15. Tommie...

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Tord's POV:

I stood up and clutched my fists in anger. I ran out of the room while hearing Patryck scream my name. I got some guns and took that knife... The knife I left here, my old 'friend'. When I remember what I did with this knife to myself, I shivered.

I shook my head. There was no time to think about what happened in the past... I was angry... And I wanted to kill. I wanted to feel that feeling again. The feeling of seeing blood on my hands while seeing a dying person die in front of me. I knew I shouldn't be thinking about that, but when I was angry, nobody could stop me.

I ran out of the base when I heard footsteps behind me. "Tord, wait!" I heard Paul. I rolled my eyes and continued running. They followed me. I slowed down when I saw The Blue Army base. I grinned.

"T-Tord, you can't go there!" Patryck said. I looked at him. "Oh really? Then watch me." I said and was about to walk inside through the still broken door... 'Seriously, she does not care about her army at all! Everyone can just walk in here now.' I thought.

"Tord, stop!" Patryck said. I didn't stop, of course. "Tord! Stop!" Paul said. I looked at them and groaned. "WHAT!?" They froze for a while when I realized that I went too far. "L-look, I'm sorry... I just got mad, okay?" I apologized.

"It's okay... But will you at least let you help?" They asked. "You...want to help me?" I asked. They both nodded with a smile. "Well, of course!" Paul said. I smiled. "Thanks, guys... And I would be glad for the help."

I saw one of the doors were open. And I still saw no soldiers. Paul and Patryck both got out their guns. "I don't like that there's nobody here to protect the base... Isn't it weird?" Paul whispered. "Nah, she's just stupid." I answered him with a smile.

"Well, hello again!" I heard a familiar voice. My eyes widened as I took out my gun too. I turned around and pointed it at...her. She was standing there, grinning at me... And Tom was right next to her! 'Hah! I knew she was lying! There is no way we can trust her!' I thought. I noticed Tom had some different clothes on... It looked like an army uniform... The Blue Army uniform!

"Give him back to us, Blue Leader! And the other two!" I yelled. She laughed at us. I looked at Tom with a sad smile. "T-Tom... It's me, Tord!" I said, hoping he would remember. Tom stared at me for a while, but didn't say anything.

She leaned closer to him and whispered something in his ear. Tom's beautiful 'eyes' widened. She gave him a gun too... But why? "Tom?" I called for him. He glared at me. "S-stay back! I'm going to shoot!" He yelled.

"H-huh? Tom, it's me! I don't want to hurt you, the opposite actually! I want to help you!" I said and took a step closer to him, smiling. He pointed the gun at me. "Don't you dare touch me!" He yelled.

I frowned, feeling tears in my eyes. She smirked at me and placed her hand on Tom's shoulder. "I'll leave it to you. Don't dissapoint me." She said. "Y-yes, sir..." He said. 'Sir..?' I hoped that it wasn't true... They couldn't possibly...join her, right..?

"Tommie... Please, calm down..." I said. "Put your guns away!" He yelled. I saw tears in his 'eyes'. It looked like he really didn't want to hurt us, but it also didn't look like he could remember us. I looked at Paul and Patryck and nodded.

We all put our guns down on the floor. I looked back at Tom and came closer. "Tom, please! I just want to-" He cut me off. "No! I said stay back! And trust me, I AM going to shoot if you don't listen!" He shouted at me.

My heart felt like it exploded. I knew she did something to Tom that made him like this, but it still hurt, knowing it was still the Tom I loved... The Tom I was dating... My love... I came closer and put my hands in the air. "Tommie... Shh, it's okay now... I'm here for you..." I said in a calm tone.

He kept pointing the gun at me. "Leave me be! You don't fool me!" I sighed softly. "Tom... I just want to help you..." I said. "Then leave! Leave and don't return!" He yelled at me, making me flinch. I felt something hot roll down my cheeks. Tears.

I still came closer. "Last warning!" I shook my head. "No, Tommie..." I said. "Stop calling me that! I never saw you! And I CAN'T trust you! Sir told us we can't trust you, that you want to take us away and hurt us!"

I froze. "That's...not true... Please, Tom. Believe me... I really just want to help..." I said. He didn't say anything. I carefully came closer, completly aware it was too risky. I was now almost in front of him.

"D-don't!" He yelled. I ignored it. He then fired...but he missed. I could tell he missed on purpose though. He didn't want to hurt me... "See, Tom? You don't want to hurt me and I don't want to hurt you too. I put my gun away and I don't have anthing else..." I said.

He shook his head. "Liar!" He yelled. "I'm not a liar, Tommie. I just want everything to go back to normal..." I said. I came even closer. I was now close enough to reach him. He put the gun away and looked down.

I smiled. 'Now's my chance...' I thought. I went even closer....and I hugged him. But he pushed me to the ground harshly. I fell down on my robotic arm as I looked up at him with tears. "T-Tom... I thought... I thought you love me..." I said.

Paul and Patryck ran up to me. "A-are you okay, Tord!?" Paul asked. I didn't answer, just kept looking at Tom with watery eyes. He sighed. "Edd! Matt! Get them." He said. "Huh..?" Edd and Matt suddenly ran right towards us.

They both had the same uniform Tom had... The Blue Army uniform... Matt grabbed Patryck, Edd grabbed Paul and Tom grabbed me. The started dragging us somewhere as I kept screaming at them to let us go...

I didn't like this... At all...

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