21. That traitor!

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Tom's POV:

We both snuck out of the room and started creeping around these halls. We tried to avoid any soldiers and not to make problems. And then I saw Edd and Matt! I smiled at them. "Tom, there you ar-" He looked at Tord. "Why is he here..?" Edd asked, pointing at him.

"Don't worry about him, Edd. He's on our side. Well, sort of.." I said. "Sort of?" Matt asked, confused. "He wants to help us. But he's not in The Blue Army." I explained. "Oh. Are you sure we should trust him?" Edd looked at Tord suspiciously.

Tord just looked down. "I... I just want everything to go back to normal... I don't want her to keep you here like some prisoners, make you do things you don't even want to do and hurt you... Just like she hurt you, Tom..." He whispered the last part and looked down.

"And why do you even care about us?" Matt asked, crossing his arms. "We were friends, guys... But when I went out for a while, she took you and did something to you that made you forget about me... Please, believe me! I really mean no harm!" Tord wiped away his tears and avoided eye contact with us.

"Do you have any proof?" Edd asked. Tord just shook his head. I sighed. "He doesn't look like he wants to hurt us and he...he saved me." I said. Their faces quickly turned from suspicious to confused. "W-what do you mean?"

"He saved me from that woman... I mean, I always knew I can't trust her, but she is our leader after all... We have no choice... And she closed us both into the cell we were previously locked in. He could tell that I didn't really want to hurt him, but I couldn't control it! I was that...thing again.." I paused and took a breath. I shivered when memories flooded through my head.

Tord just nodded slowly, still looking away from the three of us. "He even hugged me... And tried to comfort me... B-but I hurt him, even though I didn't want to... He let me do it since he knew it was making me feel better..." I looked at Tord. "I'm sorry that I hurt you before..."

He looked me in the 'eyes' and smiled sadly at me. "It's fine, Tom. No worries." Edd sighed. "Well, if Tom trusts you, I suppose we can give you a chance." He said. Matt rubbed his arm as if it hurt him.

"You alright there, Matt?" He growled in responce and rolled up his sleeve, revealing the robotic thing that our leader gave us. I still had no idea what it did, but I could agree with Matt, it was uncomfortable.

"W-what is that?" Tord asked him worriedly. "That's what is making me feel a little concerned... We all have this thing, but we don't know, why or what it does." Edd answered. "You all have it!?" Tord asked. We all nodded and rolled up our sleeves.

"I still wonder, why Blue Leader did this to us. And what is it?" I asked. Tord carefully grabbed my arm and got a closer look on it. "Since when do you have this on your arm?" He asked. "Ever since we are in this arm-y!" Edd joked. Matt chuckled and I just smiled

But Tord just looked at his with a serious expression on his face. He was not finding this funny. Edd's smile faded. "Sorry." He apologized. Tord sighed. "It's alright."

He then checked Edd's and Matt's arms too. "Does it hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, it's just not really comfortable to wear it." I said in a quiet voice. "And I guess you weren't trying to take it off." We all shook our heads.

But actually, why not even try? What was the worst thing that could happen? I carefully grabbed it and tried to take it off. But it felt like it was glued to my skin. I tried to pull harder, but it only gave me more pain and the thing was still not off.

"Stop. I get it, you can't." Tord said. I stopped since I trusted Tord with this. He seemed like he knew something about this type of things. Well, he did have a robotic arm so that would probably make sence.

"Wait, did you actually forget about me when you got this thing?" He asked. "Uhh, well... When we woke up, we all felt like someone was missing, but we thought it was nothing, probably just a feeling. That is until you showed up, of course." Matt said. "That's true." I agreed.

"Maybe this thing is messing with your memories... Tell me, what can you remember before getting this thing?" He asked another question, he sounded so calm... It was calming me down as well. I felt a bit safer when someone was really here to actually help all of us. And I really trusted Tord it just felt like it was the right thing to do.

"What I can remember is being locked inside a cell as our leader kept us here. She made us choose, death or join The Blue Army. And then-" Matt cut himself off as his eyes widened. "B-but I thought we chose to die, guys..."

Edd and I froze in shock as we realized what happened. Memories came back to me. I remembered...


"I love my face..." I heard Matt whisper. She then fired from the gun... I covered Edd's eyes so he wouldn't have to see it. I closed my 'eyes' too. I heard Matt's body fall to the cold floor... "Okay, who wants to be next?" She asked. Edd raised his arm.

"I-I'll go... I want to see Matt..." He said. I felt really bad, because I knew I would survive the death of my friends... I knew that I would be the last one, but I understood Edd. And I let him go... I knew there was no way we could escape this now...

I still had my 'eyes' closed as I uncovered Edd's eyes. "See you later, Tom." He said. "See you later, Edd... Tell Matt I'm next..." I said and smiled. I heard the woman groan. I ignored it though. "Wait a minute... Matt's not-" Edd was cut off by another gunshot.

I heard him fall too... I was too scared and sad to look at my two friends that were now laying dead in front of me... 'But wait... What was Edd about to say..? That Matt is not...? What? What did he mean?' I thought to myself, confused about what just hapened.

"Okay, now you." I heard her say. I got angry. "Just shut up and kill me! I don't want to be here anymore!" I yelled. She then didn't say anything else.

I heard the gun fire... I felt pain...but it was not as bad as I expected it would be... I fell down... My 'eyes' were still closed. I felt pain, yes, but...it was not unbearable to handle... I expected it to be worse. Much worse...

I let my body relax as I began to die... I opened my 'eyes' for the last time and looked around me... That's when I noticed something... And that made me realize what was going on... No blood... And Matt along with Edd were still breathing...

She didn't kill us...

 *end of flaaaaaaaashbaaaaaaack*  

"W-we chose to die than join her army!" Edd said. "Yes, we did! Then why!? Why are we not dead!? What did she do to us!?" I yelled. I shut my 'eyes' that were now full of tears. I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me. Tord...

He rubbed my back and sighed. "There, there... As I always say, everything's going to be okay..." He said in a soothing voice. I hugged him back, feeling cared for. Edd and Matt hugged each other. I did feel a bit better than before... But still...

Why didn't she kill us? That traitor...

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