45. Protective over him

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Tord's POV:

My eyes widened. 'This... This can't be true! Not Tom!' I thought, my eyes glued to the television. Edd and Matt stared at it it too as we all listened. "Apparently, the creature escaped into the forest, but it might return. Barricade your windows and doors, stay safe!"

Tears fell down my cheeks, getting up. "T-Tom! Not him!" I yelled. "We need to do something!" Edd said, standing up from the couch as well. Matt did the same as I just looked down. "B-but...what can we do, guys..?" I asked.

They didn't answer. "...I should go find him." I said, about to leave. "Tord! It can be dangerous! Tom can lose control of that thing and attack you!" Matt warned. I glared at him. "No. Tom wouldn't do that. He attacks when he doesn't feel safe or when he tries to protect someone." I answered and left the house.

Policemen were everywhere around the town. It made me feel a little uncomfortable since I remembered that I was maybe still wanten. But even though they did seem to notice me, they didn't attack me...

I was pretty relieved, but froze when one of them talked to me. "Hey, you shouldn't be here. It's not safe get back to your house." He ordered. I shook my head. "No, not until I find my friend." I said, about to walk away, only to be stopped by a woman. She looked a bit younger than the other police officer, she was around twenty.

"How does your friend look like? We can go search for him since we're actually still searching through the whole town." She asked me. I backed away. "U-uhh I..." I couldn't tell them... It would get Tom in danger. Well, bigger danger then he was already in.

I panicked and started running away. They started yelling at me to stop and then started chasing after me. I ran into the forest, I heard that Tom went there too. I didn't care that he could be dangerous. "Stop!" I heard. I didn't, of course.

I ran deeper into the forest and when they were out of sight, I hid in a bush that was nearby. I didn't move an inch and it felt like my heart stopped. "Urg, we lost him." I heard the man say. "Should be go back?" The woman asked. He stayed silent until nodding slowly and walking away with her.

I still didn't move, just pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged myself tightly. I yelped when somebody grabbed me by Tom's hoodie that I still had on and started dragging me somewhere. I struggled and begged for them to let go of me.

I didn't know, who it was. Or what did they want from me. But I was just freaked out. I looked over to them when they let go of me and my 'eyes' widened. My lips formed into a smile. "Tom!" It was him, but he was fully transformed into a monster as he stared at me blankly.

I hugged him tightly. "I finally found you, Tom! You don't even know how worried I was about you!" I said. He pushed me away froom him... I looked up at him, confused and shocked about what he just did.

"Tom?" He only growled in responce. At that point, I knew I was in trouble. I got up and started running, hearing him roar behind me. He started chasing me. 'No, not again...' I thought. I ran and ran, my legs aching.

I was completly unfamiliar with this part of the forest. I have never been here before and it scared me. But I didn't worry that much about getting lost, Tom was catching up to me. I wanted to help him, yes, but he would just attack me, I needed for him to at least stop moving so I could calm him down.

I looked behind me to see him catching up quickly. But then, he stopped and just stared at me. I still ran however and I was still watching him. He roared at me, but it wasn't an agressive roar... More like a warning.

I looked back where I was running and my eyes widneed. But I was too late to notice it... I fell right into a deep ditch and screamed from suprise and shock. I landed on the ground and felt a terrible pain. But I was still alive... Why? I didn't want to be alive..

I was actually impressed that I was still alive, but I couldn't move. I felt like dying, though still wasn't dead. (Me everyday.) If I did, I would be rewarded with more pain. I looked at my thigh to find an opened wound as blood was coming out of it. But other than that, I was okay... At least I thought I was.

Why always me? 'Why every single time something is going on, something bad happens to me or Tom? Why!? Life isn't fair!' I thought, staring at the sky, crying softly. I heard some noices, but I didn't care anymore. I just closed my eyes and let whatever was going on happen.

I heard something growl. It was probably Tom... Or that monster... Or something, I didn't know. I felt hot breathing hit my injury and then felt something weird and wet brush againts my face. I groaned in pain and opened my eyes and saw...Tom licking my face. Oh wow.

I just kinda stared at him, breathing heavily. He sniffed my opened and bleeding wound and flinched. He started licking it as I tried my best not to cry out in pain. But after a while, it stopped bleeding.

I sighed and closed my eyes once again. I wanted to sleep. And so I did. If Tom wanted to kill me, then okay. I didn't care what happened to me anymore. I just wanted everyone to be okay, but I didn't even deserve to be saved.

I felt him pick me up, I didn't care. I just let him do whatever he wanted with me. After that, I had no idea what was going on. It took me a while when I realized that I finally fell asleep.

Tom's POV:

Tord... I needed to save him. I needed to help him. I needed to...protect him...

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