down. He also didn't know. I hugged him tightly, still feeling pain. "I promise I'll try my best to help you, Tommie..." I said, smiling.

He wrapped his tail around me again and pulled me close. He made really weird noices, but it was like he was crying... And that hurt me... I hated to see him like this. I loved him more that I loved myself!

I then carefully stood up and limped outside. I looked up at the sky that was filled with shiny bright stars. I missed Edd and Matt... I wanted to go back with Tom, but it could be dangerous... And we were probably a few miles away from the town we lived in.

If Tom brought me there, maybe I could get to the hospital to take care of my leg. But they would hurt Tom! And if I would try and go there on my own, I would probably get lost or maybe hurt myself even more! And besides, I couldn't leave Tom here all by himself.

I sighed. It was the beginning of autumn and the leaves were changing from the beautiful green colour to red, yellow, brown and many more. I always liked autumn, but it was kinda cold. I shivered and went back into the cave.

Tom was half asleep already. He looked at me as I came closer to him, by came I meant jumped on my healthy leg, and layed down beside him. I hugged him and cried. I couldn't hold it in. He pulled me closer to him, giving me the feeling of comfort and safety.

And with that feeling, I fell asleep once again. I knew this was going to be a rough time. For all of us.

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