42. Together again

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Tom's POV:

It has been two hours. Paul and Patryck kept trying to calm me down and they said that it would take long, but I didn't listen to them. I was worried. I wanted Tord to come back... Was he even coming back to me..?

I kept walking in circles. Edd and Matt were hugging each other and watching me with concerned expressions on their faces. Paul and Patryck were trying to figure out something about the robotic device that was on my arm.

"Tom, d-do you maybe... I don't know... Wanna play something? Or talk about To-" I cut Edd off. "No." I knew he was just trying to help, but I just wanted Tord to come back. I wanted everything to go back to normal... I wanted Edd and Matt to umm...remember Tord too...

My legs got tired and my head was spinning for a while. So I stopped and just sat on the cold ground, pulling my knees closer to my chest and stared on the door. I waited for Tord to come back. I waited for him like a dog.

Edd and Matt were still trying to grab my attention, but I just ignored them. They knew that I wouldn't move until he returned so they sat next to me and tried comforting me. I appreciated it, I was great that I had such nice friends.

My 'eyes' were already closing. I was tired, but I kept watching. As I was about to fall asleep, the moment I have been waiting for this whole time happened... The door opened. I immediately got up and saw...Tord!

"Tordie!" I grinned and hugged him tightly. He was covered in blood, but I didn't care. I was just glad to see that he was okay and still alive. He chuckled and hugged me back. "Miss me?" He asked. I hugged him tighter and nodded.

Edd and Matt stood up too, smiling at us. "So, is she gone..?" Matt asked. "Yes, you don't need to worry about her anymore." Tord answered. We all sighed in relief. "Anyway, where are Paul and Patryck?" Tord asked.

"We're here!" Two voices came from another room. We seperated from the hug and Tord walked into the room. We followed after him. "Tord!" Patryck went over to him and hugged him. "We're so glad you're okay!" Tord chuckled. "Same. And she's gone."

Paul showed Tord the robotic device that was once on my arm. "This little thing was hurting Tom and it actually made him trust their leader. Tom did want to believe you, but this little thing messed everything up." He said with a serious expression.

"W-what about Edd and Matt?" Tord asked. Edd and Matt looked at each other nervously. "It's the same with them, but since they don't trust her, those things are hurting them. We need to take them off." Patryck explained.

"But how did you even manage to get this thing off?" Paul asked, looking at me. "Tord got it off. But how? I don't know." We all looked at Tord, waiting for answers. He just stared at us. "...What?" "How did you do it?"

Tord showed us his robotic arm. "Thanks to this thing." He answered. I tilted my head. "But how..?" She sighed. "I don't even know, HOW. I just grabbed the robotic part and held it tightly. My arm started heating up and burning." He paused.

'Well that explains, why was it burning when he was doing it.' I thought. It made sence to me. I let him continue. "After a while, I just felt like it was losing it's grip on your arm and after a while,  I got it off... But I can't really explain, how did I do it myself. I'm just glad it worked." He finished.

"We...might as well do that to Edd and Matt too. These things can hurt them even more..." Patryck said. "W-what!? But I don't want to! I'm scared!" Matt yelled. Edd hugged him. "Matt, calm down." Tord sighed. "I just want to help you, guys..."

"We can put them to sleep so they wouldn't feel anything." Paul suggested. I smiled. "That would be great!" "...Okay then... Can we start now?I want to get this over with..." Matt asked. Tord nodded.

"Okay, who's first then?" He asked. Edd looked at Matt. "Do you...want to?" Matt just nodded. Tord placed his hand on Matt's shoulder and showed him a reasurring smile. "It's going to be over soon, don't worry." I heard him say as they walked away along with Paul and Patryck.

I was left alone with Edd. He looked really sad and worried about his lover. I understood how he felt since I've been through the same thing just a couple of minutes ago. I tried calming him down, it seemed to be working. We then just sat there in silence waiting for things to end.

*time skip*

I was now alone with Matt who was still asleep. It was Edd's turn now. I hoped everything would work out just fine. Matt was starting to wake up. "Urg... What happened?" He asked me. I smiled at him. "It's a long story, buddy. I don't understand it well myself." I answered.

He smiled back. "Tom? Or should I say...Tim?" He joked. We laughed at it for a while until Tord came in with a sleeping Edd in his arms. He was asleep, but he seemed okay. "Edd!" Matt ran up to them and took Edd from him.

Tord and I chuckled and smiled at each other. "Paul and Patryck said we can go home now. So? Do you want to go back?" Tord asked. We all nodded. "Well, see you again soon then." We heard Patryck.

"Yeah, see you. What will you do now since The Red Army is kinda...you know..." "Well, we're probably going to leave this place and go live a normal life. We'll let you know soon, okay?" Patryck said, smiling softly at us.

After a couple of hugs and goodbyes, we left The Red Army base and went back home. We all felt great. Edd was soon awake and we all knew what that meant. Puns. But nobody really minded that. We were all just happy.

Tord explained the whole story that happened to us. We understood better. We then all just kinda joked around and had fun spending time with each other. Just like old times... And we all felt happy since we were together again...

Hello, guys! If you're asking, no! The story is NOT over yet! I still have some things that I would love to write and I'm actually kinda proud of this book. Just like 'Who Are You?'. You guys are awesome. I love you all, because it's only thanks to you that I am still here! I wanted to thank you all. It's almost been a year since I joined and I would have never thought it would turn into this. So...

Thank you... You guys are the best friends I have ever had. Even though I didn't see most of you in person... I love you, guys... You're awesome and I'm glad to have you here with me. Heh, that's all I got to say for now. Thanks again, bye bye!

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now