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Tord's POV:

I woke up again. Why? I didn't know. But my stomach hurt a lot. It started when I ate yesterday. I was careful not to eat too much, but it still hurt. Eating felt so wrong... Like I wasn't suppose to do it.

Tom had his arms wrapped around me. I was glad to have him here with me, but I also wanted to go home... I missed Edd and Matt... I missed the small town we were living in. The peaceful times where we spent time with each other. Our...our old house... Before I destroyed it...

I sighed. I didn't have time to think about what happened. 'It is all in the past, they still care about me and they still love me.' I thought, nodding my head. I was done with that. I stood up after I carefully unwrapped Tom's arms that were hugging me.

I almost fell, but didn't thankfully. I looked at my injury and frowned. It didn't look good. It wasn't good... I took a closer look on it and shivered. I saw more ants and even some dead flies! The wound was all red, puffy, but it was also white since there was...pus coming out of it... That was disgusting, but mostly painful.

I looked at Tom. I was going to change him back. And quickly. Or else, we would both be in grave danger... I gently shook him. "Tommie, wake up..." I said to him, tears escaping my eyes from the pain.

He groaned. "Mmmhh... Five more minutes..." He mumbled from his sleeping state. I rolled my eyes playfully and poked his cheek. "Tommie." Nothing. "Tommie." I poked him again. Still no reaction from the sleeping male. "Tommie." I poked him for the third time. "Tom-" "What!?"

I giggled at his reaction, but then let out a grunt of pain. He looked at me in the eyes with a worried look. "Are you alright?" I sighed and just showed him the wound. He covered his mouth. "T-Tord... We need to do something about this... Your leg does not look any better, just worse! You can't even move it very well!" He said.

I coughed. "I'm okay, Tom. It just hurts..." I said, wiping away my hot tears. He shook his head. "No, Tord. We need to take you to the hospital." He said, standing up. I looked up at him. "Huh? But Tom, your monster sid-" "I don't care... As long as you're safe." He said, carefully picking me up.

"Tom, stop! We're not going anywhere!" I said, sneezing afterwards since we ran outside. And it was still pretty cold. He didn't respond. I sighed softly and closed my eyes. "This is just like in my dream..." I mumbled, drifting off to sleep.

I heard him gasp, but I didn't feel like opening my eyes. Or saying anything. "T-Tord! Your wound! I-it's bleeding again!" He said, panicking. His voice seemed so...distant. As if he was far away from me, but I was right in his arms.

He ran faster as I gave up on trying to stop him. But then I heard chatter and poice sirens... "Stop right there!" I heard. I didn't know, what to do... I knew, what was happening... Tommie was in danger...

"You-you're the monster! Get him, fire!" I heard. Tom still kept running, trying to get away. I wanted to move, to say something, to yell at them to stop... But all I could do was helplessly listening to the gunshots around us...

I didn't hear any painful noices so I figured they didn't hit Tom... But I still wanted to get out of here. I felt tears fall down my face as I tried to move again. But not succeeding. I felt useless... I couldn't even help my boyfriend out when he needed me... I wasn't worth this... Then why..? Why did all of this had to happen..?

...Because of me...

Edd's POV:

Matt and I were walking around the town, talking about Tom and Tord until we heard gunshots, screams of fear and opanic...and a loud roar... We immediately started running towards the noices, both knowing what did this mean....

Tom... And we were both correct. We saw him there, near the hospital... He was fully tranformed and was glaring at the police officers. We came closer. They were attacking at Tom, but it didn't seem to do any damage which made us both relieved.

Police cars were trapping Tom in front of the hospital. Whenever someone tried to get closer to him, he would roar and glare at them. I saw that he was wrapping his tail around something...something red...

My eyes widened when I realized what was going on. "STOP!" I yelled at top of my lungs. They all looked at me, including Tom. Even though he was a monster, I could still see a small smile creep on his face.

"Stop attacking him! He's just trying to help, he does not mean any harm!" Matt joined. He understood everything too. Then they all looked back at Tom, ready to shoot again until he unwrapped his tail around whatever he was protecting... And yes, it as just what we thought it was... Or, who it was...

Tord... He was lying there, unconscious. Tom let out a sound that sounded like a cry. A cry for help. They all hid their guns and carefully got closer to Tord's body and so did we. "This man needs a medical attention! And NOW!" One of the policemen yelled.

Tom sat down, watching as they took Tord into the hospital. Matt and I ran up to him and hugged him. He was bigger than us so it was difficult, but we managed to do it somehow. "Hey! Get away from that monster!"

I shook my head. Even though it was risky, I didn't care anymore. "No way! He's...He's our friend..." I said and started crying as I hugged Tom tighter. He started transforming back... It wasn't just half a human and half a monster... It was just...a human...

He strated crying too as he hugged us back. "G-guys, I...I missed you both so much!" He yelled, hugging us tighter. "We missed you too, Tom." Matt answered him and pulled him closer to us. The police officers just stood there, dumbfounded about what were they seeing.

I chuckled lightly under my breath. "This is going to take a lot of explaining, huh?"

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now