50. Help from our friends

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Tom's POV:

It kept repeating. Day by day. Just like it was in the army. It was like it was repeating itself over and over again! Except now, Tord was here with me. But he was getting worse... And that worried me even more...

He was telling me that he was cold all the time, but even was it was kinda chill outside, it wasn't that bad. And even though he never told me that he was hungry, I could tell he was. And I was going outside to search for food every single day.

But I still found nothing. At this moment, Tord was sleeping beside me as I protected him with my arms and tail. It was windy once again and it was cold. Even for me! And if I was cold, Tord was freezing.

He didn't sleep so much like before. He was destroying himself! He ate less, slept less and walked less. I understood why he didn't walk. But I wanted to help him so badly. So I wanted to go search for food, but Tord finally fell asleep again. And since it was even colder, I couldn't leave him here without any protection from the cold weather outside.

Since he fell asleep after four days, I was glad. But when he slept, he was suffering and I was aware of that. Nightmares haunted him, then he kept biting his arm, he cried a lot and sometimes he even started choking from his sleep.

That was another reason why I couldn't leave him alone there. If he started choking and coughing, I wouldn't be there to wake him up and save him from his near death... He wasn't going to wake up when he started coughing. He was sick. He was weak... He was hungry and tired. He was just getting worse. He couldn't even move his injured leg anymore!

I kissed his cheek when he whimpered from his sleep, close to crying once again. I kept him close while staring outside the cave we were in. I heard him groan and he opened his eyes. I smiled at him. "Hey, Tord... How are you feeling?" I asked him.

I was asking him every single day. And he always answered the same thing, this time it wasn't anything different. "It's getting worse, but I'll still be okay." I hugged him tighter, sighing softly. "I'm sorry I caused all of this." I apologized. He didn't hug me back, just rested his head on my shoulder. I knew he would hug me back if he could.

"D-don't apologize, Tom." He whispered to me. His voice waas quiet and hard to understand. I carefully grabbed his chin and made him face towards my face. We stared into each other's eyes. He was looking into my pitch black voids and I was looking into his deadly and tired silver eyes that reminded me of the moon shining on the night sky.

I locked our lips together, pulling him into a gentle kiss. He melted into it and closed his eyes, I did so too. It was nice, but he was exausted and weak... After we seperated from the kiss, his head immediately hung as he stared down.

I sighed and hugged him again. I felt so much guilt. I was going to get him back home, but not now. It was too dangerous for him. Or at least I should have gotten him some food so he would gain some strength.

I looked outside once again and back at Tord who had his eyes closed. I carefully placed him down, earning a groan from him. "Tord, I know it's risky, but I'll go search for food again. I can't let you die..." I said and kissed his forehead. All he did in responce was just a small nod.

I slowly stood up and ran out of the cave. This time, it was going to be different. I was still going to search for food, but I will go into the town... I knew it was risky, but I didn't care anymore. I needed to save Tord! I wasn't that hungry, I was half a monster. I didn't need that much food. Tord did, however.

I was training how to turn into a full monster form on my own. It didn't go as bad, but I never found a way to turn back into a human. Since I wasn't really that afraid of the police shooting at me, I just transformed while running closer to my...home.

What I saw didn't suprise me. Police officers and police cars everywhere, helicopters flying in the sky and all of this made me feel slightly nervous. I decided to try an sneak at first. Then just rush it if someone spotted me.

I went closer to the store that was really close from the apartment building we were living in. I was about to break in when I heard someone. "Psst... Tom!" I turned around and saw...Edd and Matt! They were hiding in one of the allyways.

I smiled at them and started transfoming back into my half monster form. I came closer to them. "Guys!" I hugged them both tightly. "I missed you so much!" I whispered. They hugged me back. "Same, Tom! But where's Tord?" Edd asked.

"I...I just went to...get him some food... He's sick, terribly sick... He didn't eat for a long time, he can not sleep peacefully and he's badly injured, his thigh got infected!" I said with tears. They both covered their mouth in fear.

"W-where is he!?" Matt asked. "In a cave were both hiding in." I answered, looking down and rubbing my arm. "Tom, we need to help him! Why can't you bring him back?" "Because they would hurt me, Edd... But I can't change back!"

We stared at each other in silence for a while. "...I'll go get some food for you and Tord, you two stay here. I'll be right back." Edd said and ran into the shop. Matt and I waited for a few minutes when he came back with three full bags of food. I smiled as he handed them to me.

"T-thank, Edd... I appreciate it... I willl come back to you guys, I promise! And Tord will too!" I said as I started running back into the forest and waving at them. They were smiling and waving as well.

'Thank god nobody else spotted me!' I thought as I was getting closer to the cave. I grinned when I saw it and ran inside. "Tord! I'm back!" I yelled a bit too loudly. He screamed in fear and looked at me with wide eyes.

"O-oh. Is just you, To-Tom..." He said. I came closer to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you... But I went into the town and-" "WHAT!? They could've killed you!" He yelled. "Don't worry, I found Edd and Matt! And they handed me some food after I explained them what happened." I said, placing the bags down and sitting beside him.

He carefully sat up and sighed. "Okay, just...be careful... I don't want you to get hurt just because of me..." He said. I smiled. "Don't worry about me. Now come on, let's eat!" I grinned and he just smiled tiredly. Even though we were better now, we still had problems we had to deal with. But I was just glad that I saw them... Or else, who knew what would have happened to us...

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now