19. ßRøKΣN

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Tord's POV:

'Urg, Tom probably thinks I'm crazy now... Why did I do that?' I asked myself, close to crying. I kept walking in circles since I really didn't have anything to do at that moment. I could sleep, but I wasn't tired. I would just keep thinking about Tom.

I was still hoping he would come back here and talk with me again. I wanted to spend time with him! And the other two, of course. But especially Tom! Tears fell down my face. Paul and Patryck were still asleep. I then suddenly heard footsteps.

I smiled and immediately turned around. "Tom?" I called, hoping it was really him. My smile faded when I saw it was not him. Or Edd... Or Matt. It just had to be her. I glared at her. "What do you want?" I asked.

She smirked. "Oh, I just want to show you something. I can see that you're waiting for you precious Tommie to come here and hep you. So here." She said. I was confused when I heard her call Tom's name.

And he really did come... But something was wrong with him...His 'eyes' that were usually two black and empty voids were now purple and glowing. That kinda freaked me out. I saw two sharp horns poke out of his head and he had...a tail!?

I covered my mouth as I was looking at him. "Tommie, say hello here to Red Leader!" She said. Tom just growled. She smiled at me. "He's going to be staying with you for a while. But we have to take the other two out." She said, pointing at Paul and Patryck that were cuddling each other in their sleep.

She called for two of her soldiers and opened the cell for them. I took this as a chance... I ran out. But Tom grabbed my robotic arm and pinned me to the wall. He glared at me. It hurt me seeing him like this...

"Huh? What are you doing? What's going on!?" I heard Paul's confused voice when one of the soldiers started dragging him out of the cell. "Paul! Patryck!" I shouted. I tried escaping Tom's grasp, but he was too strong. His hands...were purple too... And he had sharp claws... He could kill me easily with those.

The soldiers dragged the other two away as I kept shouting their names with tears in my eyes. 'Why is this happening? I never asked for this...' I heard them scream... Then it was all quiet... Tom picked me up and got me back into the cell I called prison.

She locked us both in there... Us both? Why? "Enjoy spending time with your Tommie. But don't do anything he doesn't like. He can kill you in a split second." She laughed and left, leaving me alone with Tom.

He kept watching my every move. When I even dared to move a muscle, he instantly glared at me. I was scared to move. I was scared to blink. I was scared to breathe... "Tommie..?" He growled.

I tried to do something risky. Standing up. But he immediately pulled me back down. I sighed and looked him in the 'eyes'. I could see anger... I saw confusion... And I also saw...sadness..? I tried moving closer to him. He shook his head as if he was giving me some kind of warning not to get any closer.

But I didn't listen. I felt like I was not the one here who needed help... It was him. And I was more than happy to help him. I scooted closer to him. He showed me his sharp claws, it was like he wanted to show me that he would attack if I got any closer. But I risked it anyway. I didn't mind if he hurt me anymore.

I was now only a few centimeters away from him when he roared loudly. Just like some kind of monster. 'No, I can't be scared... He's still my Tom...' I thought and convinced myself to come even closer.

He maybe looked angry, but he still didn't attack... As if he didn't even want to hurt me. And I didn't want to hurt him either. I carefully placed my hand on his cheek. He flinched and made a quied whimper.

I smiled at him. "Hey, it's alright. I'm here for you now." I said. He looked away. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He flinched in suprise. I rubbed his back. He...hugged me back!

I was happy. I thought I made him feel better when suddenly...he scratched my back with his sharp claws. Those scars hurt and burned like hell. I stopped moving and just stared into space with my eyes wide open.

He dugged the claws even deeper into the scars and I whimpered quietly. "I-if it makes you feel better, Tom...." I whispered and let him do whatever. Tears fell down my face from the pain, but I just kept telling myself. 'It will help him... It makes him feel better... So it's worth it.'

I kept mumbling this sentence to myself. I sobbed in between some words, but it wasn't helping much. What really made me feel better was that I felt like Tom relaxed a little... I sighed and hugged him tighter. "I-It's okay... Everything's going to be...o-okay..."

Tom's POV:

'Oh god... Tord... Please, stop... I don't want to do this to you...' I thought. I knew what I was doing. I saw everything... I heard Tord mumbling and whimpering in pain as I kept hurting him... But I didn't want to...

I couldn't stop myself... It WAS making me feel better though... And Tord seemed to be aware of that... So he just let me do it... And that was what warmed my heart... He was going through this pain thanks to me...and he just let me without trying to stop me from doing it...

I sobbed quietly, not realizing Tord could hear it. "T-Tommie, are you alright..?" I heard him whisper. I just growled quietly in responce. Oh, how much I wanted to say something. "I'm sorry..." But it only came out as some weird noices.

For some reason, I dugged my claws deeper, making him hug me tighter and start crying. "O-ouch..." My chest hurt, as if someone was stabbing me... He still didn't try to stop me from what I was doing.

I pulled him closer to me. I just wanted to stop hurting him, but I couldn't! Something was stopping me... I hated it... "It's... It's alright, Tommie... I know it makes you feel b-bett-ow...better... So no worries..." He whispered and rubbed my back.

It hurt even more. 'Stop it... Please...' I felt tears roll down my face. He sighed and continued making weird and quiet noices, signaling that he was in pain. After a while, I finally stopped it. I stopped hurting him.

"T-Tom?" He looked me in my face. What I saw hurt me even more. His whole face was red. He was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down his face faster than a waterfall. I felt like I was gaining a bit of control over what I was doing.

I immediately pushed him away from me so I wouldn't hurt him anymore. But I was too harsh. He was now lying on the cold floor, shaking and sobbing loudly. "O-ouch... Why did you do that..?" He asked and looked at me with a hurtful face.

More guilt washed over me. When I even tried to help, I just hurt him more... I wanted to come closer and help him, but I didn't want to hurt him again accidentally. When I saw his back, my 'eyes' widened in terror. There were fresh and open scars, all bleeding. The thing that I did...

I got further away from him. He was about to say something when...he passed out. 'Tord?' I watched him for a while, hoping he would maybe wake up again, but when he didn't move, I came closer to him.

He was still crying quietly and whimpering in his sleep. I stared down at him, feeling tears leave my 'eyes'. He looked so broken... But I was the one that broke him, wasn't I? I sighed quietly. He was shaking and shivering. As if he was cold or something.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer. I knew I was fully in control again so I didn't have to worry too much about me hurting him by accident. I carefully petted his hair, though I was really really careful since the claws were still sharp enough to hurt him and stab him or something. I didn't want that.

I yawned. I felt kinda tired. And Tord was already asleep. I wrapped my tail around the two of us and closed my 'eyes'. 'Like you said, Tord. Everything's going to be alright.'

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now