23. Fall in love with a traitor

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Tord's POV:

I took a breath. We were back in The Red Army base. I immediately took on the uniform and grabbed my eyepatch. I knew I needed to be ready to attack... I knew we HAD to attack... If we didn't, know knew what would have happened to my friends and to this world if she actually took it over.

I couldn't let anything like that happen. Even though I didn't want to attack, she was giving me no choice. Paul looked at me worriedly. "Tord, are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and looked into the mirror. There were times where I couldn't even look at myself. But I had to stay strong.

'It's time to remember the old times...' I thought. I put on a blank, but also serious expression on my face, hid my arms behind my back and sighed softly. I didn't like being like this. But I had to stay serious and strong, one mistake could ruin everything... And we wouldn't want that...

Tom's POV:

We all looked behind us to see who it was... And it was the person who I didn't want it to be... Her... That woman... Why our leader out of all people? "I see you let the prisoners go..." She said calmly. But I could still tell she was mad...

"S-sir, we just-" I cut myself off, I really had no idea what to say to explain the situation to her. "We just w-wanted to stop them, but they still escaped! H-heh.." Edd finished the sentence for me, smiling nervously. We all nodded. "R-right! Just like he said!" Matt agreed with him.

She didn't buy it. She just crossed her arms and glared at us. "Follow me, soldiers." She said. I gulped and we followed her. I knew we were in trouble... We went into the cell that Tord, Paul and Patryck were once locked.

"Get in." She said. We didn't even try to complain, we all just listened to her. When Matt and Edd were already in there, she grabbed my arm when I was about to go there as well. "Not you. You're coming with me." She said in a cold voice that sent shivers down my spine.

She closed and locked the cell with Edd and Matt inside as I followed her away from the other two. I looked back at them with a scared look that read 'Help me', but they couldn't really do anything, but watch.

I looked back at The Blue Leader and we both went into her office. "Sit down." She said. I was scared. Too scared to not do what she said, but I really didn't want to be here. I sat down and so did she.

"So. Why did you let the prisoners go?" She asked, once again in a calm voice. "I-I just... I..." I had no answer to that question. I looked down in shame. She sighed. "Look, how many times did I tell you that he's a bad person?" She asked. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I don't know.." I answered, my voice shaky.

"He tried to kill you and your friends! He tried to rule the world! He used you like some kind of useless toy! Can't you understand that!?" She yelled and stood up. She looked down at me, her eyes were burning me.

I was looking at her, my 'eyes' wide and shaking slightly. I was scared... She was terrifying to even look at her... "I-I-I am so sorry, sir! But he-" "He WHAT!? Did he say he loves you? Well, it's all fake! He's just doing it, because he wants to use you again and use you againts me!" She yelled.

That hurt... I held my chest in pain as tears started appearing in my 'eyes'. She took a breath and at back down. "Look. I really mean no harm, but he wants to hurt you, trust me. He hates you. He wants to use you. And your beloved friends." She said. I stayed silent and wiped away my tears.

"You need to deal with the truth, soldier. He doesn't love you nor sees you as a friend." She said. More tears came. "I-is it...really true..?" I asked. She nodded. "Trust me. You may not like me, but I am telling the truth." She said.

And I believed her. There was one side of me that was saying Tord was lying, that she was right and that I should listen to her. But the other side, that one was telling me that she was just lying to use US against him and that Tord really meant to help us and not to harm us.

But the voice that was saying to listen to our leader...was louder and clearer than the other one. I looked down again. I had a blank expression on my face as I clutched my fists.

Tord was just here to use us... And then throw us away like a pile of garbage. We meant nothing to him. I meant nothing to him! And I actually really liked him... His accent, his hair, his eyes...everything! Just hearing his voice and see his lovely smile could make me feel happy.

My chest hurt... To be exact, it was the area around my heart. My face was heating up from anger, but also embarrassment. 'How could I ever like him!?' I screamed at myself. I was really dissapointed in myself to be so stupid and fall in love with a traitor.

I hugged myself, still looking down and not saying a word. I could hear her sigh. "Come on. I'll give you a while to take that in. Now get back to your friends, I'll open the cell for you." She said and stood up. I didn't say anything and got up.

I followed her like a dog to the cell and got inside. She locked the cell and left. Edd and Matt were asleep, cuddled to each other. I was happy to see them happy.... But I knew this would never happen to me and Tord... He hated me...

I sighed softly and sat down in the corner of the cell. I curled into a ball and cried as quietly as possible. My heart felt like it had shaddered into milion pieces. And it was all because of Tord. he made me fall in love with him...only to find out that none of this was real...

And it was just at that moment when I realized something. I stopped crying and looked up on the ceiling, my 'eyes' still filled with tears.

I hated Tord...

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