5. Forced

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Tom's POV:

We heard someone open the cell door and that made us wake up. I looked up tiredly and saw the woman that kidnapped us standing there. She came up to Matt and grabbed him by his arm. She pulled him up as Matt yelped in suprise.

"You're going with me." She said, glaring at him. Matt was too scared to answer. "Hey! What are you going to do to him!?" I shouted at her. "Calm down. I'll just...borrow him for a second..." She answered harshly as she dragged him out of the cell.

She closed the door. "M-Matt!" Edd shouted as he tried to reach his friend through the bars. Matt looked like he was close to crying. "E-Edd!!! Help me!" He shouted back. But the woman dragged him into some kind of room and closed the door.

Edd kept staring at the place where Matt dissapeared. He looked...really worried and upset... I went up to him and patted his back. "Tom... Will he actually come back? Is he going to be okay? What is she going to do to him!?" He asked, panicking.

"Hey, he's going to be okay... I hope..." I said, feeling bad for the brunette. He looked down, not saying anything again. We waited for Matt to come back with the woman for around ten minutes...

The worst thing was that...we could hear Matt's faint screams and cries for help... That made Edd cry and hug me tightly. I was really worried about Matt. What was she doing to him!? After a while, the noices stopped...

It was completly silent. The woman then came back. Her hands were bloody, she was sweating and her hair was messy. She had a serious look on her face as Edd and I looked at her in horror and fear.

"W-where's Matt!? What did you do to MY MATT!!!?" Edd yelled, tears streaming down his face. She smirked and opened the cell. She tried to grab Edd that was still hugging me for dear life and get him away from me. But I didn't let her.

"I won't let you hurt him too!" I yelled at her, my 'eye' twitching. She glared at me. "Oh, don't worry. I won't hurt him. I'm just going to let him see his Matt." She said, grinning. I glared at her and didn't let go of Edd. Quite the opposite actually. I pulled him even closer to me.

"No. I am not letting you take him away too." I said. "What did you do to Matt? Why are you doing this to us!?" Edd asked, crying. She groaned in annoyance as she grabbed Edd by his arm and tried to pull him away from me. But just like last time, I couldn't let her take him too.

"Just let go!" She yelled. "No way!" I yelled back. At that point, she was clearly mad. Edd tried to get her away from us by kicking her as I tried to make her let go of Edd's arm. It went like this until my arms got really tired. But of course, I still kept fighting.

I couldn't let her hurt my friends like that! But she could see I was slowly losing strength. She grinned and finally pulled Edd away from me. I instantly tried to stop her and save Edd, but it was too late.

She ran out of the cell with Edd and closed the door just as I was about to run after her. "Let him go! Don't hurt him! Take him back!" I kept shouting at her, but she didn't listen. Edd was yelling at me in fear as he kept crying and trying to make her let go of him. She dragged him into the room she dragged Matt before and closed the door behind her.

I started crying. I felt so weak. I let her take my friends away! How could I be so stupid!? Even though I was trying my best to save Edd, I failed! I ran to the corner of the cell, sat down and pulled my knees close to me, hugging them to comfort myself.

'I'm so weak... Stupid... After what happened, Tord is who knows where and my other two friends are getting hurt by some woman that kidnapped us... And I can't stop her..' I thought to myself. I wished for Tord to be here with me. He was always trying to comfort me and make me feel better. But now, he was nowhere and I was here by myself...

A few minutes passed while I kept hearing painful cries and screams coming from Edd. When they stopped, I knew exactly what was going to happen next. And I didn't like it at all...

The woman left the room she was in. No sign of Edd or Matt and she was even more bloody than before. I looked at her with tears. "Get up." She said, glaring at me.

I shook my head. No way I was following her. She hurt my friends! She rolled her eyes, opened the cell and went up to me. She grabbed me and tried to drag me out of the cell. I didn't let her though. 'Huh. Now this cell is actually the safest place here.' I thought.

"Come on! Don't make this harder!" She shouted. I still didn't listen to her and tried to make her let go of me. "You kidnapped us. You want us to join some kind of army. You hurt my friends. You think I should just let you take me?" I asked her, trying to sound calm even though I wanted to shoot her in the face.

She groaned and punched me in the face. She kept kicking me as I kept trying to get up, only to be pulled down again. After keeping this for ten minutes, she had enough. She wrapped her arm around my neck and started choking me.

I tried to make her let go, but she wouldn't. At that point, I wasn't focusing on anything else except for trying to breathe. She dragged me out of the cell when I realized what was going on. I instantly started kicking her and tried to yell at her to let me go, but it was even harder without being able to breathe.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as she dragged me into the room where Edd and Matt went to. I gasped when I saw my friends. They were both lying on the ground, passed out. Their arms were bleeding. Some kind of...weird robotic part was wrapped around their arms, making them bleed even more.

She made me lay down on a table as she tied me down. I kept screaming, yelling and crying for help, but it was no use. I saw syringes, tweezers, screwdrivers, knifes and plently of other dangerous stuff. My breathing quickened as I realized what she was about to do to me.

I kept screaming, even though it hurt. I wanted someone to get here. To help me and my two friends. But nobody ever came...

I felt extreme pain in my arm and saw blood. My blood... It hurt so much, the pain was unbearable. I kept screaming, crying and kicking until I passed out... The pain was too much for me to handle... I could hear my screams stop and everything went quiet. Deadly quiet...

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now