31. It's not over yet

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Tord's POV:

"Well, well, well! Look who finally showed up! The Red Leader himself!" The Blue Leader said with a grin. I glared at her. "Are you kidding me!? How many times do I have to tell you that I am not The Red Leader anymore!?" I yelled.

She just rolled her eyes. "Now tell me, what did you do to Tom!?" I yelled. "And why should I tell you anything?" I groaned in annoyance. She then looked at Tom and nodded. Tom sighed as she started walking who knows where. It was kinda dark in the room so soon, she dissapeared out of my sight.

Tom reached for something in his pocket and glared at me. I didn't even move, just watched him with a confused and scared expression. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I smiled softly. "Tom, come on. You don't need to do this." I said in a silent voice.

"Yes, I do!" He yelled. I just shook my head. "Please, Tommie... Let me he-" "Don't call me that!" He interrupted me. "Tom, listen. I just-" "No, shut up! And don't move, you will make this so much easier for both of us." He said.

"And who's saying you have to shoot me, huh?" I asked, crossing my arms. "My leader and you know that! So stop trying to win my trust, because it will not help you!" He shouted. I sighed and looked away. "I'm not saying that you should trust me... But I seriously just want to set you guys free so you would be happy again! You don't even know how she's just manipulating you!"

"Okay, that's it!" After that moment, everything went slower. Everything was in slow motion. I heard the gunshot... The bullet was coming right for me. Tom shut his 'eyes' and looked away as I closed my eyes too.

I heard my heart slowly and loudly beating. I was sweating and shaking a little. I then remembered what I taught myself in the army. Focus. I almost felt that the bullet was only a few centimetes away from me...when I opened my eyes again and jumped out of the way just in time.

Everything went quiet. I took a breath and closed my eyes to take in what just happened. Everything replayed in my mind. I heard a gunshot again and smiled. Focusing could really help. Heh. I looked up and carefully opened my eyes once again.

I looked over at Tom, expecting him to look angry or dissapointed that he missed...but instead, I saw him smiling. Tears were in his 'eyes' as he looked at me and then looked away. Why? Was he really just trying to calm himself down so he could focus more on trying again?

I was even more confused when I noticed blood on the floor. I raised an eyebrow. Did he...hit somebody else? I looked around the room and my eyes widened...

Edd and Matt were there, Edd was holding a gun and was pointing it at me while shaking. Paul and Patryck were knocked out on the floor there right next to them. But none of them was bleeding. So why? What was going on?

I saw that the blood was creating a trail. I followed it with my eyes until...I was looking at my own body... My eyes were now wide open as I was staring on the blood that was slowly dripping from my chest. Tears fell down my face.

The drops were so loud... It was like water. I looked up at Tom and collapsed on the cold floor, holding my chest in pain. But it didn't hurt only because Edd shot me, it hurt me to know that... None of them really trusted me... And I couldn't save anyone.

I came here to help people. My friends and milions of innocent people... But I ended up ruining everything once again... I was really a screw up, wasn't I..? I closed my eyes and started to cry. I was giving up..

I heard footsteps that were incredibly loud approach me. I opened my left eye and looked up to see Tom, staring at me with a blank expression showing on his face. "I'll always remember you, Tord." He said.

He then went up to Edd and Matt and they all left the room, leaving me to die there. Slowly and painfully... I cried harder. "C-come back, please..!" I said. But they did not come back. I was there alone.

I cried into my hands, feeling useless. Sometimes I hiccuped or coughed, but the pain... My head was spinning, my vision was blurred, it felt like something was stuck in my throat and that feeling made me want to throw up... Guilt...

I was now responcible for so many deaths... My best friends were in grave danger... And my lover hated me... And I was the only hope, but since I was so pathetic, I just had to fail... I was so dissapointed in myself at that moment.

'Looks like I don't have anything better to do then just wait here until death comes...' I thought to myself, taking a deep breath that made me shiver as if I was cold. I relaxed my body and waited...


No... I could NOT give up... It was still not over yet, I was just wasting my time. And time was rare. I was just wasting my every second! 'Snap out of it, Tord! You're better that this! You're better than her!' I opened my eyes and tried to stand up. After a few tries, I did it.

The wound stopped bleeding. It wasn't actually that painful for some reason. Yeah, it wasn't comfortable to be shot. Wow. But it always could be worse. And also better.

Best friends or not, I was going to help them and get them all out of here. Lovers or not, I was going to get my old Tommie back. Leader of an army or not, I was going to stop her. And I wasn't going to stop trying until I reached my goal.

I slowly went up to the passed out Paul and Patryck and took a short and shaky breath. I shook them to wake those two up. They didn't even move or make a noice at first, but when I tried again, Patryck groaned in annoyance.

He opened his eyes and looked at me tiredly. "T-Tord...?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it's me." He sighed and closed his eyes again. "Take your time, I'll wait for you to calm down." I said. He smiled at me.

I smiled back softly and wiped a bit of the blood away. I looked around to see if there were any weapons, but didn't see anything. But that wasn't going to stop me. I looked at the door. Luckily, it was unlocked and opened.

"It's not over yet, Blue Leader..."

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