35. Roommates

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Tord's POV:

I sighed. "Well, guys. I think we should go get you home." I said. They all calmed down while I was still a blushing mess. "O-okay then." Tom said, still chuckling. We all started walking further away from that place... That place where I ended up before...

I tried to forget about it, not really succeeding, but still trying. "Uhh, hey? Now I remembered, weren't there with you two other people? You know, in The Blue Army base?" Edd asked. I nodded. "Yeah. They went back to The Red Army base. At least I told them to, so I hope they're really there." I answered.

"Oh." I sighed. I remembered the path clearly. It reminded me of everything that happened before when I had amnesia. I didn't want to think about that again, but the thought wouldn't leave my head.

I remembered the strange robotic part on their arms. They all had the same thing, but I still had no idea what was it doing to them. Was that the thing that was actually making them not remember me?

I carefully grabbed Tom's arm and pulled his sleeve up. "H-huh? What are you doing?" He asked in confusion. "Just looking at this. Does it hurt you?" I asked, pointing at the robotic thing. He shook his head. "No, I just don't understand, what is it doing. I wonder why the leader put it on our arms. By force.." He said.

"...How did she even did this?" I asked. "I just remember her dragging me into some kind of room. There were syringes, knifes, scissors and lots of things that made me feel dizzy and uncomfortable. I then passed out and woke up in a different room with this on my arm."

I felt bad for Tom... He never deserved any of this pain, neither did the other two. None of them! I pulled his sleeve back down, saying I would get a closer look on it later, getting a nod from Tom in responce.

I grabbed his hand and looked away. I could almost feel Tom staring at me, but I just pretended that I didn't know, hoping he would stop. It was making me feel slightly uncomfortable. We finally reached the building where the apartments were.

"We're here.." I said. "Huh. This does look familiar." Matt said, rubbing his square chin. We walked inside and went to where we were all living. Well, I figured that they still didn't trust me so I was not suppose to be here anymore.

I showed Edd and Matt their apartments and went to Tom's apartment. But as we were about to open the door when we heard a scream from Edd's apartment. We all immediately ran there. "Edd, you okay!?" I asked, worried about what was happening.

"W-what happened here? I don't remember this..." He said. I looked around. It was still messy, things were broken... Matt came here too and gasped. "My mirror!" I face palmed. 'Really, Matt? Well, at least he didn't change...' I thought.

"This is what I found when I came back... You three were gone and all I found is this mess and a note from The Blue Leader." I explained. "Wait, wait, wait... You lived with us!?" Tom asked. I rolled my eyes. "Wow, Tom. Yes, I did. And I lived with you, to be exact." I responded.

I saw a blush pread across his cheeks. I smirked and giggled. "Yup! We were living with each other! And I miss these times  alot actually." I said. He just stared at me. I liked seeing him this flustered, it was cute.

"Guys, can you help me clean this up, please?" Edd asked. "Sure thing!" We got to cleaning. Edd and Matt were talking while Tom and I stayed silent. sometimes we shot a glance at each other and when we did it at the same time, we immediately looked away. It was a bit strange, I hoped that it won't be so awkward between us when he'll remember us dating and everything else. But I never knew.

Tom's POV:

When we finished cleaning, Tord and I got into my apartment. We walked inside and Tord closed the door behind us. I still couldn't really believe that we shared the apartment with each other. It was not like I hated it, I just felt a bit uncomfortable and awkward. Especially when he said we were dating. And-wait...

I stopped walking once we got into the living room. "H-hey, Tord?" He looked at me. "What is it, Tom?" I sighed, feeling my face heat up. "We shared this apartment together, right..?" I asked. He nodded, a confused look showing on his face.

"W-were we sharing a bed..?" I continued. He blushed too. "U-umm, well... Maybe..?" He answered nervously. My face was red like a strawberry at this point. "And we were dating, am I right....?" I asked another question. He nodded slowly, sweating a little.

"D-did we actually... Uhh, you know..." He tilted his head. "Did what..?" He asked. "We shared a b-bed together... We shared an apartment... We were alone here..." I said, trying to give him hints. He stared at me, dumbfounded until his face turned even redder.

"N-no! It never got THIS far!" He said with wide eyes. I sighed in relief and looked away. "O-okay, good, I guess..." I stuttered. He looked away as well and silence filled the room. It was really awkward.

I shook my head to wake up from my thoughts and sighed softly. "W-well, do you...still want to be here with us..?" I asked. "H-huh? Like stay?" He asked. I just nodded. "If you don't mind..." I said.

"I guess I'll get used to it eventually." I said, showing a small smile. He returned it and walked into the kitchen. I had no idea if I should trust him. He really didn't seem like he wanted to hurt us. I remembered that I just wanted him to lead us back home, but now... I was willing to give him a second chance and actually win my trust. I was almost completly sure that Edd and Matt already trusted him.

I looked around the apartment. 'Maybe I can find something that would show we were really friends before! Like a picture!' A thought came into my head. I liked that idea so I went to search before I heard a voice from the kitchen.

It was Tord, it sounded like he was talking to someone on the phone. "Yeah, I won't come today, Patryck. I'm with the three now." He said. I couldn't hear the reply, but saw Tord nod. "I will. But don't worry about me, I'll stop her... Even if it means to lose my life. Just like I said before." He said.

Stop who? The Blue Leader? Maybe... "No, Paul. I really don't need your help. She wants me dead? Okay, her choice. But I will try to stop her and I will do my best to achieve my goal. I can't let her hurt anybody else. She already hurt Tom, Edd and Matt enough. I don't want her to make the same mistake I did. Except nobody is forcing her." He said.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Yeah, yeah, sure. I will let you know. If I won't, go get her... But I'm sure I'll do it, so I'll be fine. Don't worry, okay? Great, talk to you later." He said and ended the call.

Maybe he was serious. He just wanted to help us and stop her... But...make the same mistake as him..? Nobody was forcing her? I didn't understand that part, but I didn't think so much about it. I just went to my room and jumped on my bed. I was tired, okay? I wanted to sleep. And that was what I did.

I waited for a while, waiting for the train of dreams hit me and make me play some random dreams and ideas in my mind, because that was how dreams worked... Right..? Right? Right.

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now