14. She will pay for this...

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Tom's POV:

I felt really nervous when she told us to follow her. "Hey, guys. I think we should start thinking about our last words." I said. Edd nodded. "My last words are.... I love my face!" Matt said. I facepalmed. Matt knew he was going to die and yet, he still didn't change at all.

"I'm not actually sure about my last words... Maybe... No, I don't know. I guess, I love you, guys?" Edd said. I thought about it too. But nothing really came to my mind. We followed that woman into the same room I was when she turned me into that...thing.

"I don't know what should I say, guys..." I said. Edd looked at me. "Well, remember Tord? That person who came to our room? He said he was your boyfriend, right?" Edd asked. I nodded slowly, not so sure about it.

"Well, maybe something about him?" Matt suggested. I thought about it. I didn't remember him, but he didn't look like a dangerous person... He actually looked pretty nice... I sighed, knowing death was close.

'Calm down, Tom. You've got this. It's still better than be with her, right? Better than the army. Better than that woman.' I thought and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But I couldn't help it, I was nervous. Who wouldn't be?

"You're first." The woman said, pointing at Matt. Matt looked at Edd. Edd was now crying as he hugged Matt tightly. "Edd, I'm scared..." Matt said in a shaky voice. "D-don't worry, Matt... We will be right after you, I promise we'll see each other again soon..." Edd said.

I nodded, feeling quite upset... I was actually hoping that I could be first since I didn't want to see my friends suffer and die... But I also knew we were going to be all together again after that... So that kinda calmed me down.

"Come on, I don't have all day." The woman said in an annoyed tone. I glared at her. "You know this is still really hard for us, leave us be." I said. She didn't say anything. "Goodbye, Edd..." Matt said, crying. "No, Matt. Don't say that. It's not goodbye. It's see you later, oaky?" Edd wiped his tears away and smiled at him. Matt returned the smile, kissed Edd's forehead and they seperated from the hug.

I was the one that hugged Edd and tried to comfort him. We watched as she took some kind of weird gun and pointed that thing at Matt. Matt waved at us with a sad smile and closed his eyes so  he wouldn't see anything.

"I love my face..." I heard Matt whisper. She then fired from the gun... I covered Edd's eyes so he wouldn't have to see it. I closed my 'eyes' too. I heard Matt's body fall to the cold floor... "Okay, who wants to be next?" She asked. Edd raised his arm.

"I-I'll go... I want to see Matt..." He said. I felt really bad, because I knew I would survive the death of my friends... I knew that I would be the last one, but I understood Edd. And I let him go... I knew there was no way we could escape this now...

I still had my 'eyes' closed as I uncovered Edd's eyes. "See you later, Tom." He said. "See you later, Edd... Tell Matt I'm next..." I said and smiled. I heard the woman groan. I ignored it though. "Wait a minute... Matt's not-" Edd was cut off by another gunshot.

I heard him fall too... I was too scared and sad to look at my two friends that were now laying dead in front of me... 'But wait... What was Edd about to say..? That Matt is not...? What? What did he mean?' I thought to myself, confused about what just hapened.

"Okay, now you." I heard her say. I got angry. "Jut shut up and kill me! I don't want to be here anymore!" I yelled. She then didn't say anything else.

I heard the gun fire... I felt pain...but it was not as bad as I expected it would be... I fell down... My 'eyes' were still closed. I felt pain, yes, but...it was not unbearable to handle... I expected it to be worse. Much worse...

I let my body relax as I began to die... I opened my 'eyes' for the last time and looked around me... That's when I noticed something... And that made me realize what was going on... No blood... And Matt along with Edd were still breathing...

She didn't kill us...

Tord's POV:

I cried in pain as I was laying on my bed. My whole face was red, my eyes burned and my hair was a mess. I found another note in my office... I had apsolutely no idea how it got there... But as I read the letter, I saw it was from The Blue Leader...

'Red Leader, why even try? You can't save your friends no matter how much you want to help them... And if you even try to do something to save them, I think you're way too late.'

I knew what she meant by writing this letter... Way too late... I couldn't believe it... I was so upset! I couldn't even save my best friends and they were already dead!!! But at the same time, I felt angry...

This was all her fault... Not only mine... I never did anything bad to her, so why would she be so mean? Did I do something in the past to make her like this? I never wanted to hurt her or anybody else! And if she wanted revenge, then I still had no idea why did she have to hurt my friends! They had nothing to do with it!

I wiped my tears away with my robotic arm. I seriously felt like throwing up. But one thing that was calming me about this...was that maybe she was lying. She was always a dirty liar. A terrible person. Like I said before, I never wanted to hurt anyone, but she deserved to DIE.

I heard a knock on the door. "Tord, is everything alright..?" I heard Patryck's voice. 'Great, now I have to worry more people...' I thought. "I-I'm fine, Patryck." I said. My voice cracked... Dang it... He came up to me.

"What happened?" He asked in a calm tone. He then noticed the letter and read it. "Tord... I'm sorry about this..." He said and hugged me tightly. He thought I was sad... Heh... I grinned and hugged him back. "I can tell you're upset..." He said and petted m hair.

"Patryck, I am upset... But there is still one more thing you don't understand..." I paused and looked him in his confused eyes. "She will PAY for this..."

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now