52. A happy idiot

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Tord's POV:

I woke up. Or did I? I had no idea. I heard voices calling my name. But they seemed angry... Who was here? Where was I? How did I get here? I couldn't open my eyes for some reason. I heard the voices panic. They kept yelling and screaming something I couldn't understand.

It was freaking me out. But I felt terrible... I remembered Tom... The police... Gunshots. Loud noices. Pain.. I tried to move, but I was frozen in place, my muscles were paralyzed. It was a bit hard to breathe.

'Tom? Edd? Matt? Where am I? Is someone here? Please!?' I thought. I was just trying to speak, but my mouth couldn't even move. I heard weird beeping. A heartbeat monitor? Why? Was I in a hospital?

I heard someone scream... Who was that? Did someone need help? Why couldn't I move!? What was even going on!? I tried to gasp for air when it was suddenly completely taken from me. I couldn't, my lungs wouldn't work!

I panicked even more and heard loud noices. I then heard something really familiar to me, something that made me want to jump and cry for help, but also something that made me want to hug the living hell out of him... Tom... I heard a loud roar... It wasn't an angry roar, it was more like a cry...

I had a hard time trying to breathe since I couldn't take this anymore. It felt like something was eating my flesh! It hurt, it burned, it didn't stop once! I wanted to scream so much, but my body wouldn't let me. Something was going on and I knew that I needed to wake up.

I heard a loud thud and more panicked screaming. 'What is going on!? Hello!? Can anybody hear me!!? Please, HELP!' I screamed in my mind, but it was no use. No oxygen was wherever I was. I could not move no matter how hard I tried.

Tears rolled down my burning cheeks, but I was freezing. I was still alive, but at the same time, I wasn't. I was alone and trapped here by myself, however, there were people in the room with me. Air was out of reach for me, but why wasn't I dead then?

I tried to put as much effort into moving or at least trying to breathe. I didn't want to die! N-not yet! I wanted Tom to be here with me! All I could manage to do was cry. It wasn't really crying, I was choking and tears were escaping my eyes. I felt it all.

The voice were quieter, they were all fading away. What about me? I was alone. I was leaving and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Whatever I was laying on before was now gone, it dissapeared into space. And I was left falling, hoping to hit the groud as soon as possible.

"Tord, don't leave!" I heard. '...Tommie..?' I kept falling however. And faster. Faster and faster. But the ground was who knew where. Cold wind his my scarred face as I just kept falling. "Tord, come back to me! To us!" Tom's soothing voice spoke to me.

I still didn't do anything. I heard the wind whooshing and screaming right into my ear. It was all I could hear. Except the voice... But the voice wasn't there, why would it? Everyone left me. I was here by myself.

"T-Tordie..!" That voice made me want to wake up so badly. I wanted to move, to breathe, but at the same time, I wanted to die! To fall down! Hit the groud! Break into small pieces, be burned to death or drown! I wanted to dissapear, but I also wanted to stay!

"No! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!" I heard the voice was growing far. It was getting quieter until I couldn't hear anything anymore. Except the wind... When it stopped all of a sudden. I didn't hit the groud yet, but I wasn't falling down anymore. I was just....floating.  It stayed like that for a few seconds.

'Am I dead..?'

'Am I finally gone..?'

'Is it all really over..?'




It was a dream. It had to be.

There was NO way... I couldn't be alive...



I opened my eyes... Oxygen returned back to me as I was greeted with a strong source of light shining into my face that was all burning up and wet with tears. I was in a hospital, wasn't I? ...No, I wasn't. I was home. I was back home.

I saw Edd, Matt... But no Tom... That was when I heard heavy breathing right next to me. I looked over to my side with my eyes, I was way too tired to move. Tom was laying on the floor, panicking, crying and twitching. I couldn't talk. I just let out a pained cough.

"T-Tord..?" Tom asked, slowly turning his head at me. He saw me looking at him with half closed eyes. He smiled, wiping away his tears as he pulled me into the strongest hug in the history. I couldn't find the strength to hug him back so I just smiled, closing my eyes again and letting him do whatever.

"We-we were so worried about you, Tord! You were uncounscious for four days!" I heard Matt. "That's true! Tom was feeling terrible when you were like this.. He wasn't even eating! Or sleeping!" Edd joined, crying. Matt was crying as well.

I smiled weakly at them, still not saying anything. I was too tired to do so. 'Wait, four days? How..?' I wished I could ask them, but I just yawned and closed my eyes again. Tom let go of me and sobbed. "Don't scare me like that again, Commie..." He said.

I opened my left eyes, still smiiling. 'You didn't use that nickname for a while now, Tom.' I thought to myself. He pulled my face close to his and kissed me passionately on the lips. I took all the strength I could get and kissed him back. It was hard, yes, but I was just glad he was okay.

When we seperated, we all stayed silent. It was not an awkward silence, it was comfortable. Silence... With a beautiful atmosphere... Silence... All...silent... And before I knew it, I fell asleep once again, still smiling like an idiot. But hey, at least I was a happy idiot. And that was always good. Always.

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now