16. Don't take it seriously

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Tom's POV:

"T-Tom! Please, listen to me! I really don't mean any harm!" I heard Tord yell. I tried my best to ignore him. To be honest, it was hard. He kept saying the same thing over and over again... It kinda made me wonder if he was lying and playing it cool or if he was actually telling us the truth.

"Please! I-I just came here to help you, guys! I want everything to go back to normal!" He said, his voice cracking. I could hear quiet sobbing coming from him... I felt bad... I looked at Edd and Matt.

They both were lost in their thoughts. "Hey, guys!" I called for them. They looked at me. "Take them to the cell she locked us in before. I'll take this one to our leader. They both nodded and went a different way than I went.

I heard Tord start to cry. "P-Paul... Patryck.... Not them too..." He whispered under his breath. "Sorry, I have to do this. Leader's orders." I said, trying to make him feel better, but to make myself feel better too.

He didn't answer, just continued to cry. After a while, I couldn't hold it anymore. I sighed and let go off his arm. He stood up almost immediately. I expected him to run away, but instead, he just went over to me and hugged me tightly. I was confused.

"W-what did she do to you..? Did she erase your memories of me and then force you to join The Blue Army..?" He asked between his sobs. I didn't know myself. I couldn't answer him. "Sorry. Like I said, I have to do this. But she said you want to hurt us and take us away. I can't trust you." I said, trying to stop myself from feeling worse for the crying man.

He hugged me even tighter than before. "...I still love you, Tom..." He said. I had no idea what to say. I was kinda shocked, scared and confused at the same time. I wanted to let him and his...other two friends go, but I couldn't betray my leader.

"You...love me..?" I asked him, breaking the awkward silence between us. He pulled away from the hug and nodded. "I thought you love me too... But since you can't remember me..." He couldn't continue since he burst into tears again.

I sighed and grabbed his arm again. It was his robotic arm... I still kinda wondered why did he have this thing. But I didn't want to ask. He didn't say anything after that, he just kept crying. He didn't even try to make me let him go, he just gave up...

After a while, the sobs died. I looked at him to see him just staring at his feet with a blank expression on his face. He looked so empty... I wanted to hug him or do something to make him feel better, but there was nothing I could really do.

We finally reached leader's office. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard. I opened the door. "I got him, sir." I said. She smiled when she saw Tord. "Great. Leave him here and go check the others." She said. I nodded. "Yes, sir." I said.

I let go of Tord's arm and sighed softly. I left the office and went to check how Edd and Matt were doing with the other two.

Tord's POV:

"Red Leader, sit down." I heard her say. I listened to her and sat down. "Let me put this straight..." She paused and stood up. "Give me your army!" She yelled. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Seriously? You really expect me to give you The Red Army?" I paused and chuckled.

"But I can't. Even if I wanted to. But also if I could, I wouldn't." I said. She groaned. "Stop making this difficult. Just give up already! Your friends can't remember you, they don't trust you. They think you're a traitor and a dangerous person. A threat." She said. I glared at her and she smirked.

"You can't do anything about it. So why not give up? You'll really make this easier for yourself." She said, trying to convince me. I stared at her for a few moments until I started laughing. "Ahahah! That's so great! The way you act, just...hahahah!" I said between the laughs.

"SHUT UP!" She yelled. I calmed down. I was still giggling and wiping my tears away. "Heheh... It's great that you still don't know." I said. "Know what!?" I laughed again. It was great. I still enjoyed annoying her.

"I can't give you The Red Army, because I'm not the leader!" I yelled, still grinning. "Liar!" She yelled. "Nope. I'm not a liar. It's true. I finally shot my annoying father. And trust me, if I could, I would let you join him." I said.

"You are just lying to me! So stop! There's no point in trying!" She said. "Hmm... Nah. It's really true." I said. She slapped my face. The scarred side of my face... I stopped laughing. "Ouch!" I yelped in pain.

"Is that all you got?" I asked. She went up to me, grabbing a knife. She pinned me to the wall and showed me the beautiful blade. I smiled when I saw it for some reason. I wasn't scared. There was no reason to.

This woman was stupid enough to let all the guards down just because she thought I was going to come here to rescue my friends! Seriously! Even I wouldn't do that! "Shut up! And give up finally! You know you'll lose anyway!" She yelled.

I started laughing again. "So be it..." She said. "H-heheh, what do you mean?" I asked, still chuckling. She threw me down on the floor. I was expecting this. She grabbed my leg and started dragging me who knows where. I didn't even try to stop her.

I just continued laughing. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to do something, but I just couldn't. This was too hilarious for me. I wasn't taking it seriously.

She dragged me into some kinda of small room. There were some robotic parts, screwdrivers and everything an inventor could ever dream of. I smiled. I kinda liked it. Something then really caught my eye.

It was a strange robotic suit. It looked kinda broken. She let go off me and went up to the suit. I chuckled and she glared at me. I stood up when I heard her mumble something. I understood what she said, but I had no idea what she meant... Probably something stupid. I just laughed again.

"We'll see if you will laugh when you'll feel the robotic parts cutting through your body..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now