6. Aren't we forgetting something..?

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Tord's POV:

I woke up, breathing heavily. What was that!? At that moment, Paul opened the door. And by opened the door, I meant smashed the door open. I jumped and looked at him. "Tord! I found who is the person that we're searching for!" He said.

I gasped and immediately stood up. "Really? Who!?" I asked. He sighed. "You're not going to like this, but..." He paused and took a breath. "Do you remember The Blue Army?" He asked. I started feeling dizzy just when I thought about that.

"Yes..?" I answered nervously. "Well, the leader... She has them..." He answered. My eyes widened. I started getting angry... Really angry. That army hated us. And the leader hated me... We've had so much fights...

I knew the leader since childhood... She was my classmate and even my neighbor. She always hated me and made fun of me whenever she could and I never understood, why. I never did anything bad to her to make her hate me! So why?

We never got along, that was true, but that really wasn't a good reason to kidnap my friends and do who knows what with them. But...it was true that she wanted to...rule the world... And when she found out that I had to rule the world too, she got really angry at me and tried to kill me...

The Red Army and The Blue Army had so much fights... And we never stopped fighting... I tried to explain it to her. Explain that I didn't want to rule the world at all and that I was just being forced by my father. But when I said that, she said SHE was going to rule the world then...

And I didn't want that... She was a terrible person... And she never had any friends. Though, it wasn't bothering her. So I wanted to stop her... Another war... I hated those times. And when the day came, the day I had to come back to my friends and kill them...I failed.

But I wasn't thinking about The Blue Army at all! I completly forgot about her! That she was our threat! But still...why did she want to kidnap my friends? So she would make me angry? Or make me give up the army and give it to her? Or so I would make her rule the world?

But I had no control of the army anymore... I quit my job as The Red Leader and I was not regretting that. So I couldn't go fight her... Only when Paul and Patryck agreed. I didn't care what she wanted. I just knew that I needed to get my friends back and stop her from whatever she was planning to do with them! And-huh..?

"TORD!" Patryck yelled. I looked at him. He was standing next to Paul, crossing his arms. "H-huh? What?" I asked them, confused. "You spaced out, you okay?" He asked. I just nodded and looked away.

"Well, what should we do, Tord?" They asked. 'Huh?' I looked at them "What do you mean? I'm not your leader anymore, remember?" I reminded them. "Well, it's you who needs help with finding his friends. What do you need us to do so we can help you?" Paul asked.

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. "I... I have to think about it..."

Tom's POV:

My head was hurting. Why? I didn't know. Where was I? I had no idea. Where were Edd and Matt? Didn't know that too. What happened? Couldn't remember anything.

I sat up. I wasn't in a cell this time. It looked like a room. I was lying on a bed. Edd and Matt were both there too, sleeping. I rubbed my 'eyes'. 'What am I doing here? And what happened to us?' I thought to myself.

I had no idea what was going on.  I looked at Edd. "Edd? Wake up!" I said. He groaned and opened his eyes. He looked at me tiredly. "What? What happened?" He asked. "I don't know! Do you remember anything?" I asked.

He sat up and shook his head. "No, I do-Ouch!" He yelped in pain and Matt woke up. "Huh? What's wrong?" He asked. I looked at Edd worriedly. "Are you okay there, Edd?" I asked. He kept rubbing his right arm in pain.

"My arm is hurting..." He said. Now that I was thinking about it...my right arm kinda hurt too...  I rolled up my sleeve carefully...and gasped in suprise and shock. Some kind of mechanic part was there!

I tried to get the thing off, but it only caused more pain and my head started spinning. I had tears in my 'eyes'. "What is this thing!?" I asked. Edd and Matt rolled up their sleeves too and they had the same thing I had...

"We have it too. But I have no idea what this is." Edd answered. Matt screamed in panic. "My beautiful body is destroyed!" He yelled. I rolled my 'eyes'. "Matt, we've got even a bigger problem than that. Like what does this do? Or where are we? This isn't the cell we've been in before." I said.

"You're right. Why are we here again?" Edd asked. "Well, some woman kidnapped us and is telling us to join some kind of army or something." I said. "Oh yeah... How did we even get kidnapped?" Edd asked. I was so confused.

I couldn't remember anything. I felt like I was forgetting something important... Something important to me, to us. We were all confused, sitting on our beds, staring into space with confused expressions on our faces. 

We were all thinking about what were we doing here. But I had a really strange feeling... Someone was suppose to be here with us... Wasn't there someone else?

I tried my best to remember something. I tried hard. I really did. But nothing came into my mind... Only red... Was it blood? I didn't know. I felt pain in my stomach, my head was spinning, I wasn't feeling good at all and I was sweating.

My other two friends looked like they were struggling to remember something too. Were they feeling the same pain? Were they having the same feeling? The feeling that something was missing? Something that we were forgetting?

Matt looked like he couldn't take it. Edd was close to crying and I was in pain. I, for some strange reason, felt like I wanted the universe to delete itself. I felt ashamed... I felt like I was really forgetting something important to me... Or someone..? I could see Edd and Matt were thinking as hard as they could. Maybe they really had the same feeling!

But maybe...it was just a feeling. It was not real. I wasn't missing anything and I was just tired. Maybe I had a dream and someone was there. But I forgot that dream and didn't realize it was a dream. So maybe it was all just a fake.

Maybe this 'person' didn't exist at all. I couldn't remember anything about him. "Hey guys..?" Matt suddenly said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes, Matt?" Edd asked. "...Aren't we forgetting something? Or maybe someone?" Matt asked. I stayed silent.


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