27. Why did you come back here!?

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Tord's POV:

The days were still the same, but there was one thing that was changing. Every day that was closer to the time we had to attack, I was more and more scared and nervous. 'What if I screw up? What if they'll hurt themselves? What if she's hurting them right now!?' I thought.

"Tord! Snap out of it!" I heard Paul. I looked around to see that I was pointing a gun on the target and Paul was next to me. I looked at him confusingly. "Huh? What happened?" He sighed. "You spaced out... Again." He answered.

I grinned nervously. "Heheheh. Sorry." I said and continued focusing on the target. I fired from the gun, but it turned out I wasn't focused enough, because I missed. "And you missed. Great." Paul said in a annoying tone.

I looked down, ashamed of myself. "Leave him be, Paul. He's clearly really nervous about the attack." Patryck said and placed his hand on my shoulder. "No, Patryck. I'm just weak." I said. He didn't answer anymore.

"Look, Tord. It's going to be okay, but if you want to get stronger, you have to learn to focus." Paul said. I nodded. "I understand." They then left me alone. Soldiers starts coming to the training room.

I didn't want to train, but I knew I needed to. I sighed softly and looked up on the ceiling. Those lights almost blinded me, my eyes burned, but the pain was somehow comforting. I smiled and enjoyed feeling tears leave my eyes.

When suddenly, all the lights turned off, leaving us all alone in the dark. I heard soldiers talking in annoyance that this was keeping them from training and seeing well. Then suddenly, they all went silent.

I didn't know what happened at first, but then I saw a blue light coming from my robotic arm. I looked at it closer. "Sir, is your arm glowing?" One of the soldiers asked. I rolled my eyes. "I am not your leader anymore, remember?" "O-oh, sorry.." The soldier apologized.

"Anyway, why did the lights turn off?" Patryck asked when he came back along with Paul. "I don't know." I simply answered. And I didn't care. "I'll go check if something went wrong." Paul said and ran out. Not even three seconds later, I heard a bang and Paul groan in pain.

I looked at Patryck and we both followed him, my arm being the only source of light there. It turned out Paul just couldn't see anything and ran into one of the walls. I chuckled quietly and helped him up.

"Thanks... But let's go see if something happened." I nodded. I hated dealing with this kind of problems, but I was needed here. So why not. I immediately started thinking about Tom and here I was again, spacing out and being trapped in my imaginary life where everybody could be happy and together. Just like Tom and I...

Tom's POV:

I woke up and stared into space. Edd and Matt were still sleeping. I calmed down when I realized I was in the army base and not outside. Well, it just creeped me out a little. But other than that, I would kinda like to go outside...

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts. But they kept coming back. And Tord was in my head as well. That thought of him smiling at me. No scars, no robotic arm...and he looked so happy...

I closed my 'eyes' again, wanting to go back to sleep. I wanted to go back there, I wanted to see Tord! But not that...traitor... A happy Tord... Smiling... Caring... Loving... I smiled at that thought and really fell asleep again.

I opened my 'eyes' and was outside again. I gasped and stood up. "Tord? Tord! Where are you?" Im called for him and looked around. Everything looked the same. Happy and colourful. But I couldn't hear the violin and what was even worse...

I couldn't see Tord... "Uhh, Tord? Are you here? It's me, Tom!" I called for him again. "Why did you come back, Tom..? To hurt me even more than you already did?" I heard his voice. It sounded like he was above me.

I looked up on one of the branches to see him sitting there, looking down at me with an angry and sad expression on his face. "Tord! There you are!" I said and smiled. I climbed that tree and sat next to him.

I scooted closer to him, but he scooted away. I raised an eyebrow. "Tord..?" He didn't answer, just kept looking away, as if he was hiding his face. The sky got darker again, birds stopped singing... Leaves from trees that were growing all around us fell and the trees were now dead...

Only the tree we were sitting on was still alive and colourful... I wondered why... Everything was dark now. I couldn't see stars or anything. The sky was just empty... I saw a source of light though. I looked at Tord to see him holding the lantern from the last dream.

He kept staring into the fire. I then noticed something... Scars... His right eye was emptier and lighter than the other one... And he had a robotic arm again. "No... No, no, no! Please, no!" I said and carefully grabbed his arm.

He jerked back and glared at me. "Do you want to hurt me again or what!? Why did you come back!? "What?" I asked, confused. "Now YOU are the one that can't understand, huh?" He said.

"Tord, please calm down.." I said. He looked away and stared into the fire. Everything else went darker as well. We were in that void again, but somehow still sitting without falling. Well, at least I thought we weren't falling. We were in a void...floating? Urg, whatever. I tried not thinking about how it worked. It was a dream after all.

I heard quiet sobbing coming from Tord. I looked at him with a worried expression. But I didn't know, why. I cared... I really did... It worried me when I saw him like this. And if he hurt me in my dream, he wouldn't hurt me in reality.

"Tom..." "Yes?" He showed me the fire in the lantern. It was dying again. Just like the last time. It was almost like it was dissapearing into air. "This light...is symbolizing you..." He said. I looked at it closed, even more confused than before.

"And the darkness around us is symbolizing how she is taking control of you..." He continued. I didn't ask since I thought he would explain it later on. So I just patiently listened. He looked at me. "I'm trying to protect this light... So you." He said.

We stared into each other's eyes. "But I can also be the one...who can blow the light...and make you fall right into her trap..." He whispered, his voice shaking. I had no idea what he was talking about. "Tord? What do you mean..?"

He stared back on the fire. "I'll explain it to you..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now