9. Give him back!

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Tord's POV:

'They...can't remember me..? Why? Why did this have to happen? Why can't life just let me have some peace!?' I thought as I hugged the trio tighter. "Tord..? Can you please tell us what happened to you? Half of your face is burned and covered with scars and your arm is...robotic.." Tom said in a worried tone.

"Yes, Todd. What happened to your face!?" Matt asked. I looked at him. '...And Matt forgot my name again. Great. Thanks, Blue Leader.' I thought to myself. "It's a long story... But can you tell me what did she do to you?" I asked them.

"What? Do you mean the woman? She locked us in a cell, then she did something with our arms and now we were locked in here until you came." Edd said. I stared at him. "...What did she do to your arms?" I asked, slightly confused.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Tom said, looking down. I felt tears in my eyes. "You really can't remember me? Your friend?" I asked them, hopeful that they will remember. But they all just shook their heads.

I sighed and sat down on one of the beds. I took off my eyepatch and rubbed my eyes. I hid my face in my hands, sobbing quietly. Tom sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "So, you're saying you were our...friend, right?" He asked.

I froze. 'Wait...if he can't remember me... That means...' My eyes widened as I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. "D-do you remember dating me!?" I asked. His 'eyes' widened in shock and suprise as I stared at him, still hoping he would remember.

"What are you talking about, sir?" He asked, looking kinda scared as he unwrapped his arm around me. I got up from the bed. "You can't remember anything? Us being childhood best friends? Me having amnesia and you guys helping me? Us dating eachother? Anything!?" I asked, now almost begging him to remember.

He stood up and backed away from me. "S-sorry, but...we were dating..?" He asked. That was it. My chest felt like it was going to explose and my heart felt like it just shattered. I fell on my knees and cried once again. I seriously hated when I was crying, but I couldn't help it.

I wasn't so sure what happened next, but I felt someone embrace me and pulling me close to him, giving me a warm hug. I thought it was Tom so I hugged back, but my eye caught a glimpse of green. Edd.

I looked up at Tom with tears, making my vision blurr a little, but I still could recognise Tom, looking at me with his void filled 'eyes' and with a guilty expression on his face. Vision it blurred away as I realized I passed out...

Tom's POV:

Edd kept hugging Tord close to him. I was in shock and I felt guilty... We were...dating..? And I couldn't remember it... Who could forget about dating someone!? I felt ashamed of myself. And just because of my selfishness, Tord was now passed out, still hugging Edd.

"Guys... How can I be so stupid..?" I asked, looking down. "Huh?" Matt asked, confused about what was going on. "How could I forget about him? The important person in my life... My boyfriend... How could I forget about him?" I asked, close to tears.

Matt placed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Tom... None of us remember him... And maybe he's just lying... Maybe he's just a liar and he just plays it good." He said, trying to calm me down. But even though that was possible, I didn't believe it. Why would this person lie to us? And why would he just pass out like this?

I kneeled down beside Edd who was still holding Tord close to him and was rubbing circles on his back, staring on the scarred side of his face. I looked at his scars too and so did Matt. "What happened to him to make his beautiful face so ruined!?" He asked. I rolled my 'eyes'.

"Can I...uhh...hold him for a little..?" I asked awkwardly. Edd just nodded, still looking at his face worriedly. I pulled Tord close to me. He was crying and sobbing quietly, I figured he was having a nightmare or something.

He kept mumbling something I couldn't really understand at first, but now I could hear it. "T-Tom... But...I-I love you... Please, don't leave m-m-me..." He whispered as he hugged me tightly. I was kinda worried to see him like this.

Even though, he could be just lying to us and stuff, but I felt really bad for him! If we were really dating...I completly understood why he looked so broken. I rubbed his back. "Well, what should we do with him now?" Edd asked and he yawned.

"I don't know. I just..." Matt yawned too. I knew where this was going. I yawned too. 'Of course. When one yawns, the others usually yawn too. And that is just a fact.' I thought to myself. (I'm yanwning while writing this, oh lord.)

"Edd, why?" I asked him. He just chuckled. "Sorry, I'm just tired. I mean, lots of stuff happened." He said. I nodded and yawned. "Oh, come on..." I whispered. Matt laughed softly. "Well, it is probably late, but I don't know what time is it since there isn't any clock or a window so we could look outside." He said.

Now that I was thinking about it... I will probably never see the outside world ever again... Suddenly, the door opened... And the woman was standing there...

When she saw Tord, she groaned. He grabbed him by his robotic arm and pulled him away from me. "Hey What are you doing?" I asked her, standing up. She glared at me. "Oh, stop protecting this liar. He did try to kill you after all." She said.

This made me feel...confused... She knew him? And...did she just say that he tried to kill us..? She noticed our confused faces and smirked. "Yeah! He almost killed you three! Just because he wanted to rule the world! Pathetic, huh?" She asked.

'Rule...the world..?' She chuckled. "But don't worry. He was just here to take you and hurt you again. But I won't let that happen. I'll give him what he deserves." She said. She then picked Tord up and was about to walk out of the room. "H-hey!" I yelled.

She looked at me. "What? Do you really think I'll let him kill you? You didn't even say what you think about joining the army! And if you say yes, you'll come with me, but if he would kill you, I would never know the answer! And if you say no, I want to kill you myself!" She said, grinning.

She walked out of the room with Tord and was about to close it. I tried to stop her though. But...she was strong... And I was weak... Heh... She managed to lock us again as I banged on the door with tears. "Give him back!"

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now