13. Choices

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Edd's POV:

Matt and I sat on a bed. He was trying to comfort me, but I just couldn't calm down! We both heard those scary screams, cries and roars... We were both terrified. And we were both wondering if Tom was okay.

The door opened. That woman dragged Tom inside and threw him on his bed. "Tom!" I yelled and immediately ran up to him. Matt followed after me. Tom was passed out. I could see tears stained on his cheeks and he looked like he was in pain. His arm was bleeding.

I gasped. "What did you do to him!?" I yelled. She ignored my question, just rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Let me know when he wakes up. I want the answer to my question, time's up. So decide if you haven't already. And quickly." She said and left the room.

'Oh no... What now?' I asked myself. I shook Tom gently. "Tom? Tom, wake up." I said. He didn't even move. I sighed and checked if he was still breathing. Thankfully, he was. "Edd..?" I looked at Matt. "Yes?"

"What do you think we should do. Join her..? Or...die..?" He asked. I saw small tears form in his beautiful eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek. "We'll wait for Tom to wake up and we'll see. But if I can be honest with you, I don't want to spend the rest of my life here." I said.

He stayed silent. "So...I don't even know if it's a good idea to...go with her..." I said. "Are... Are you saying that we should die..?" He asked. "Well, Matt. Tell me. Would you rather die or live a terrible life trapped in some kind of army?" I asked him for his own opinion.

"I... I don't know. I don't want to die, but I don't want to be here either! I want everything to go back to normal!" He said. I sighed softly. "Me too, Matt. Me too. But that won't happen... So we have to make our choice..."

"Well, if you're dying guys, I'm dying too. But if you want to stay here, I will stay here too." We suddenly heard Tom's voice. We both looked down at him to see him looking at us with a painful look.

We both hugged him tightly. "Tom! What did she do to you!?" I asked him. "We heard crying for help and screams! Was that you!? What was she doing to you!?" Matt asked. "G-guys, chill. I'm okay...I guess." He said.

"But Tom-" "No, Edd. I'm okay, really." He said. We all stayed silent for a couple of minutes. "Then what did she do to you, Tom?" I asked, trying to stay calm. "I... I don't even know. She stabbed me with a syringe and then everything just...changed." He said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Matt asked. "Well, I just..." He paused and took a deep breath. "Some kind of horns stared growing out of my head. And I had a tail! My hands turned purple and I had really sharp claws... I also got taller..." He said.

I was now scared and even more worried than before. "W-what?" I asked, confused. "I don't know what happened to me... When that woman came back, I tried attacking her, but she reached in her pocket and took out some kind of button. And when she pressed it, I felt pain and couldn't move anymore... Then she put another syringe in me and I passed out."

When I remembered the woman, I also remembered what she said when she went here a few minutes ago. "Uhh, hey Tom... What do you think? Should we...really listen to her? Or should we...let her kill us..?" I asked.

"To be honest, I've made up my mind. And I would rather die than spend the rest of my life with her. I don't trust this strange woman at all!" He said. Suddenly, his 'eyes' started to change... "U-uhh, Tom..?" He didn't listen.

"She deserves to die! She kidnapped us, took us away from our homes! She's clearly a terrible person!" He shouted. I saw something sharp come out of his head... My eyes widened. "Uhh, Tom? Please, calm down..." I said. He still didn't care what I said.

"And what about Tord? Maybe I don't remember Tord, but I trust him more than that woman! Maybe Tord's already dead! Maybe he was here to help us! To get us out of here! And she just wanted to stop him so she took him away and said he was a terrible person!" He yelled. His 'eyes' were glowing with purple and I saw two sharp horns on his head... I understood what was going on.

"Tom, please! Listen to m-" "EDD! How can I calm down!? I'm going to die either way! So why? I can do whatever I want!" He yelled at me. Tears formed in my eyes. Matt hugged me protectively. "Hey! Leave Edd be! Can't you see you're hurting him!?" Matt shouted at Tom.

Tom stayed silent and just stared at us. Maybe he was calming down! Tears fell down my cheeks. I hugged Matt back and cried. "See!? Don't shout at him like that, Tom! That won't change anything!" He said.

I looked at Tom with watery eyes and saw the horns dissapearing. I smiled softly, but kept crying. "I-I'm sorry, Edd... I just...got so angry... I took my anger out on you, sorry..." Tom apologized.

"I-it's okay, Tom..." I said and smiled at him. He returned it. I was about to say something else when the door smashed open. And who else would it be than the woman. I hugged Matt tighter in fear, knowing what was going to happen next. "I see he's awake now." She said and looked at Tom.

He glared at her, but didn't say anything. She smirked. "So, tell me." She said. "Huh?" "Tell me your answer. NOW." She said, crossing her arms. I was scared. I didn't know what to choose... Matt sighed. " I don't care, but to be honest, I would rather die..." He said.

I looked at Tom. I knew I wanted to live, but not here... And if I was going to live, I wanted my friends to be there with me... "Death! I don't trust you at all! And you did so much things that hurt us and I would rather die than live as a monster in some kind of army ruled by a psychopath!" He yelled.

She looked at me. "And you?" I looked at the two of my friends with a sad expression. 'If my friends are going to die...and if I never will be able to be free again...there is NO need to live...' I thought. I looked back at her.


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