49. Hunger

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Tord's POV:

I woke up, shaking from the cold wind hitting my face. It was windy and cold outside. I hugged Tom tighter who had his arms wrapped around me and protecting me with his long tail and tried to fall asleep, but it didn't help much.

I felt safer with him, yes, but still... He was at least protected with some fur. He didn't seem like he minded the cold. I sneezed and sighed softly. I heard my stomach grumble, I was hungry. I looked at the sleeping Tom and kissed his cheek, making him smile in his sleep.

I carefully made him let go of me, trying not to wake him up and got up. I almost fell, but thankfully, I didn't. I looked outside. It was still dark. I had no idea what time it was, I had no phone or watch.

Wind brushed through my hair, making me shiver and cough a few times. I covered my mouth since I didn't want to accidentally wake Tom up from his sleep. But I couldn't go back to sleep. I was hungry, cold, but also tired. Though, I still couldn't just fall asleep!

I felt tears form in my eyes and not even a minute later, I started crying. I felt terrible. I hugged myself for comfort and to protect myself from the cold. I cried as quietly as possible, but it was hard to hide it.

I heard a groan coming from Tom. I heard movement, but didn't turn around. "Tord..? What are you doing up? Come back, it's not good if you stand..." He said, concern filling his voice. I wiped away my tears quickly and smiled softly at him.

"I'm sorry, did I-" I coughed again. "-wake you up?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Uhh, it's alright. You did no harm. Are you...okay? Your face is red and you look like you were crying." He asked. I didn't answer him, just came back to him and hugged him tightly. I burried my face into his chest, feeling a little bit warmer.

I felt tears in my eyes again as my stomach grumbled. It hurt, but I didn't want to bother Tom with my problems. He petted my hair. "Tord, you don't seem okay... Your leg is probably infected, you've got a fever and I can tell you're hungry... We need to find food..." He said.

I looked at him with tears leaving my silver eyes. "It's-" I felt a tickling feeling in my throat. I coughed once again. "Urg... It's okay, Tommie... I'll be alright." I reasured him. He didn't buy it though.

"Tord, you need help... You can't stay here with me forever... You know you need help. Wait, I have an idea!" He smiled. I tilted my head, trying to stop the tears. "Wh-what?" "I'll carry you somewhere really close to town and you'll just try and get to the hospital yourself! I really don't want to leave you by yourself, but I'm sure there's a lot of policemen and I'm also sure they will help you!" He said.

I stared at him. "B-but Tom, what about you!?" I asked him. His smile turned into a frown. "I'm sorry, Tord, but I changed back myself... Maybe I'll just wait here and after I will change back, I will come back to you, guys." He answered, rubbing my back for comfort.

"I-I can't allow you that! It's too dangerous! You never know, if you will change back! And you also need food, Tom!" I yelled. He sighed. "I just... I just want YOU to be safe..." He whispered, looking down. I looked away from him. "But I need you, Tom... What will I do without you?"

He didn't respond. I thought he just wanted to simply ignore what I just said when he picked me up bridal style ad started carrying me out of the cave. "T-Tom! What are you doing!? Tom!" He didn't reply.

He ran and I had no idea what was happening. Was he really taking me back home..? I started crying at the thought that I would never see him ever again... I didn't want to leave him!! I didn't care if he was half a monster, he was still Tom! My Tom, Tommie that I loved!

After about five minutes of him carrying me, I saw lights thought the trees. We heard voices talking, it sounded like policemen... He stopped and carefully let me down. He hugged me tightly. "Please go... Let them help you, I promise I'll come back to you..." He said and then...he ran away.

"T-Tom!" I ran after him, but fell down. Pain washed over my leg as I cried even harder, because of Tom leaving me and now because of the pain I was feeling. "What is that sound? It sounds like someone crying!" I heard a familiar female voice. That woman police officer.

I heard footsteps approach me and saw her. She looked at me in horror. "Y-you're the man from a few days ago!" She panicked. I just cried harder, pointing at the place where Tom dissapeared to.

"You need medical attention, now!" She yelled, helping me up and dragging me out of the forest. I tried to stop her and tell her to let me go, that I needed to save Tom, but she didn't. "P-please! H-h-help him! P-please... He ne-needs help! He's-he's just scared! Please!"

I was hungry and tired so I soon gave up and just cried from the pain. I wasn't sure what happened next, but I figured I passed out. I woke up in a hospital bed. Edd and Matt were there. They were both crying.

My eyes widened as I sat up. Edd looked at me and smiled "T-Tord! You're oka-" I cut him off. "W-where's Tom!? Where is he!!?" I yelled, shaking him. "Tom..? You...you found him?" Matt asked me. I nodded and started crying.

They both hugged me. "W-we're going to help... But you know what? Screw Tom, he's a monster! He hurt you!" Edd suddenly turned from worried to angry. "Edd! How can you even say that!?" I yelled at him. "Edd's right. Just forget about him. The police will find him anyway." Matt joined.

I couldn't believe them... They were not Edd... Or Matt... Suddenly, a knife appeared in my hand. Yeah, this was definitevely a nightmare... "Never. Say that. About. My. TOM!" I yelled before stabbing the knife into my chest and twisting it, making it even more painful. Everything blurred, but I felt no pain anymore.

I just heard a voice. Tom's voice! 'He's... He's still here with me! Come on, wake up! Wake up!' I slowly opened my eyes to see a crying Tom. I smiled at him when I suddenly felt pain in my left arm.

I looked over at it to see it red and it was wet... Why? What happened? And I saw some strange marks. As if someone was biting my arm! "Tord! You finally woke up, I was so worried!" Tom yelled. I hugged him and cried. "I-I thought you left me..." I whispered to him. He hugged me back and patted my back. "I didn't and I never will... I was so worried... You were biting your arm and crying in your sleep..." He said.

'Biting? My arm?' I thought. I heard my stomach grumble. "Tord, you're starving... We need to find some food..." He said. I shook my head. "I don't care... I can survive. I just...want to stay with you..." I said and hugged him tighter. He didn't say anything just pulled me closer to him.

"...Tord?" "Yes?" "...When do you think I finally change back into a human?" "...When the hunger will go away, Tom..."

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