3. I just miss him...

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Tom's POV:

She opened the cell we were locked in and we got out. I didn't trust this person at all. But I also didn't want Tord to get hurt... "Okay then. Follow me and I'll show you your dear friend. And if you join me, maybe I'll let him live." She said and chuckled.

I glared at her. "Maybe!?" I asked. "We'll see." She grinned. I looked at her. She had some kind of uniform... Just like they had in The Red Army. Though, they still looked more...different... We followed her.

"Hey, guys... Can we...even trust her..?" Matt asked, whispering. I sighed. "I don't know, Matt... But I don't think we have a choice now..." I answered. Edd looked down. Matt noticed how Edd was upset and grabbed his hand.

"It's going to be okay..." He said and smiled. Edd returned it and that made me smile too. "Okay, we're here! He's in this room, you can go see him for a while." She said. I was hesitating for a while if I really should listen to her, but I wanted to make sure Tord was okay.

I sighed as she opened the door. We all went in... The room was dark... There was only one light in the room and that wasn't really giving us too much light. I could only see a chair and a person tied to it. He was facing his back at us so we couldn't really see him better. The person was looking down and didn't even move. Even when we came closer to him.

"T-Tord..?" I called for him, hoping he was okay. He didn't answer though. "Is Tord okay?" Edd asked. "Where is he?" Matt asked. I pointed to him and we came closer. I placed my hand on his shoulder...

"Tord...?" I said his name again... Suddenly, his head...fell off... My 'eyes' widened as I screamed in horror. But then...I could see something I didn't see before... I looked closer at his body... It was just a mannequin... 'Wait... If this is just a mannequin, then...where's To-'

I was cut off my thoughts by Matt. "Ouch! What are you...doing..?" I turned around and saw Matt's body fall on the ground. Edd was already passed out... He also had a black eye... The woman looked at me, smirking.

After that, I felt pain... Everything went black, I could hear my body fall. I banged my head real hard, it really hurt... I felt so much pain, I wanted it to stop... 'Where...is...my...Tord?' I thought before I passed out right next to my two friends....

Tord's POV:

I was sitting on the bed that once belonged to me. I kept petting Ringo's fluffy grey fur to calm myself down. Paul and Patryck were trying to think of something useful or about who could write that letter.

I felt like I was useless... I wanted to help, but I didn't know, how... I wanted to rule the world, but couldn't help my friends when they needed it? Wow, I really was a terrible person... "Got it!" I suddenly heard Paul say. I immediately looked up at him. "Got what?"

He smiled. "I found something! It's about the person who wrote this. Though, I don't know much about her." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Her..?" I asked. "Yes, her. I found it's a woman. And this is important, she's from one of the armys." He said.

My eyes widened. "What!? Who?" I asked. "I don't know yet. But I'll try to find more about her." He said. I smiled at him. "Good job, Paul! And how did you even find this?" I asked. He chuckled.

"It's just a new technology!" He answered. (Woah, technology!) I chuckled. "Okay then, you're doing great! Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked. "No, not really, but go wake Patryck up." He said.

"Wait... He's sleeping?" I asked. He froze and his eyes widened. "Uhh... I probably wasn't suppose to say that..." He said. Suddenly, we heard something from Patryck's room.......


Matt's POV:

I woke up, my head hurt a lot. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in some kind of room... It looked sad... There were no pictures of me, no mirrors or pictures of my friends! "Uhh, Edd? Tom?" I called for them.

"Matt, I'm right here..." I heard Edd say quietly. I turned around. Edd sitting on the floor in the dark corner of the room... And...his eye...was black! I gasped and ran up to him. I kneeled down beside him. "E-Eddie, are you alright?" I asked him.

He smiled. "I'm okay, Matt. Don't worry about me. And your face is okay too." He said. I smiled softly, he knew me so well. "But, what about YOUR beautiful face?" I asked worriedly. He petted my hair.

"It's going to be okay, your face healed when...Tord punched you back then. So my face will be okay." He said. I smiled again. "Okay then. But where is Tom?" I asked. "I'm...here, guys." We heard.

Tom came up to us. But...his face wasn't fine either! He had a bump on his head! "Are you both okay?" He asked. "I only have a black eye, but other than that, we're both alright.... I guess..." Edd said.

"Alright..? We're trapped who knows where, Tord's nowhere to be found, some creepy woman wants us to join an army or something and we don't know what to do!" I said, panicking slightly. They looked at me.

"Matt...you have a point. We need to do something. And fast." Edd said. Tom nodded. "Guys, what if we never get out of here!?" I asked, now really scared for our lifes. Edd got up and I did too. He hugged me. "It's going to be alright. We've been through lots of things." He said.

"Yeah. We survived a few zombie apocalypses, we survived when an evil mummy wanted to hurt us so we wouldn't take the treasure chest and we even survived when Tord tried to kill us all! ...That reminds me of Tord... I miss him..." Tom said and looked down.

We both went up to him and hugged him. "It's going to be okay! I'm pretty sure he's okay and we're okay too! For now..." Edd whispered the last part as Tom sighed. "Okay, so. What should we do now?" He asked.

We looked at each other. "I don't know... We should think of something..." I said. "Well, let's come up to something now... I want to go home... I want to see Tord! I want go to Tord, hug him! Kiss him! I want him to be here with us, guys!" Tom said and sobbed quietly.

"Tom..." He wiped his tears away. "S-sorry, guys... I just..." He looked down, still wiping away the tears. "I just miss him..."

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