47. Patience is the key

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Tom's POV:

I woke up to see Tord was not there with me. I immediately jumped on my four legs and looked around, barking like a strange dog, calling for Tord. He didn't answer and he was nowhere to be seen. I started panicking when I saw blood on the ground.

Well, drops of blood. And they created a small path that led out of the cave. I almost instantly sprinted out of the cave, following the path. It led deeper into the forest. I made out a noice that sounded like a bark, but deeper and louder.

A search for Tord has begun. Tord, like everybody else, had a certain scent. And I could smell it. I remembered when we kissed... That beautiful cinnamon taste... But it smelled a bit differently. I smelled blood and sweat that were completly covering his normal scent. Wow, that sounded weird. But I had no other way to really describe it.

After about two minutes of walking and looking for Tord, I heard heavy breathing in front of me and grunts of pain. I saw Tord who was leaning againts a tree to support him with standing. He looked out of breath and tired.

I smiled and ran up to him. He heard me and looked at me. "Oh, T-Tom!" He smiled at me. I licked his face as he chuckled. I then tilted my head as if I was asking why was he here. Which I was. He sighed. "Well, I just went to search for some food since the town is pretty far away. So I decided to go find something, maybe like berries. But I didn't find anything." He explained.

I felt bad for him... If I never ran away, we wouldn't be stuck here... The police wouldn't be searching after me, Tord would never come after me to find me and Edd and Matt wouldn't be worried about the two of us...

I looked down, sitting on the grass. He wrapped his arms around me and patted my fur. "Hey, it's alright. We're going to get out of here and I promise I'm going to protect you from the police. We just need to find a way to change you back." He said.

I didn't even move. He was so kind to me! And what did I do for him as a thank you? Nothing, I just escaped when he wanted to help me and caused this scene! I ruined everything, I ruined it all.

I whimpered as he hugged me tighter. He did make me feel a bit better though. I was glad for his company. He pulled away from the hug he was giving me. "Well, should we go back now?" He asked, smiling softly. I just nodded in responce as we started going back, following the bloody path that led me here.

He had trouble walking. He kept jumping on his healthy leg while holding onto me for support. I let him do what he wanted. But it worried me. He was hurt and his leg was obviously infected... I didn't want him to get hurt even more. And because of me...

On our way back, Tord tripped a few times. None of these falls were bad or serious so at least something was okay. But after he fell for the fifth time, I couldn't bear to see him like this anymore. I just wrapped my tail around his chest and carefully pulled him up on my back. He yelped in suprise.

I stopped walking and let him calm down a little before we continued back. He was holding onto me like a scared kitten. When we saw the cave, I could hear Tord sigh in relief. He was having a hard time up there. But I wasn't that big! Well, maybe for him. I was a...monster after all.

I went back inside and helped Tord down. He immediately layed down, breathing heavily. I shot a worried glance at him. He just smiled and nodded, telling me he was alright. I looked back outside.

Tord was right. We needed food. But it was dangerous for both of us to go back into our town. I stared outside for a while and then looked back at Tord who was half asleep. I made a strange noice that got his attention.

I came up to him and licked his cheek. I wanted to tell him to stay here while I go search for food, but he didn't seem to understand what I was trying to say. I shook my head and pointed at myself. Then I pointed out of the cave, hoping he would get it. He sighed.

"Are you trying to tell me to stay here while YOU go search for some food?" He guessed. I nodded. He looked away for a few seconds. "Alright then. But please, be careful. And come back to me..." He said.

I licked his whole face again which made him smile and left him alone there. I turned around and looked at him for the last time to see him with closed eyes and falling asleep. I truly didn't want to leave him all by himself, especially in this condition... 'But if I won't find food, it will be dangerous for both of us.' I thought.

I then walked away, my anxiety getting harder to handle with each step I took. But it was Tord. And no matter what was happening, Tord would always be okay. He would always come back to us. So he'll be alright this time as well. Right..?

Tord's POV:

When I saw Tom was gone, I sat up. I knew I should get some rest, but something or someone could sneak up on me and hurt me. Or drag me out of the cave... And I didn't want Tom to be worried about me. It would get him to danger as well.

I forced myself to stay awake, no matter if I was tired or not and waited patiently for Tom to come back. I didn't know if he would have any luck with finding food, but I didn't find anything. This forest was just trees, grass and bushes. No berries or fruit.

So I waited and waited. I kept my eyes glued to the place where I saw Tom for the last time and tried not to blink too much. I just waited...and waited, hoping me waiting like this for him was worth it. And I waited...and waited...and waited...

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now