22. I will come back

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Tord's POV:

I hugged Tom tighter. If they could remember me before they joined this army, then it hurt me to hear that they would rather die than live down here, trapped for the rest of their lives... But I couldn't blame them... But also, if it would be true that they died, I would surely kill myself too...

After a few minutes of comforting each other, I took a breath and looked at Edd and Matt. "Where are Paul and Patryck?" I asked. They both looked confused. "Who?" 'Oh, yeah. They can't remember any of us...' I thought.

"Those two men that were here with me." I explained. "Oh. Them. Follow us." Edd said and we all begun making our way to my two friends. Matt unlocked the room that they said Paul and Patryck were in.

I was glad to see them both okay. I smiled and ran up to them. "Tord!" Patryck shouted happily and pulled me into a strong hug. Paul soon joined. I heard Tom chuckle when he saw us reunited.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Edd said, smiling at us and motioning to follow him. "You got them to trust you? Or they remembered?" Patryck asked me. "We haven't remembered Tord, but we trust him. He said he just wants to help us and stop our leader." 

"Oh. Well, you can also come with us and help us stop her!" Patryck said excitedly. But sadly, they all shook their heads. "No, we can't leave this place..." Matt said in a quiet voice. "But why?" I asked. "We're just not allowed to." Tom simply answered.

"But that doesn't mean you HAVE to listen to her!" I said and grabbed Tom's hand. He flinched at the sudden touch, but quickly calmed down. "It's not just that we have to listen to her... We just...can't leave... We can't possibly leave this place, no matter how much we want to. This is like a prison to us and the only way to get out is to die..." He said.

My chest hurt when he said that... I hated to know that they didn't want to be here... That they only suffered here... They just wanted to get out...and live happily again... Maybe we could become friends again or Tom would remember that we were really dating...

...Love... It was something really complicated and difficult... It could be sweet, nice and full of happiness. But it could aslo be the thing that could totally break you... Tear you apart into small pieces that nobody could ever put back together. Leave a hole in your heart that nobody else could ever fill up, even if they try their best... (Me crying while writing this and thinking about confessing to my crush...)

I didn't even realize that I started crying. "T-Tord, are you alright?" I heard Tom ask when he wiped away my tears. I sobbed and pulled him as close as I could to me. "Tord?" I didn't answer. My chest was in too much pain for me to even talk. And at that moment I realized how Tom must have felt when I couldn't remember my amnesia... I felt even worse as I tightened the hug, whispering something into his ear. "I'm...sorry..."

Tom's POV:

"Huh?" I was confused. He looked so hurt for some reason... 'Did I say something wrong? No, I don't think I did... Then what could possibly make him this upset?' I asked myself. Well, why not actually ask him?

"Tord, really... What are you apologizing for?" I asked. He kept sobbing, but tried to calm down. "I-I..." He couldn't even say anything... Poor Tord... I hugged him as well and started rubbing small circles on his back to calm him down, at least a little bit.

It did calm him down slightly. Slightly. He was still quiet and didn't say anything after we seperated from the hug. He kept staring at his feet and held his chest as if he was in pain. "Tord, are you feeling better now..?" Edd carefully asked him.

Tord just nodded slowly and wiped away his tears. "L-let's just...get out of here now, please..." He said. Nobody complained and we just headed to the exit. We met some of The Blue Army soldiers giving us confused looks, but since they saw our uniforms, they didn't do anything to get us in trouble.

We finally got to the door that led out of here... The door that could actually help us escape this cruel reality of being trapped here in this dark place. But we all knew there wasn't anything we could do... But there was something that made us a bit calmed down.

Hope... Hope that Tord and the other two whose names were Paul and Patryck could really help us and get us out of this place. To resce us from her. The person that hurt us and kept us in here. And I believed they could do it...

"Well, I guess we'll hopefully see each other again soon..." Tord whispered, sighing afterwards. I nodded. "I'm pretty sure we will." Edd said. We all hugged each othe, none of us wanting to let go. But we knew it was just for the best...

Tord still held my hand. And he didn't let go even when he was heading out of the base. "U-uhh, Tord?" He looked at me. "Yes..?" I saw tears in his eyes. I looked at our hands that were still locked together. His eyes turned wide and his face went red.

"Uhh, s-sorry.." He apologized. "It's alright." I smiled. Paul and Patryck were already outside. "Come on, Tord!" One of them called. Tord was about to leave, but stopped himself.

He looked back at me and came close to me. I blushed when he was this close. I stared into his beautiful grey eyes. He sighed softly and kissed my cheek. "I promise I'll get you out of here, guys... I won't let you suffer any longer... Trust me." He said and hugged us all again.

"Coming?" Paul asked. Or Patryck? It was the one with the weird...chicken hairstyle. "S-sure!" Tord answered him. He looked back at us and smiled sadly. He waved at us and followed after the two that were already out there.

We all watched as they begun walking away, getting further away from the base... Then suddenly, we heard footsteps behind us...

Who am I? (Sequel to 'Who are you?')   (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now