11. The purple smoke

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Tom's POV:

We all kept staring at the door. We heard a gunshot a few minutes ago... And we were kinda terrified. "What do you think happened?" Edd asked. "I don't know... But I sure hope Tord's okay... Even though I can't remember him, he didn't look...you know...dangerous." I said.

Matt nodded. "But what do you think happen-" He was cut off by the sound of door slamming open, but it wasn't our door. We also heard someone scream an more gunshots... What was going on there?' I thought as I pressed my ear againts the door and tried to listen...

I heard...Tord. "You won't get away with this! I WILL get them back, I promise it's not over yet, Blue Leader!" He shouted. I heard laughter and another gunshots... I was kinda scared at that point... But what worried me the most was...if Tord was okay...

Tord's POV:

I ran away from the base as fast as I could. I ran away like a coward... 'I just want to go home... Don't want to be alone... I want my friends to come with me... I don't want to hurt anybody...but it looks like I don't have a choice.' I thought.

It didn't take long and I reached The Red Army base. I got inside and ran into Paul and Patryck's office. The both looked at me, suprised. "Tord! You're back!" Paul said. Patryck gasped when he saw me. "Tord! You're bleeding!" He yelled, panicking.

I was confused at first, but then I remembered what happened. I figured I was still bleeding... I completly forgot about the pain... Wow... I sighed. "I-I'm fine... My friends are still there... But I'm afraid it's even worse than what it seems like." I said.

"What do you mean?" Patryck asked. I looked down and rubbed my left arm. "Well, she did something to them... And now they can't remember me at all!" I said. They both hugged me. "I'm sorry for that, Tord... But what should we do now?" Paul asked me.

I stayed silent for a while. I really didn't want to, but I had to stop her. Not only to get my friends back, but to stop her from trying to take over the world! I knew it was a crazy idea! And I experienced it myself... It was really a stupid idea... Even though it was not really my fault, the pain and guilt will always stick with me. No matter what.

"Well, I don't want to do this...but it looks like we have to fight..." I said. "You mean...a war..?" Patryck asked. I nodded slowly. "Well..." Paul had no idea what to say. "It's not only that she kidnapped my friends, but she also wants to take this army... When she found me...she kept yelling at me to give her The Red Army, but when I tried to explain it to her, she didn't believe me." I said.

"Wait, she doesn't know what happened?" They asked. "No, she really doesn't." We stayed silent as I wiped the blood away. "...Does it hurt?" Patryck asked me worriedly. "A little... I'll be fine though. Now we need to prepare... I need to help my friends... I need to make them remember me again... And I need to stop her!"

Edd's POV:

We heard footsteps coming towards the door so we all backed way. We heard a faint click sound and the door opened. She came in. I glared at her. I really didn't trust this woman. At all. "What did you do!?" Tom asked, raising his voice.

She groaned. "Nothing important.." She answered, clearly annoyed with him. "Then where's Tord?" I asked. "Why do you care!? He just wants to hurt you all again! And he..." She stopped talking. "He what?" Matt asked, crossing his arms.

"He escaped. But I won't leave him alone... I won't let him win. I will get his army and I will rule the world one day!" She shouted. I was kinda scared at this point. "...What..?" I asked in a quiet voice. She groaned. "Nothing. But enough talking. You, the one with no eyes, come with me." She said.

"No way I'm following you!" He yelled. I went up to him and hugged him tightly. I didn't want her to take him. Matt hugged us all as we all kept glaring at her. She reached for something into her pocket and took out...a gun. My eyes widened, but I didn't let go of Tom.

She pointed it to my head. "Hey! Stop that!" Tom yelled. "Then come with me." She said. Tom growled in defeat. "Fine..." He said and followed her. She hid the gun again and grabbed Tom's arm so he wouldn't escape. I grabbed his other arm. "NO!" I yelled.

"Edd, stop... We won't get out of this. And I don't want you guys getting hurt. I'll be fine... I think..." He whispered the last part, but I could still hear him. I let go of his arm as they both left the room. I didn't move at all after that. Matt hugged me from behind and since I did not expect that, I flinched.

"Hey, he's gonna be fine. It's Tom, right? He's always going to be fine." He said. I looked at him and back at the door. "Maybe... But when we're here with HER, I don't even know if I can trust that anymore..." I said as I covered my face, drops of tears falling down my cheeks.

Tom's POV:

I was kinda scared at what I saw... There was...a dead body on the floor! And blood was all around it. Thankfully it wasn't Tord, but still... "What happened to him!?" I asked. "Oh, him? Nothing. he was just way too weak." She answered calmly like it was a normal thing to see around here.

'You shouldn't be talking about the person like that...' I thought, but didn't say anything. She took me into a different room than before. It was all empty... Nothing was there except for one light that was flickering.

She threw me on the ground. "Stay here." She said harshly and left the room. I was scared...to be honest. I looked around to make sure nothing was really there...when suddenly, I saw glass. I saw her through the strange window. She grabbed some kind of syringe with purple liquid in it...

'What the... What is that?' I asked myself. She then got out of that room and went back in here. I saw that she was hiding something behind her back. I knew it was the syringe she took. She came closer. "Stand still, don't you dare move." She said.

She was near me when I backed away. "Come here." She said, trying to sound calm, but I knew I was making her annoyed. When she was right in front of me, she was about to take the syringe again when I ran away from her. "Stop making it so difficult!" She yelled, now sounding irritated.

"I won't let you put that weird liquid in me! I don't even know what it does!" I said. "Urg, don't worry. It only hurts for a moment." She said as she came closer to me.

I was about to run away, but she caught me. "Oh, come on! Why won't you just-" I was cut off by her rolling up my sleeve and stabbing the syringe in my arm. My 'eyes' widened as my head started spinning.

I fell down and tried to breathe. It felt like something was choking me. I felt extreme pain. It felt like someone was stabbing a knife into my head. My back also hurt like hell. I saw her make a dark smile and she left the rom, leaving me there.

I started screaming in pain. It was pretty loud for some reason... I wanted the pain to stop so badly! For some reason, I dug my nail into my skin and kept screaming and yelling. I dug them deeper when it seriously started to hurt even more than I expected...

I stopped immediately as I saw blood coming out of my arm. I kept crying and screaming. I wished someone was here for me... Someone to help me, to calm me down... Edd... Matt... Or...Tord...

But I was here by myself... I wanted to comfort myself somehow... I closed my 'eyes' as tears kept falling down. I hugged something, but didn't know what. It was...kinda weird... When I hugged it too tightly, I felt pain... I opened my 'eyes' again carefully. 'Oh... It's just my tail...' I thought and calmed down a little. Then I froze...


Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now