33. I trust you with this

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Sorry about the animation above, I made it at 1 in the morning when I couldn't fall asleep and it looks terrible...

Tord's POV:

I felt a bit better when I saw that the three were okay. I didn't want to see them hurt. But I also knew something that was kinda freaking me out... I was aware that Tom was awake... He knew I was here. He knew what I was doing. And I could almost feel the confusion and fear he was feeling.

I looked over at Edd and Matt that were still sleeping peacefully. I saw Tom shaking a little, he started sweating and I knew why. He was struggling and trying his best to make it look like he was sleeping. But it wasn't working much, he was too scared to actually pretend it good.

I sighed softly and decided to calm him down a little. I leaned in closer to his ear and whispered something. "I know you're awake, Tom.." He froze and kept trying to calm himself down and sleep.

I rolled my eyes. "You really don't need to pretend. It's not going to help it, you know." I whispered, but a little louder. He carefully opened one of his black 'eyes'. He looked at me with fear showing on his face.

I smiled softly and kept petting his soft hair. "It's alright, I won't hurt you." I said. He opened his other 'eye' and sat up on the bed. I sat next to him as he avoided eye contact. "Y-you're not real..." He said in a quiet voice.

"You're dead... It's not possible... You died right in front of my own 'eyes'. This is just a dream or a hallucination." He covered his face with his hands. I carefully wrapped my arm around him, making him flinch at the sudden touch.

"I am real, Tom. This is reality. I am here and I am completly okay." I reasured him. He rubbed his 'eyes' and looked at me as if he was expecting for me to dissapear. I didn't of course. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before he turned over at Edd and Matt.

"G-guys, wake up!" He said. Matt groaned and Edd sat up. He looked at us tiredly. "What is it, T-" He didn't finish the sentence. The tiredness was suddenly gone as he stared at me with wide eyes and his jaw dropped.

I awkwardly waved at him with a small smile. He didn't even move. 'Uhh, what should I say? I can't just say "Hey! I'm the one that you shot and I'm still alive! Cool, huh?"' Matt then woke up too.

He looked at me and started shaking. "T-Tord..?" My smile faded. "U-uhh, I-" I was cut off by Matt screaming. I quickly went up to him and covered his mouth. "Shh! I can't let anyone know that I'm still alive and that I'm here." I said.

He stared at me, looking like he was close to crying. I uncovered his mouth and took a breath. "Why are you still alive?" I heard Tom ask in a calm tone. I was still able to notice that he was mad though... 'This isn't good...' I thought and gulped.

I looked at him and froze. I saw that his 'eyes' just turned purple... Two sharp horns started growing out of his head as he was glaring at me. I wasn't expecting this and I wasn't prepared. "I-I just..." I didn't know, what to say.

"Look, you should be dead. You're a traitor, Tord... And if you think you can stop me from killing you, you're wrong." He said. I saw that a long purple tail was appearing on him again. "Tom, I'm trying... I really am. To make you believe me, because I'm telling you the truth... I want to save you from her, because she's dangerous... She was the one that probably turned you into this...monster... Don't you realize it?"

That only made him angrier. He stood up and showed me his sharp teeth. I noticed he had claws again when he walked closer to me. I looked at Edd. "P-please..." He just looked away from me, not saying a word.

I turned over at Matt. "Trust me... Please..." I whispered. He looked down and shook his head. I looked back at Tom. What I saw suprised me. Tears. He was still glaring at me and he was looking mad, but still... He was crying...

He was in control of that thing that The Blue Leader turned him into. All I needed to do was what I did before when we were locked in that cell together... Just calm him down...

He came closer to me and swung his tail, almost hitting me with it. I dodged it just in time. He growled. He raised his hand as if he was about to attack me any second. And he did, but I just grabbed his arm and stopped him.

I smiled at him. "It's alright... You don't need to do this, Tom. You're better than that thing and I know you can learn to control it..." I said, trying to calm him down. I let go of his arm and he backed away, not looking away from me for a second.

He sat down on the floor, shaking slightly. Edd and Matt were staring at us in shock and confusion. I was a bit scared, but still came closer to Tom. "G-get away from me!" He said, raising his voice.

I came even closer and hugged him. "Look, I know you don't trust me. And I'm not saying that you have to... I just want to get you back home, okay?" I heard Edd sigh. "Do you...think our leader would let us go..?" He asked.

"I'll just lead you home and take care of her... You don't have to be trapped down here..." I said. Matt stood up. "Guys, I think it's not such a bad idea... Maybe we can trust him with this one." Tom started slowly changing back.

"Urg... Fine!" He shouted. I grinned. "I knew that you will trust me one day!" I said, happy with myself that I actually managed ot do it. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't think that I actually trust you! If you will even try to do something we don't like, you will be as good as dead." He said.

I calmed down a little and nodded. "Don't worry, I'm aware."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now