29. It's getting closer...

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Tord's POV:

"Well... It's here..." I said to myself. We were planning to attack tomorrow. I was so nervous! And also pretty scared... I layed down on my bed and sighed. I heard Ringo meow and I smiled. "Ringo, do you think I'll be able to save Tom and the other two..? And will I be able to stop The Blue Leader..?" I asked.

Ringo didn't answer, just meowed again. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Let's hope for the best... Goodnight, Ringo." I said. It didn't take long and I fell right into my dream.

I opened my eyes to be greeted with darkness. I had tears in my eyes for some reason. I stood up. "H-hello?" I called. "Tord?" I heard a voice behind me. A really familiar voice... I turned around and saw...

"Tom..?" He came closer to me. "...What are you doing here? And where are we?" I asked him. It was kinda dark until I saw something behind his back... He showed it to me and I saw it was a lantern.

"Why do you have that, Tom?" I asked. He sighed. "And why should I answer to you?" I raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Because we're friends... And I want to help you." I said. "How do I know you're not lying, Tord? I can't trust you." He said.

"Tom, please! You know that I would never do anything to hurt you." I said and came closer. He didn't move an inch. "Look, Tom... I can tell you're stressed... But don't worry, help is on the way. We will attack on The Blue Army base tomorrow. Everyone knows, who you are though so they won't attack you. I'll come and rescue you, guys! I promise I will help y-"

"ENOUGH!" He yelled. I didn't expect this. "Tom..?" I called for him when his 'eyes' started changing from pitch black to glowing purple... I backed away when I saw horns starting to grow out of his head.

"I. Can not. Trust you. Tord." He said, dropping the lantern. The only source of light that was here was now gone and all I could see is darkness again. But then I noticed a pair of purple eyes staring at me.

"T-Tom..?" I only heard a growl in responce. Those eyes moved closer to me as I heard footsteps. "Tom? What are you doing..?" I asked carefully. I was able to see a bit better since my eyes somehow adjusted to the dark.

The pair of eyes was still staring at me when I suddenly saw sharp teeth... "Tom... Tom, stop! Stop it, please! No, Tommie, don't!" I yelled when he was about to hit me with his sharp claws that were once hands.

I started running away, having no idea where I was going and why. I sometimes turned around to see if he was still running after me. He was always there. I kept running, trying to catch my breath as tears escaped my eyes.

I heard a loud roar behind me and that made me run faster. I was running for my life. And I was quick... Maybe too quick, because I tripped over my own leg and fell down. I wanted to get up and continue running to escape that...monster, but I couldn't get myself to even move from the shock and fear.

The footsteps got louder and slower. I gulped and looked at him. It wasn't Tom, that was for sure... It wasn't my sweet Tommie... It was just...a  monster...

He grinned down at me. "T-Tom, please don't hurt me..." I whispered, protecting my face with my arms. He grabbed me by my neck and squeezed it, making it being harder to breathe. Tears fell down my face.

"I... I still l-love you, Tommie..." I whispered before I felt something sharp stab me into my head...

Tom's POV:

I woke up, breathing heavily. Wow, what a weird dream I had... It was all dark and Tord was there... I was the one holding the lantern now. Tord was telling me that he would eventually attack on The Blue Army, but since everyone knew who we were, they would leave us be!

I didn't know why I was so angry. But I actually realized... I still didn't believe Tord... No, even after that other dream with him and the lantern's light... No. That was just a dream, dreams were not suppose to make sence or to be true, right..?

I sighed and got up. I quickly got changed and left my room. I didn't really see Edd or Matt yet, but then I heard laughing behind me. I turned around to see the two of course. I smiled and came up to them. "Good morning, guys. What are you laughing at?" I asked.

They both calmed down and looked at me. "O-oh, it's just you, Tom! And nothing! Nothing at all." Edd said. I tilted my head. 'What?' "Yeah, just what he said." Matt agreed, nodding his head in agreement.

"I know you're lying, guys. Tell me the truth." I said, crossing my arms. They both chuckled. Edd was about to say something when... "Soldiers?" We all jumped and turned around. Our leader was there.

"You're suppose to be in the training room now." She said, glaring at us. "Y-yes, sir, we're sorry, sir." I said. We were all about to head right where we should, but she stopped us. "Did I allow you to leave!?" She yelled.

"N-no, sir!" We all said in unison. Yes, I was scared of her, she could be terrifying, but that didn't mean I should trust Tord. She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, The Red Army is attacking..." She said with a serious expression.

My 'eyes' widened. 'Red...Army..?' I thought to myself, flashbacks of my dream replaying in my mind. She nodded. "We all need to get ready... This was the moment I have been waiting for for years! A fight that will finish everything. A war that will be the end of this thing!" She said with an evil grin.

"Red Army..?" Matt asked, confused about what was going on. "Yes, indeed. Now get ready. We don't have that much time." She said and walked away, leaving us all alone with our thoughts. "Red Army... T-Tord..." I whispered.

"Guys..." Edd said, his voice sounding like it was close to crying. Matt and I looked at him. "What if we don't survive..?" Matt stayed silent. I looked down, thinking about the dream I had. "...No..."

They both looked at me. "Huh?" I clutched my fists. "They're not going to hurt us... Even if they wanted to..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now