34. Nostalgic

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Tom's POV:

"Okay. So, if I should lead you back home, we need to get out of here. And quickly. So come on, follow me." Tord said and motioned us to follow him. And we did. We all tried to be as quiet as we could.

I still wasn't really trusting Tord, I just wanted to go back home... Edd and Matt were holding hands and were walking really close to each other. But Tord and I...well, I tried to be as far away from him as possible. But not too far, that could lead to trouble.

Tord was walking in front of me and I noticed that he was slowing down. And since I didn't want to be closer, I was slowing down as well. After a while of keeping this up, he just sighed and turned around. He looked at me and stopped walking completly. I stopped walking as well.

We stared at each other. 'What is his problem?' "Guys, you alright?" Edd asked us in a quiet voice. We didn't answer. Tord just rolled his eyes and went up to me. He grabbed my hand and we all continued walking, me being confused and flustered about what was going on for the whole time.

We were close to the exit and with each step, I was getting more and more nervous. I started sweating and shaking a little. I've never done this before. I was also really excited. We were so close!

"Hey! Stop right there!" We heard a voice behind us. My 'eyes' widened as bad thoughts started screaming at me in my head. 'It's over! They found us! We're in trouble!' Thank god, there were only two soldiers, but still... We were screwed.

Tord growled and ran towards the exit, me not having any choice than to follow him since he was still holding my hand. Edd and Matt were still with us, but those two soldiers started shooting while screaming for some help from others.

But we still got outside. And we kept running. Running for our lives, all terrified. Except for Tord, I couldn't really read what he was feeling from his expression. It was a mixture of anger, determination and a bit of fear.

I started feeling a bit dizzy after running for around five minutes, but I kept going. Not for long though. I tripped and fell down. I felt Tord let go of my hand and I heard everyone stop. I got up, ignoring that Tord was offering me a hand and panted horribly.

"We...made i-it..." I managed to say between taking short breaths. Sweat was dripping my from my face and my legs hurt. I was not used to this. "Well, at least...we're all...okay." Tord responded. Edd nodded along with Matt.

"Let's take a break before you get us back home. I'm exausted." Matt said. We all agreed on that. We sat down on the grass and talked a little. Tord didn't seem so tired, but was awfully quiet for the whole time. After I calmed down a little, I actually realized where we were.

We were on top of some kind of hill... I didn't like it here at all. Yeah, it was kinda quiet and peaceful, but something seemed off. I looked around until a glimpse of red caught my 'eye'. I stared at it for a few moments before standing up and walking closer to whatever that thing was.

Tord got up as well and ran past me, right towards the red...something. After I caught up with him, I stopped frozen in tracks. I had apsolutely no idea what it was, but it looked like it was made of metal. Robotic parts... Broken glass...

I heard a quiet sob. It came from Tord. He was walking around the giant and heavy pieces that were laying everywhere. I also noticed pools of blood, but the blood wasn't fresh. It had to be here for a while now. But what kinda confused me was that Tord looked like he was recognising this place.

"I-I had no idea this is still here..." He said under his breath. He waked over to the biggest piece of this robotic thing. It kinda looked like a head from a giant robot! But how did it get here? And why was Tord familiar with this?

"It had been a while since I was here... Nothing changed..." He mumbled. "Tord, what is this place? Do you recognise it?" I asked. He just nodded as he wiped away his tears. 'Wait, tears?' I went up to him as he sobbed.

"Tord, what is this thing?" "Something that only brings bad memories... This thing ruined everything..." He held his head in pain and more tears came. I wiped them away. Okay, maybe I didn't trust him fully, but it was a bit awkward seeing him cry and it was making me feel uncomfortable. But nothing more...right..?

He looked at me and smiled sadly. "If only you remembered everything... You would understand..." He said. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrow. "How did this get here? And does it something have to do with you or us?" I asked him.

"I...really don't want to talk about it, Tom... I'm sorry, it's just really making me feel guilty and uncomfortable... I wish I could tell you though." He replied. It made me feel bad for him... It looked like it really hurt him.

Even though I really wanted answers to my questions, I understood he didn't want to tell me. We all can have some secrets, right? And maybe he'll tell us one day. Just maybe.

Tord's POV:

I felt pain in my chest as more tears came. No matter how much was I trying to stop crying like a baby, it wouldn't work. Those bad memories kept coming back to me. I couldn't do anything to stop them.

"Will you be okay?" Tom asked. I smiled at him and petted his hair. "I'll always be okay." I said. He returned the smile. I was enjoying actually seeing him smile at me again. Not seeing those glares that he kept shooting at me. It was making me feel sad.

I knew it was risky, but I already got him in a happier mood so I did it anyway. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him close. He didn't move, I saw his cheeks heat up. "I hope you will remember everything one day..." I said to myself.

"What was that?" "If you'll remember everything again... It hurts me to see you like this... Not remembering anything we did when we spent time with each other... Any adventures we went on... It hurts me to know..." I said, frowning.

"...How did we actually end up dating..?" He carefully asked. My face turned red as I stared into his 'eyes'. "W-what did you say..?" I asked. He sighed softly. "Let me put this in a way you'll understand." He paused and took a breath. "How the hell did I get this hot boy?" He asked, pointing at me.

I stared at him, completly frozen in place. I then heard loud laughter coming from Edd and Matt. Tom chuckled when he saw my expression and started laughing as well. I just stood there, completly dead inside.

'Yeah, this is going to be a long day.'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now