18. Hipnotic

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Tord's POV:

The three walked away, leaving us alone. I kept hugging the two, crying quietly. "G-guys, what now?" I asked. "I don't know, Tord. But we need to get out of here, save your friends and stop that woman before she does anything." Paul said.

We seperated from the hug and I just laid down in the corner of the room and closed my eyes. I hated being here... I wanted to be with Tom... And the other two... I sighed and tried to fall asleep, the only thing I could really do at that moment.

Words kept ringing in my head. Even though my eyes were closed, I felt like the world was spinning around me. That made me want to throw up. It only felt like a couple of seconds, maybe minutes until I opened my eyes again.

I was suprised to see Paul and Patryck lying there next to me and snoring. And the room was darker. Was I actually lying here for this long to make them fall asleep as well? I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My head hurt a lot.

"Tord..?" I suddenly heard a voice say my name. I looked around and saw nobody. 'Must have been just my imagination or something.' I thought and didn't really think about it again. But I heard it again. "Tord.."

I looked around again. This time, I saw someone. That spiky hair... And his black 'eyes'... "Tom..?" I whispered and carefully stood up. But suddenly, my vision blurred and I didn't see anything. I fell back down since I felt like everything was spinning around me. I held my head in pain.

"Are you alright?" I heard To ask worriedly. I opened my eyes again and waited for my vision to clear. After it did, I tried standing up again. This time not falling. Tom came closer to the cell we were locked in. Paul and Patryck were still fast asleep.

I came closer to Tom. "Why are you here, Tom..?" I asked him suspiciously. He didn't trust me. He thought I wanted to hurt him. To hurt them all. So why was he here then? He didn't answer. "Did The Blue Leader tell you to stay here with us in case we were trying to escape?" I asked. Yeah, that was probably it.

"No. Well, she did say that I should check on you from time to time, but I actually came here because..." He didn't finish the sentence and looked away. I reached my hand through the bars and petted his soft hair.

I could see that he blushed a little. I smiled at him. "...Because?" "O-oh, right... I just wanted to see you..." He said and blushed even more. 'Heh, cute...' I thought and I blushed too. After a while of silence while I was petting his hair and smiling at him, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his red cheek. I blushed even more and so did he.

He returned the smile. "Even though you can't remember me, you didn't change..." I said under my breath. "Huh? What was that?" He asked. "Nothing." I was glad that he didn't hate me. But I still thought that wasn't enough...

I needed to be closer to him. I needed to hug him. I wanted to be with him again... I wanted him to remember me! I wanted him to be free and happy! I didn't even realize that I was crying. "Tord, is everything okay?" He asked, his smile fading.

"Oh, Tom... How much I want you to remember..." I said, looking down. "Tord..." I shook my head and sighed. "I want you to be happy again, Tom..." I said. "What do you mean by 'happy'?" He asked.

"Tom even though I saw you smile, I can still say that you don't want to be here... This is like a prison for you... And I feel the same... But what really hurts me is to see you unhappy..." I paused. He just stared at me, frowning.

"Tommie..." I used his nickname again. I got my other hand through the bars and wrapped them around him. I pulled him closer to me and trust me, if I could, I would try to get him even closer than he was now... But the bars were seperating us...

"I really want you to be happy... It hurts me to see you suffering down here... And I will help you! And Edd and Matt, of course!" I said. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but closed it again.

"So please... Can you maybe...unlock the cell..? We can be together again... Paul and Patryck can help you as well! That's actually why we're here! I want to see you! I want to help you! I want to get you out of here!" I paused and examined the look on his face. He looked confused... Like he wasn't so sure, what to think.

I pulled away from the hug. "So please... Will you let me help you?" I asked him and smiled at him softly. He hesitated when I reached my hand and waited for him to grab it. At least, that was what I hoped for.

After a few seconds of being completly silent, he finally took my hand... He smiled at me and nodded. "Okay." I gasped and grinned. "Yes! Finally! Come on, I want to give a you a hug!" I said and jumped around. I felt like a kid, but I didn't mind. He chuckled and opened the cell. I immediately jumped on his and hugged him tightly.

He smiled and hugged me back. I was expecting to feel happy, warm and safe, but instead... I felt cold... I felt like I was in danger... But there was no reason to, right? "Hey, Tommie..?" I said his name. He didn't respond. I looked at his face.

His 'eyes' were closed. I raised and eyebrow. "A-are you okay?" I asked him worriedly. Suddenly, he opened his 'eyes'. What I saw I didn't expect. His 'eyes'... I just saw some kind of weird spirals in them...

Why? I didn't know. He grinned as I tried to look away since my head started spinning when I looked him in the 'eyes'. But I just couldn't... I couldn't look away from him... After a while, I collapsed on the floor.

I looked at him with tears. "Y-you're not my Tom... Who ARE you?" I asked. "Shh... We're going to be together again... Just like you said before... And that is what you want, right?" I then passed out... But...I could still tell I was awake...

I opened my eyes to be locked in the cell again. I heard Paul and Patryck snoring, but there was something else. "T-Tord! Tord, wake up! Are you okay?" It was Tom... I looked at him. He was staring down at me with tears streaming down his face.

"Oh, thank god! You woke up!" He said, clearly relieved. "What happened?" "You collapsed on the floor when you were talking about helping Edd, Matt and I..." He answered and looked away. I stood up again carefully.

"What happened to make you collapse, Tord..? You freaked me out..." He said. I petted his hair again, just like last time. "Nothing, Tommie... Nothing at all..."

Tom's POV:

"Alright then... If you say so..." I said. He kept petting my hair to calm me down. I still didn't understand. Did he really love me..? We were dating, right? Or was he lying for this whole time..? I hoped not.

"Hey, I... I think I should go now..." I said, breaking the silence. "What? Really..?" He asked, clearly dissapointed. I nodded slowly. "I'm sorry... But I'll visit you soon, I promise." I said and smiled. He sighed and looked down as he stopped petting my hair.

"Well, talk to you soon, I guess." I said and was about to walk away when he tugged my uniform. I looked at him to see what was wrong when he suddenly...pulled me into a kiss. This took me by suprise. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but at the same time... I liked it...

I was afraid to kiss back. The kiss didn't last long and when he let go of me, he had tears in his eyes. "Talk to you later, Tom..." He said. I shook my head to wake myself up from the shock and started walking away.

"Y-yeah... Talk to you later..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now