41. Goodbye, Blue Leader!

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Tord's POV:

Okay, it was time to go. And I was nervous to be honest. Really nervous. I sighed while waving at the others. Edd and Matt looked really worried, Paul and Patryck were trying to stay strong and Tom was crying.

I hugged them all, I didn't want any of them to get hurt because of me. So I told them all to stay here. I then left The Red Army base and started walking towards the place where she said we will meet up.

I had two guns with me, a knife and...well...myself. True, I didn't have that much stuff with me, but I didn't care. I was so nervous that I almost forgot about the path. But luckily, I saw her before I could get lost.

She grinned when she saw me. "Well, there you are!" She said. I rolled my eyes, glaring at her. "Yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with now. Please." I said. She chuckled. "As you wish." I came closer to her, but not too close.

I was scared and nervous. But I knew I needed a strategy and a plan or else it could have ended up with my death and that meant danger for my friends. I closed my eyes. I knew, what I had to do.

When I opened my eyes again, everything felt like it turned grey and slower. I tried to focus on her every move, especially on her hand so I could be ready when she reached out for her gun. But something kept distracting me.

I thought I heard some loud noices next to me and I was just too stupid and turned to see what it was. And of course, she noticed me not paying attention to her. When I looked back at her...she fired...

My eyes widened and it felt like my heart stopped. I quickly reached for my guns and fired, but I missed. I missed both times... The bullet went right for me as it hit me in my head... I made out a pained sound and collapsed...

I opened my eyes. Nothing was grey anymore. I was not shot. She was still there, smirking at me and I was glaring at her. 'Okay, I can't do it like that, I need to focus no matter what is happening around us.' I thought.

I focused on her again. I kept hearing loud noices and sounds that were trying to distract me, but I wasn't going to let them fool me again. And then...she reached for her guns ad I was ready. I heard the gun fire and saw the bullet, but I moved out of the way since I was ready for this to happen.

She glared at me, but I knew it was not over just yet. Quite the opposite. The battle has just started. I kept focusing on her. She tried to move so it would make me confused and make it harder for me to concentrate.

She walked a little bit to the right and I moved too. I was still watching her, my eyes were glued to her. This time, I decided to make a move. I reached for my guns and pointed them at her. I was focused enough on her and I fired.

One of the bullets missed, but the other one hit her in her arm. She groaned in pain and glared at me. "I'm not giving up this easily." She said. "I know." I mumbled under my breath. The showdown continued. She even tried running around me to make me stop watching her, but I kept watching.

She growled in annoyance and stopped moving. I smirked. "Give up?" I asked. "NO WAY!" She shouted. I chuckled. It went like this for a few minutes befoere I knew I needed to make a move. I reached for my knife and threw it at her. She didn't expect it.

She quickly jumped out of the way, but the knife still managed to scratch her other arm. I heard her curse under her breath. She was getting impatient, however, I had lots of patience. She immediately reached for her guns and fired at me.

I just laughed and didn't even need to move. She missed. "Just give up already!" She yelled. "Hah, nope. It's fun to watch you!" I teased her. It just made her angrier and more impatient. But I didn't care how she felt. She was my enemy after all.

I then decided to wait for her to make her move. But nothing was happening for at least ten minutes and she looked like she couldn't hold it in anymore. Her eyes were filled with rage, but she still didn't do anything. It was fun to see her angry face.

"Why won't you fight!?" She asked, trying to calm herself down. I smiled. "I don't want to fight. And I'm giving you tuns of chances to shoot me, but you're just too busy thinking about how much you want me to die that you're not even doing anything about it!" I answered.

"Okay, that's it!" She grabbed the knife I previously threw on her and ran up to me. She tried to cut me with the knife, but I grabbed her arm in which she was holding the knife, punched her in the face with my robotic arm and then kicked her in the stomach with my right knee.

She dropped the knife and fell backwards. Her nose was bleeding as I just looked down at her, smirking. "Who's the loser now?" I asked. She didn't answer, just stood up and backed away. She was angry, but I could also see a bit of fear in her eyes. She realized that I was not such a wimp after all!

After another few minutes of her staring into space, I knew this was my chance. I reached for my guns, pointed them at her... "Goodbye, Blue Leader." I said and fired. And I didn't miss. One of the bullets hit her in her chest and the other one flew right through her skull.

She collapsed and the ground, bleeding a lot. I then heard something I never expected to hear from her. Cries. Cries of pain. She was dying. A slow and painful death. I came up to her and she looked up at me, tears falling down her cheeks.

I decided to end her suffering and the pain she was feeling. "Goodbye..." I whispered to her and shot her again. And then again and again. She took her last breath and her heart stopped beating. I smiled, knowing she was done for.

I started walking away from the corpse of my enemy, smiling and knowing it was over. "I will always remember you, Blue Leader."

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