20. Everyone can change if they try

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Tord's POV:

I woke up when I heard some weird noices... I thought it was someone wanting to wake me up or something, but I was too lazy to open my eyes. But what really woke me up was a loud roar... My eyes immediately opened when I remembered what happened before I passed out.

I sat up to see Tom... But he was being dragged away by that woman. He tried to make her let go of him, but it didn't work. "T-Tom!" I stood up. He looked at me. His 'eyes' were still purple and glowing. But he had no tail and his horns were gone too.

'That's enough...' I thought. I ran up to the woman and pulled her away from Tom. I then hugged Tom tightly and watched as the woman stared at me with hatred in her eyes. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Tom with a worried expression on my face.

"Are you alright?" I asked him. He didn't say anything, just hugged me back tightly. He still had sharp claws though... But I could tell he was careful not to hurt me. "Oh! So you became friends with this monster? Wow, I didn't expect this from you, Red Leader. You're better than you look like." She said, crossing her arms.

I glared at her and hugged Tom tighter. "Oh, what's wrong? You don't want me to take that monster away from you? Didn't this thing hurt you yesterday? I can see blood and scars on your back." She said.

Tom looked down. "That was an accident..." He whispered. I petted his hair and smiled. "That was not Tom. I could tell it was something else... So let me ask you something..." I paused and took a breath. "What did you do to my Tommie!?"

She laughed. "I just tried a serum I made on him. And it worked!" She answered simply. "So!? You hurt him! You don't know what side effects could that serum have!" I yelled at her. "But nothing happened." She said. I shook my head.

"If it didn't happen yet, that doesn't mean it didn't have any side effects. You could have hurt him even more or worse, you could have killed him! Why did you even do that to him!?" I yelled. I heard quiet sobbing coming from Tom.

"Don't you get it!? You were the one that was suppose to take over the world! But you didn't want to and even though your father gave you an order to do it, you still didn't do it! So now that you don't want the world, it can be mine! All mine!" She yelled.

I shook my head. I couldn't believe what she was saying. "And why did you want my army?" I asked, pulling Tom closer to me when I heard him start crying. "Stronger and bigger army equals stronger leader! And the world can't have a weak leader...like you!" She said, grinning.

"This won't solve anything. Why would you even want to rule the world in the first place? And what would you need it for?" I asked. "Power. So everyone could obey me, to do anything for me, to serve me, to even let someone take their life for me!" She answered.

"But what would you need that for? What would you do with the army?" I asked. "I will let anyone live if they will join my army!My army would stop and kill everybody who even tries to stop me from doing what I want!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Why would you need that..? What would you do then? If everyone would be dead or in your army, what would you do then? Life would become boring and not interesting. Is there something you want to change on this world or what?" I asked.

She didn't answer. "So? Even though you will be the strongest person on earth, even though you would have an army that serves you and even though you would have anything you wish for, what would you use it for? It would be completly useless." I said.

"I...never thought of it that way." I smirked, knowing I got her. 'I can kill her right now if I want to... But...I don't want to hurt her... Maybe she can change! Maybe she just wants somebody to understand how she feels!' I thought.

I let go of Tom and came closer to her. She looked at me, confused at what I was doing. I reached my hand for her. "But you can stop this now! Yeah, this world can be unfair sometimes, but if everything would be going smooth in life, it would not be interesting. So please, stop it before it's too late." I said, smiling.

She stared at my hand. "I-is it not too late to change?" She asked. 'Everyone has a soft side. Even her.' I thought. "It's never late to change. And I'll help you if you want me to." I answered. She stayed silent for a while until she took my hand.

She smiled at me as well. "That would be nice." She said and hugged me. 'I knew I could do it!' I thought and hugged her back happily. It was a bit strange though... This woman was not the smartest, but she never gave up on trying to achieve something she wanted... But I didn't care at that moment. I believed everyone could change if they just tried... Even her.

Tom's POV:

I stared at them in disbelief. How!? I would never have expected this to happen... Tord couldn't see it, but I did.. She smirked and that was never a good sign. I then saw her reach in her pocket for something and she took out a syringe...

My 'eyes' widened. "Tord!" I yelled and ran up him. He looked at me confusingly. "Wha-" I cut him off by jumping on him and hugging him tightly, sending us both on the floor. "Screw you! I almost had him!" She yelled. She was mad. Real mad.

"Tom! Why?" Tord asked. He...was mad too..? "T-Tord, please! She tried to hurt you!" I said. He pulled me away from him and stood up. He came closer to the woman, but I stopped him. He looked at me. He looked as if he was mad at me...

"T-Tord, please, believe me! I just tried to protect you!" I said. He sighed. "Tom... I almost had convinced her to-" He looked on the floor. The broken syringe was there. "Y-you were right... She did try to hurt me..." He whispered. I saw tears in his eyes.

I hugged him again and he hugged me back. "Oh, Tom... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I didn't believe you.." He said. I smiled. "It's okay..."

That woman just ran away... Heh, coward... And we were both free... Well, I meant like not closed in the cell. We seperated from the hug, smiling a each other.

"Well, we should do something to stop her, right, Tom?" He said. My smile faded. "I... I can't leave this place... I just can't..." I said. "But why not?" He asked. "I can't say... You should go now... I'll help you find your friends and get out of here, but I can't go with you... Neither can Edd or Matt..." I said.

He looked down. "But I'll still come back, Tom... And I will help you out... You know, until this day, I thought everybody could change... But I was wrong... So wrong..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now