7. The plan

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Tord's POV:

"So, Tord, you said you know what to do." Patryck said. I sighed. "I think I do. I don't want to attack though... I think it would be better if I'll just sneak into the army base, find Edd, Matt and Tom, rescue them and then we will see what The Blue Leader has to say..." I said.

"But what if someone finds you? Or what if she'll try to kill you?" Paul asked worriedly. I smiled softly at him. "I will be careful, I promise. It's not the first time I'm sneaking into some army's base, I'll be fine." I answered.

"I have a bad feeling about this... What if they'll really find you? What if they'll kill you!?" Patryck asked, panicking lightly. I placed my hand on his shoulder, still smiling calmly. "I'll be okay, don't worry. I think I should sneak there tonight." I said.

They didn't say anything esle, they just hugged me tightly. I could tell they really didn't think it was a good idea, but I didn't care... I would do anything to save my friends... And my Tommie. My sweet Tommie...

Tom's POV:

"So, what do you guys think? Should we join the army?" I asked. "Look, I don't think it's really safe, Tom... I still wonder why would she even want us to join. And what would happen if we say no?" Edd asked.

We all stayed silent. None of us really knew the answer. So we just decided to wait for that weird woman to come. I still didn't trust her, but...something was telling me that I should listen to her...

And then, she finally came. She looked at us, smiling. "Hello again." She said calmly. It made me feel a little suspicious. "Hi?" Edd answered, being just as confused as I was. "We need to ask you something." Matt said.

She looked at him. "It's about us joining the army. What would happen if we say...no?" He asked. I could see that he was a little scared and nervous. She sighed. "Well, what do you think would happen? Let's just say...you would be dead where you stand." She said and looked away.

My 'eyes' widened. I really didn't want to die... But I also didn't want to be in this army... It sounded dangerous... But if it was the only way for us to stay alive... "And will you ever let us back home..?" I asked, shaking slightly... And I realized it...I was scared of her...

She glared at me. "No. You're going to stay here with me,  or you're going to die. It's your own choice." She said. We all looked at each other with fearful expressions. "I'll give you one day to think about it. I want to hear the answers tomorrow. And once you say it, there is no going back... Just letting you know." She said.

She walked to the door and left the room, locking it behind her. We were all terrified. I heard Matt crying. "No! They can't kill me! I'm way too pretty to die!" He said in panic. Edd and I looked at him with that 'Are you serious right now' look.

He noticed how we were looking at him and he chuckled nervously. "Y-yeah, of course! You're too pretty to die too, Edd!" He said. I sighed. "What about me?" I asked, crossing my arms. He looked at me, sweating. "Uhh... S-sure! Y-you're pretty too! I like your...'eyes'..?" He said.

I sighed again and facepalmed. "Really, Matt?" I asked. Edd started laughing softly, but stopped when he remember about the tough choice we had to make... And I felt...really scared... Confused. Lost. Prisoned...

"Guys, what should we do? I don't want to die! But I also don't want to be here with...her..." Edd said, looking down. "Same here... I want to have a normal life. Just like before... Just the three of us..." I said.

I felt...weird when I said 'the three of us'. It really felt like I was missing someone out. Was I forgetting someone? No, probably not... Or was I..? Someone important to me? I shook my head. "Guys, I keep having that feeling that I'm missing someone." I said.

"Maybe we are... We have the same feeling..." Matt said. I sighed and layed down since my head still hurt. They both did the same. I stared into the wall and closed my 'eyes'. "So, what do you guys think, Should we join the army?" I asked them. They stayed silent.

"...I think we should, Tom. I think we should."

Tord's POV:

I couldn't sleep. I knew I had to get some rest, but I was just way too nervous. 'What if I really will fail? And what if they're already dead!?' I thought to myself, close to crying when I was thinking about that.

I hugged myself, closing my eyes. "Tom... I wish you were here..."

*time skip*

I didn't sleep at all. I was wide awake for the whole time, waiting for the sound of the sweet release. The alarm clock. As soon as I heard the noice, I jumped up. I immediately got up from my bed, took the stuff I needed and let the army base, heading right towards The Blue Army base.

It was dark, but I had a flashlight so it wasn't that bad. My heart was beating milion times per second. I kept sweating and I was nervous. I decided to sing something quietly to calm myself down.

"Baby, where'd you go? With you went my soul... Empty when you're gone, when you're here I'm gold..." I sang as I was running to the army base. I felt tears escaping my eyes. I was here by myself. Nobody was here to help me... I missed Tom... Oh, how I hoped that he and the other two were okay...

"The mirror's image has got me deep... The fear is in it... Can't get no sleep. See I can not explain what you cannot see, baby down below they're reaching up to me... The mirror's image has got me deep... The fear is in it.." I continued singing quietly.

My voice was shaky and I went silent as I saw the base I was looking for. I took a deep breath. I came closer. Of course, the door had a code. I sighed. 'Screw the code.' I thought.

I looked at my robotic arm. Maybe it could help me! I tried to break the door down and tried to use the metal arm. It didn't work, but then suddenly, a light blue flash came from it, blinding me for a few seconds.

When I could see again, I saw that the door was completly destroyed. I grinned. 'How convenient!'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now