44. A big problem

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Tord's POV:

"T-Tom!" I shouted while looking out the window. Tom was running away, I saw he was almost completely transformed into that monster... I didn't waste any second. I ran out of the apartment and ran after him. But he was gone, I had no idea where he went...

"Tom! Tommie, come back! Please!" I called for him. He didn't answer. And he didn't come back as I hoped. I didn't give up though. I kept searching. I couldn't let him go... I didn't want him to leave!

After about ten minutes of searching and not succeeding, I gave up. I was close to tears. I was so worried about Tom... What if somebody saw him like that!? I took a breath and tried to think, where could he have dissapeared to.

Nothing came into my mind. I decided to call Edd and Matt for help, I didn't care if it was three in the morning, I needed help... And fast. Before it was too late to help Tom. I wanted to take my phone before I realized I left it in The Red Army base... 'Oh come on-'

Tom's POV:

I was so scared here...Stars were shining from the night sky. I was completly lost and fully transformed. I didn't even know, how it happeded, but I only had one 'eye'! And it was in the middle of my face.. I didn't know this could happen...

I started crying. I was in pain and I missed Tord... But I didn't want to hurt him again, I cared about him way too much to do that. "T-Tom!" I heard his voice echo in my head. I wished it was real, but no matter how much I looked around myself, I saw nobody. And I also didn't hear anybody. All I heard was a sound of crickets  and the wind going by. It was pretty cold...

I shivered and layed down. My plan was to stay here, wait for it to go away and then come back home to my friends. But I was already waiting for about ten minutes. I was getting impatient, but tried not to stress about it too much.

After waiting for about an hour, I couldn't stand it anymore. I was still a monster... I always was a monster... Shot my boyfriend out the sky... 'No, now is not the time to think about that.' I stopped myself.

I stood up and decided to back, hoping Tord could help me with this. I also prayed that nobody was outside, it was freaking four in the morning! Who would be awake? I felt really bad that I just let Tord to worry about me and running away... I knew I made a mistake and I wanted to fix it.

I was almost tall as the trees I have been walking around this whole time. I tried to remember the path I took on my way here, but I didn't know if it was the right one. Lucky for me, it was. I was back. 'Okay, now to find Tord.' I thought.

I carefully sneaked out of the forest and hid behind a building, my heart racing. I was sweating from nervousness. I looked around and spotted...Tord! And the other two were with him! At least I thought it was them. I smiled and wanted to go right towards them. But something stopped me...

A scream... A terrified scream. And I instantly knew that I was in trouble. I looked around to find where was the sound coming from. A woman with a little kid were staring at me, both looking terrified. Then they started running away from me. Just when I thought it could not get any worse, she took out her phone and started calling the police.

I wanted to say something to stop her or calm her down, but roared loudly instead. That got the attention of other people that were now looking out their windows and sceaming for help. Well, I had a problem. A big problem..

I looked over to where I saw my three best friends before, but they were all gone... I tried to call Tord's name, but again, just roared. Well, I really screwed up this time, didn't I?

I heard police cars, crying and sreaming for help and even saw helicopters flying above me. About ten police cars stopped in a circle around me. Police officers pointed their guns at me.

I couldn't escape, I was trapped... I never meant for anything like this to happen. But it was my fault after all, if I haven't ran away from Tord, he could help me and I wouldn't be in this mess. It was all my fault.

"Fire!" One of the policemen yelled. They started shooting at me as I tried running away, jumping on all four like a giant purple dog. I was scared, but I couldn't blame them for attacking me. They just thought I was a threat, but really I didn't want to hurt anybody.

I jumped over them and ran away as fast as I could. One of them shot me in my leg, but it didn't hurt that much. And of course, it didn't stop me. I kept running, changing my mind. I went back into that forest... I didn't want them to find me...

The madness didn't stop. I could still heard yelling and police sirens in the distance. I stopped running once I was far enough and curled up in a ball under one of the biggest trees I saw there. I started falling asleep, crying and sniffing. "I'm sorry, Tord... I am so sorry..."

Edd's POV:

"W-what do we do now!? What if he's hurt!?" Tord cried, panicking. Matt tried to comfort him, but it was no use. We gave up on trying to find Tom and Tord was still panicking and saying things that he was maybe hurt and in danger.

I wanted to calm him down so I turned on the tv and Matt and I made him sit on the couch with us. I thought I could maybe help him calm down and get his mind of Tom for a while. But nope, what we saw in the tv scared us all even more...

"A gigantic purple one-eyed monster was spotted in the town.."

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