32. I'll fix your heart

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Tom's POV:

I had a really strange and painful feeling... I wanted to go back to Tord so badly... To save him somehow, but like I said earlier, I just couldn't do that to my leader and to us three. He was a dangerous person that just deserved to die.

Staying near him and be on his side could be the death of us. Not like it was any safer here, but at least she wasn't trying to pretend to be nice. Because Tord did that all the time. Smiling, he called me by that nickname 'Tommie'... He was hugging me and even kissed me...

He was just a player that was playing with my heart. I knew that I liked him ever since I saw him... He semed like a very nice person and a great friend... And when I heard our leader say that he was a bad person, I didn't want to believe her so badly, but why would she be lying to us?

'But also... Why would Tord be lying to us..?' A thought came into my head. That actually made me stop and wonder, why... Even if Tord was a bad person, why would he lie..? I stopped walking and Edd and Matt both looked at me.

"Is everything alright, Tom?" Edd asked. I sighed. "Why do you think Tord hated us?" I looked away, crossing my arms. My face was heating up when I thought about the time he kissed me. My heard ached when I remember that memory.

"I don't know, Tom, but we should stop thinking about him... He's gone anyway. And he is not coming back to us." He said that last part quietly. He was right. It was too late to do anything about it, he was gone... Shot...

I took a shaky breath and closed my 'eyes'. "I'm not saying that you should trust me... But I seriously just want to set you guys free so you would be happy again! You don't even know how she's just manipulating you!"  I heard his voice in my head.

I frowned and I held my chest in pain. "Tom, I think we should attack The Red Army soldiers now, since their leader is already dead..." Matt said, looking down. None of this seemed comfortable with him as well.

I shivered. "Well, I guess..." I answered him. Edd just nodded. And we all really started attacking. Some of them gave up on trying to attack us, I figured Tord was telling them not to hurt us... But some of them just attacked when they saw us attacking at them.

We got ourselves in danger, but that was just a normal thing when you were in an army... I had no idea how much everything changed. Not so long ago, we all had our own apartments and we lived a happy life... And now, we were stuck down here for the rest of our lifes until we die. Whether because of being sick or old, or being shot.

It felt like hours when...we got everything cleaned... Blood was everywhere, corpses lying on the floor and The Blue Army's soldiers were all smiling and talking... Was it really over..? "Guys, did we just...completly destroyed The Red Army..?" Edd asked.

I didn't know, what to say. "Maybe... The leader's gone and I don't see any more soldiers... Maybe we did it!" Matt said and smiled. That smile wasn't realy a happy smile, but we were all glad that we were all okay and still alive.

Well, not really okay... I was not okay... And the two didn't seem okay as well... We were all thinking about the same thing... Tord. I knew we should let our leader know about the...victory..? I thought that we won... It sure looked like it. Don't judge us if it wasn't true, we've never experienced his before. And we all went. Plently of soldiers were checking every corner and place where someone else could be, but found nobody. I actually expected it to be worse... I was so tired...exausted... And I couldn't believe, what have we just done today...

*time skip*

I layed on my bed, quietly crying. Edd and Matt were both there, sitting on the edge of the bed and were trying to comfort me. It wasn't helping much, but I felt like I was not alone in this mess.

I couldn't help it... Even if I didn't want to admit it, I missed Tord... I knew before the attack, we haven't seen each other for like...two or three months and I have seen him today, but this time it was different...

The last time when he left, I knew he would come back to us... He promised it... And I was stupid enough to believe that he was really just trying to lend us some help and get us out of this hell we called an army base.

This time, I was completly aaware that he was gone... He was never coming back to us... I could never see his soft smile ever again... And yes, now that it didn't matter, I was admitting it... I LOVED Tord... I really did... But he would just hurt us again...

It was for the best to shoot him... We all knew that was just a fact. 'At least he's in a better place right now... I think...' I tried thinking positively, not succeeding much. "Tom, it's all going to be okay..." Edd whispered to me in a soothing voice. That soothing voice reminded me of Tord... When he was calming me down...

More tears came as I just started crying harder. Matt sighed. "I think we should get some sleep. It was a tiring day for all of us." Edd nodded in agreement. "I think Matt's right. Tomorrow's another day.." Edd responded. I didn't really felt like I should complain so I just wiped away my tears and nodded slowly.

They both went to their beds. "Goodnight, guys... Try not to think about what happened today, we'll get over it eventually." Edd said and yawned. I just stared into the wall while Matt answered with a simple "Goodnight."

It didn't take long and I fell asleep. At least I thought I did. It was all quiet... I heard nothing and my head just felt empty. Like I wasn't thinking about anything. Everything felt kinda calm and peacefully silent... Until I heard a soft creak and door opening.

I opened my 'eyes' and didn't even move. I felt too paralyzed and scared to do anything. After it was quiet for like ten seconds, I heard footsteps and someone tiptoe towards my bed. I pretended to sleep, hoping it was just a bad dream and I would wake up at any second.

That someone was right next to my bed and even though I couldn't see him, I felt that the person was staring down at me. I heard silent movement when I felt someone touch my hair. I couldn't help but flinch at the sudden touch.

"Shh..." I heard someone shush me as he started to brush his hand through my spiky hair carefully. It calmed me down, but at the same time creeped me up. "I'm sorry... I wasn't there when you three needed me... And I'm sorry I wasn't there soon enough to save you from being kidnapped..." The person said. I recognised that accent... Only one person I knew had this accent... But that couldn't possibly be him, right..?

"But don't worry... I promise you I'll fix everything... I'll fix you, guys... I'll fix your heart..."

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